The Dr. Abby Normal Arbor Day Spectacular, Part 2

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"Werewolves, that's right, werewolves, are rampaging through our city, one of them is perfectly reasonable,  he's my son, he's a great boy, but this mystery werewolf is a menace, look at her, jaywalking, loitering, littering- this is horrible behavior!" The werewolf was menacing pedestrians waiting at a crosswalk, by waiting at the crosswalk.


"It's going to rob that bodega!" It went into the bodega. "Can you hear the blood and..." It came out with a churro. "This werewolf must be stopped!"

"There Dr. Normal, there werewolf." She had churro dust on her, she was getting irritated.

"I thought that she liked hot dogs."

"Who doesn't like churros?"

"When do we kill her?"

"We're not killing her, yet." They might have to someday. "She's on the move!" She was crawling up a building.

"Aroo?" Did she smell, another werewolf? "Aroo!" She had the best idea. "Aroo?"



"You are beautiful."

"Aroo." Abby patted the hot dog vendor in the head. "You need to pay for that!"

"Put it on her bill." That was a lie, there was no bill.


"Aroo!" Abby grabbed a rose. "Bleh-" It had thorns on it, her poor gums.

"You put it in your mouth, you can't, okay," Abby gave the first one back. "Aroo." She supported small businesses.

"Which way is Coney Island?"

"That way." She usually went that way. "Where is she going?"


"Are werewolves..." Which way did she turn?

"Heh." Well, it would...oh shit they were both... "You'd dislike motherhood!"

"Yeah, it's really bad!"

"Here comes the abortion, nyaom...." He missed with the tranquilizer dart.



"You're asleep, good." Timmy was her least favorite child.

"You should have said birth control." Werewolf life began at conception.

"Is Tim- wow."

"We can have sex!"

"We can have sex!"

"No, you cannot!"


"You want two of them?"

"You can finish-"

"A neighborhood dispute." Timmy sounded like a real asshole.

"Where did she say he could finish?"

"That's not important right now."



"She's up there." The chase resumed.

At Butt Stuff...

"You look like shit." This made the crack vampire angry.

"Hiss!" Kevin staked him through the heart.

"I have a pointy stick!" Screamed Hentai.


The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now