Catfished, Part 2

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"So, are we going to Denny's after this or..."

"We shall return to the shadows."

"Oh." Abby didn't want to go out for a late dinner alone.

"What went ding?"

"There's the genetic research, Genetic Recombination for Dummies." As in Masters Degrees.

"What went ding?"

"The microwave, the security..." Morbius swooshed off...there was screaming.

"Was he deaf?"

"Probably, didn't Morbius work here?"

"For a little while."

"Heh, they probably knew..."

"This does not help the whole Phantom of the Opera thing that he has..." A ceiling fixture fell.

"No one will know that we were here."

"Yay! Anything else you need...please don't-"

"Put everything on DNA on this zip drive." It was called "FELICIA!!!"

"Certainely, so, did he accidentally give you all spider powers too?" The Living Mummy nodded.

"We have embarrassing pictures of Frankencastle."

"Squirgle?" Manphibian was looking through the door.

"He must have followed the blood," said Werewolf by night.

"Squirgle!" New people scared him.

"It's okay, she just got your old phone number and is confused."


"Do you want to be his mate?"

"Maybe if I...but I don't know if he could love a werewolf!"

"You're a werewolf?"

"By Sometimes Around Arbor Day, here you go, everything you need is on here, Bye Felicia, will you not kill me?"

"What if he took you out to dinner first?"

"That depends, what do Mapnphibians eat?"

The next evening Abby was walking home from the Subway stop, the Gwens had been in a mood and a few had exploded. Making up shit about God was hard.


"Dr. Normal."


"I must apologize we got off on the wrong foot."

"It's okay, I crashed...did you fix the thing..."

"Not yet, it is dark, walking home alone is dangerous."

"I've found that the daytime is generally, I work at Oscorp nothing scares me." Not even the genetic recombinator that could wreak havoc in future chapters.

"Have you met Manphibian before?"

"No, why?"

"Has he always sounded like that?"

"Has he?"

"I don't know, I have a life."

"Me too! I mean...."

"I like how the Living Mummy just nods and goes hrmph hrmp har har, how do you know where I live?"

"I worked with SHIELD before."


"And also I followed you home, I never find people to talk about science with!"

"Me too, do you...did you eat today?"


"Cool."Abby opened the door.

"I need to be invited in."

"You do, I thought that you were a living-"

"I am a gentleman."

"Oh, would you like to talk about science and not suck my blood?"


"Yes, that."

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now