The IESC, Part 9

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"Perhaps it's some kind of threat..."

"The Maggia?"

"Too obvious." There was a jar of homemade pasta sauce on Hentai's doorstep. "There's a note attached, 'goes well with fish', 'sleeping with the fishes' perhaps?"

"Perhaps we should try it for safety."

"We aren't allowed to eat evidence anymore. What if it's Hydra being racist?"

"Hydra is good at that."

"Good morning."

"Hentai, you're in danger." She finally noticed the pasta sauce.

"Don't touch it, it could be a bomb!"

"An incredibly useful bomb after running into a skunk." Hentai opened it. "It's chunky."

"Perhaps that's a clue."

"Or it's just a style of pasta sauce." Hentai tasted it. "Well I'm not dying."

"Not yet, we need to take it back to the lab for testing."

"Kevin can test it, if I die I'll call you."

"Who is that Asian man who shows up at your apartment everyday?"

"He has my delivery list." He was also good at welding. "Stained glass?" This was some incredibly fancy housing."

"Can we see what's on that list?"

"Maybe..." That was their cue to leave.

"We didn't see yesterday's list, can we trust her?"

"No, can we trust any of these people?"

"That's kind of racist." No, they could not.

"Couldn't we have just used her closet?"

"She already opened the jar, knock, knock."


"We need you to test this, it was found outside Hentai's door."

"Pasta sauce? Who would threaten her with this?"

"It's not a bomb, we checked. We need to know what's in it."

"I think it's just some recipe from the Food Network."

"Perhaps, test it anyway."

"It's very pungent." The smell of tomato sauce was lingering about the place. "I am sensing oregano."

"Can Skrulls do that?"

"We can sense a variety of herbs and spices." Kevin took a sample. "I see...acid..."

"They were trying to drug her."

"No, tomatoes have a lot of acid in them, I'm not detecting anything suspect, organic basil, wow, whoever made this really cared!" Was that a Whole Foods bag on Kevin's counter? "It appears to be safe for consumption, Hentai is not going to die! Unless she is very allergic to tomatoes."

"Who would put a jar of organic, homemade tomato sauce outside Hentai's door?"

"Perhaps a friend?"

"Does she like chunky tomato sauce?"

"It is fine! I mean....maybe she likes it that way." Kevin would love to know what she liked, he had seen her, but not with anybody else. Perhaps she was into....chunky tomato sauce? "Oh no, my important message senses are tingling, play my messages."

"Kevin, Kingpin has a new plan, he's targeting the companies themselves, tell everyone, warn them all."

"Why is Kingpin doing that?"

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