The Church of Gwen, Part 5

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"Why did Gary want to meet with with us so badly?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe he's fallen and he can't get up," suggested Steve.

"Classic Gary." Ah, the Ebola incident.

"Hi gals, and Steve," said Gary. "Anyway, I have some news." He picked up a pen and fumbled with it.

"You accidentally drank a deadly disease for lunch?" He had mentioned lunch.

"No, it is even more urgent, what if I told you Dr. Normal was an undercover SHIELD operative?"

"I think that we figured that out Gary."

"Great, fantastic, she was born on January 27th, she is an Aquarius, her favorite animals are grasties, her favorite color is red, she is AB-, when she worked at Mount Wundagore her father, who was very proud of her, this is his picture."

"That's him?" Liz had never met him before.

"Her mother's name is Katya, she is delightful, has she ever had a slight German accent the SHIELD speech therapy-"

"How do you know this much about Dr. Normal?"

He had a SHIELD badge, "I was assigned to secretly watch Dr. Normal and keep track of all of her operations."

"So you're not a doctor?"

"I am, I have a degree in medicine with a specialty in virology. I made a cure for Pediatric AIDS."

'You made a cure for baby AIDS?"

"Yes, but as an evil organization you can't release it."

"I, we can...we're not evil."

"It's okay Liz, calm down." He took his glasses off and slicked his hair back. 

"Is he hot?" Asked Janet.

"I don't, Gary...your shirt is...." Did he have six pack abs?

"As I was saying, Dr. Normal is seriously-"

"That's great, are you actually clumsy?"

"I was during my childhood but after I learned martial arts and completed SHIELD's physical training program, I became much less clumsy. I had to pretend to be a background character, who would go unnoticed so that I could collect intelligence. I'm only telling you this now since you might be in danger."

"You look sexy with your hair pulled back, Liz, doesn't he look sexy with his hair-"

"He is not sexy," said Steve, who wasn't jealous at all.

"Thank you..." That was sexual harassment, "I have been informed that Kingpin is snooping around about his dead wife's DNA, and is trying to insert himself in IESC smuggling operations." He was like if James Bond was a doctor who cured Pediatric AIDS and wasn't a man whore.

"The, yeah...I never noticed that you had eyes." They were breathtaking eyes.

"I've had them my entire life, the Hans LMD was being used to spy on Kingpin but then someone needed a big ass pimpin' cathedral."

"The what?"

"Hans is a LMD."

"Where is the real Hans?" More importantly, did Liz have to keep paying him?

"He died." Many, many times.

"That is a common event," said Janet, "How?"

"Dr. Normal said it was a lab accident and ethically speaking reviving and cloning him, Janet, are you okay?"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now