Where is Gwen #328? Part 9

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"Let me out."


"I'm not a criminal."


"My child is missing!"

"Your child?" Liz would love to see a DNA test.

"The eggs came from somewhere."

"We used the rejected eggs from fertility clinics." They didn't need the genetic material, just the shell.

"Until we ran out of them."

"When did we run out?"

"A long time ago Liz, a long time ago." Dafuq.

"What about the sperm?"

"We didn't need the sperm, but when I needed sperm-"

"Why did you need sperm?"

"Reasons, I was a dirty c** thief, A sperm burglar, a jizz larcenist,  a seed stealer, man juice mugger, a skeet smuggler, a-"

"You stole sperm?"

"They mostly volunteered."

"How do you steal sperm?"

"Have you met my mother?"


"Oh, well, good for you."

"I'm going to ask the legal department-"

"You do that Liz Allen, Mama misses her baby." Abby was a concerned, possibly Gwen #328's mother.

Meanwhile Underground...

"We all have a common enemy, Dr. Abby Normal."

"Um, we don't."

"She's our boss."

"Which is why we are holding you hostage. When Dr. Abby Normal comes to rescue you..." Janet snickered.

"Yeah, right."

"Abby some rescue us, you are such a good person."

"You're misunderstood."

"I'm your favorite terrorist."

"I'm your, it's a long story,  what am I?"

"A sexy, beautiful woman."

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome."

"What's that? SHIELD asset? Both of them?"

"I'm a SHIELD asset?"

"Oh, just the terrorist."

"Dafuq, why am I not a SHIELD asset?"

"You aren't that important."

"You take that back." No one insulted Kevin's friends.

"Kevin, you are no longer a SHIELD-"

"I meant the other thing!"

"Am I a SHIELD asset?" Asked Steve.


"Am I not important?"

"You are very important."

"I'm more important," said Hentai.

"As the Chief Menestruer of the Order of the Sacred Tampon-"

"Thr Order of the What?"

"It was like the Babysitters Club, but with no babysitting, and grisly-"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now