Chapter 345

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A half hour later at Firehouse 51 with Jimmy Borrelli:
Jimmy's POV: As I walk into my old stomping grounds at 51, I sigh considering this is not the house I really wanted to be at. But, I am grateful to be back at the CFD after grieving my brother's loss...even if it's as a paramedic. I just hope the guys don't hate me. Maybe I can even make up with Boden. Walking in, I see Hermann standing in the locker room at his locker. "Hermann." He then turned to look at me, shocked. "What are you doing here Borelli?" I just laughed. "Don't worry, I come in peace. I am here as the new permanent paramedic. The guy quit apparently. I am just hoping that I can make up with Boden. He here yet?" He was about to say something when I heard Mouch walk in. "Did the news not get to you Borelli? Boden died last month."

I was utterly shocked when he said that. "Sorry, did you just say he died?" Mouch nodded. "Did it not get back to you?" I shook my head. "I am so sorry guys. I was hoping to apologize for how we left things. I was a jerk and grieving my brother." Hermann looked at me and nodded. "We get that. But just don't mess it up witht he new chief. He's going to be just as strict as Boden would have been on you." That's when I heard Severide walk in. "Or stricter considering he used to be your Lieutenant. Or was it Captain when he left guys?" Hermann then looked at him. "Casey was Lieutenant when he left. It wasn't until after he rescued Gabby."

I nodded and agreed. "By the way, I heard they have 3 kids now?" Severide nodded as he went to open his locker. "And I have one kid. A little boy with Stella. By the way, you be niece to her. She's your paramedic-in-chief." I was shocked when he said that. "What happened to her being on Truck 81?" He just looked at me. "Like I just said, we just had a kid. His name is Stephen." I nodded and agreed with him. "So, what's it like with Casey as chief?" Severide sighed. "Confusing. Honestly, sometimes I have to figure out whether I am speaking to my best friend or if I am speaking to my chief. So, the relationship is complicated." I nodded and agreed. "By the way, what happened to Sylvie? I thought she still worked here."

That's when I heard Matt...I mean Chief Casey walk into the locker room to get changed. "She just gave birth to to my 3rd niece." Hermann then looked at Matt. "3rd?" Matt nodded. "Violet, Eva and now Hannah. But listen...Borelli, I want you in my office when you are changed. I want to talk to you about the changes I made to the firehouse and the standards that I am going to be holding you to. Is that understood?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Of course Chief. Or is it Matt?" Matt then looked at me as he finished getting changed pretty quickly. "That was fast Matt." Looking at me, he sighed. "It's Chief. Now, I am going to my office to check e-mails. When you are done getting changed into your ambulance outfit...I want you to come speak to me." I nodded and agreed. "I will be right in chief."

Matt then looked at me. "Give me 10 minutes to get set up. After that, I want to speak with you and Severide okay Hermann? I need to talk to you about today." Hermann nodded and agreed when Matt said that. "Of course Chief." Matt then walked away to his office while I turned to look at Hermann. "He's already got you guys all in order." Hermann nodded and agreed. "Called listening to your higher ups. You might want to get used to that again. By the way, how are your parents doing after all these years?" I sighed when he asked that. "The anniversary is hard." Hermann agreed and understood. "Now listen, get changed and go talk to Chief like he wants. Just to let you know, don't even think about asking for a spot on truck....I am not taking you."

I nodded and agreed. "I am solely here as a paramedic. I promise. There is no threats to anybody's jobs here." Hermann nodded and agreed. "Good, now get dressed and go speak to Chief." I nodded and agreed as I went to get changed into my paramedic outfit so that I could go speak to Matt in his office.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now