Welcome Back Dawson!

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Matt's POV - Part 1:
As I parked in our spot at the house, I smiled at Sylvie. She already knew about the surprise that I set up at the house for Gabby because she helped set it up. "Sylvie, do you mind if I have one last minute with Gabby before work? Then we are supposed to be professional." Sylvie nodded and agreed as she went to get out of the car and then walked away. Meanwhile, I went to do the same. Walking around the car, I smiled as I went to help Gabby out. "Well, look at you. You are back here as PIC. Seems too real to believe." Gabby smiled when I said that.

Stepping close to her, I went to put my hands on her hips and looked around. I then went to kiss her softly and smiled at her. "I am so proud of you. You did it all in record time." Gabby then smiled at me. "Who is prouder...my husband or my chief?" I then laughed. "They are one in the same to you okay? I am never going to be able to separate the two. I am always going to care for you too much for it not to impact my decision making. So, please just promise you'll be careful. Don't go too fast. Yes, you did this in Puerto Rico but...it's different. I am your chief."

Gabby nodded and understood. I then went to grab her jacket and brought her close, giving her one last kiss before whispering to her. "You are Dawson here, remember that." Gabby laughed. "But I will always be your Mrs. Casey. Now listen, we need to head in there in case I get a call." I agreed and nodded as I went to grab our bags (and my laptop) from the back. Gabby then looked at me. "Here, let me grab my bag." I then shook my head. "Babe, I got it. I am still just your husband for a bit longer." Gabby laughed and agreed as I went to grab her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I smiled as I prepared to surprise her with a big welcome back surprise.

Leading her through the back door, I then smiled when we arrived in the common room. That's when everybody yelled. "WELCOME BACK DAWSON!" Turning around to look at me, Gabby just pointed at me. "You!" I then grimaced and smiled at her. "What, you don't think this proud husband isn't going to make a big deal of his wife being back?" She nodded and agreed, kissing me quickly. "Go put that in your office. I am going to socialize." I nodded and agreed as I went to walk away to my office. Meanwhile, Gabby went to socialize with our friends.

Gabby's POV:
Once Matt walked away to his office, I smiled as I walked over to everybody. "You guys really didn't have to do this. I was happy with just a few welcome backs." Severide then laughed as he came to hug me. "Yeah right. By the way, Stella sends her best. You are going to do great today Gabby." I nodded and agreed when I saw Lee Henry in my seat. "Last time I checked, candidates didn't get the comfy seats. They are stuck on those metal fabric chairs." Lee Henry then looked at me. "I am a firefighter, you're a paramedic."

Hermann was about to say something when I stopped him. "Hermann, let me show that I still got this." He nodded and agreed as I walked over to Lee Henry. I then bent over and looked at him. "Bud, let me remind you who my husband is and what your rank is. You are a candidate. That means he can fire you for whatever he wants. That includes making his wife mad." Unfortunately, Matt didn't like the sound of that. "Dawson! Is that you making threats about what your chief is going to do?" I then got up and looked at Matt.

He then stared at me and crossed his arms. "Let me remind you that here, I am your Chief first. If it deals with firehouse politics, I am your chief and not your husband. As of right now, you are one of my employees and you no longer speak for me." I then looked at him and nodded. Matt then turned to look at everybody. "Do you understand that? Gabby does not speak for me anymore. She is equal to you guys unless I tell her to give you a message. Also, you do not get to hold this against me. We already spoke about this last night."

I nodded and walked over to him. "I remember." KIssing him quickly, I smiled at him. "Sylvie, take Gabby and go give her a refresher on the ambulance." I then glared at him. "Chief's orders." I nodded and understood, knowing that he was right. "We will talk when you have a minute. I am sorry in advance babe but, I need to make sure you don't walk all over me." I then laughed when he said that. "Yeah sure, like that's not going to happen.:" I then walked away to go do inventory on the ambulance.

Matt's POV - Part 2:
Once Gabby and Sylvie left to do inventory on the ambulance, I looked around at everybody. I then went to look at Lee Henry and stared at him. "Lee Henry, can I get some breakfast in my office? I have to get back to e-mails? I know you were told otherwise but that's only for the other employees doesn't apply to the chief." Everybody then turned to look at me, mad. "Unless you guys would rather I not work on your furlough requests?"

Everybody then nodded and agreed with me, really wanting me to go do that. "Make yourself something too. I want to talk to you about your progress here so far. Hermann and Severide, please grab yourselves some breakfast. I want reports. Hermann, you are there as his father. Severide, you are his leader since he is squad candidate. Give me 15 minutes then you can join me in my office." Everybody nodded and agreed with me. Walking away, I went to my office.

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