Chapter 361

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An Hour Later at the Firehouse with Matt & Chief Walker:
Matt's POV: As I finished talking to Chief Walker and getting changed, I sighed as I looked at him. "You understand why I have to do this right Chief?" Walker nodded and agreed. "I saw the video footage. Your captains called me in before you came because they wanted me to know in case you asked." I smiled a bit when he said that before looking at him. "I promise, this is just for today. I am fully committed to...." Walker then shook his head. "I also spoke to your brother-in-law. He said your wife is shaken up. You were attacked here at your home. Go stay with him."

I was shocked when he said that. "Chief Walker, that is too much." He shook his head when I said that. "Matt, just listen to me. Your wife is going into surgery within the next 3 weeks. She needs to be calm when that happens. And you need to be there for her and your kids." I nodded and sighed. "Listen, can you take care of speaking to the higher ups? I need cover. And me taking another day off already can't be that good." Walker sighed and nodded. "I will talk to Commissioner Grissom. He owes me a personal favor." I laughed and nodded. "And so do I."

Walker laughed. "No, you can collect on that one from years ago. Remember, you guys saved my neighbor and my house from that fire." I then remembered that and nodded. "Right, forgot about that. I wasn't here yet but..." Walker looked at me. "You trying to talk yourself out of more time with your family?" I sighed when he said that when I saw Severide walk into the locker room. "You leaving to go be with Gabby?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Yeah. I am going to spend time with her. Walker is taking over for the rest of shift. Be on your best behavior."

He looked at me and nodded as he looked at Walker. "Chief Walker, do you mind if I speak to my best friend alone for a minute? I now he's my chief but..." Walker nodded. "Severide, I know he used to work here as a Captain. You get close when you are both captains. So please, just relax. I know the relationships around here are complicated. I will speak to you in a bit." Severide nodded and agreed as Severide walked into my office. Looking at me, he sighed. "How is she?" Looking at him as I went to grab the rest of Gabby's things, I shrugged...not knowing what to say.

"Dude, how are her stress levels?" I bit my lip. "Through the roof. Honestly, I think this is the most stressed that I've seen her since before Puerto Rico. I need to calm her down man before she bursts." That's when I got a text frome Antonio. 'Just spoke to her. She's still worried. Waiting for you to get back to her though.' I nodded and agreed. "Hey, can I just have a second to mkae a call?" Severide nodded and agreed, just staying there as I went to call Gabby. 

Gabby: Hey, how did it go with Chief Walker?
Matt: It went good. I am off today and tomorrow. Walker said to take it off.
Gabby: That's good. However, I want to stay with Antonio still. You okay with that?
Matt: Hey, of course I am. Right now, you need to feel safe. If that helps, we can stay there.
Gabby: It also gives Matteo something to do. Then we can just relax more. I need that.

I couldn't disagree with Gabby when she said that because it was definitely true that she needed to relax more. With her stress levels this high, I was definitely very worried about her. And not just in the normal worried about her because I am her husband. I am more like worried-concerned in a way I would be if there was a fire at my home and she was trapped in there. So, us staying at Antonio is going to be fine with me. Whatever Gabby needs to relax and be at peace. I could already tell that's how she felt by how she was talking to me.

Matt: Listen, if you need anything...let me know okay? I can get stuff for the kids.
Gabby: Can you get a couple more PJs and diapers?  Oh and can you get me some sweats.
Matt: I will do that. And then, I will get us some supper. We are going to eat alone tonight.
Gabby: That sounds perfect. I love you Matt and I am glad we are going to be alone.
Matt: Tonight, we can take a quiet night alone okay? Talk to Antonio okay?
Gabby: I already did. He came down to check on me. Matteo is with him until we leave.
Matt: That sounds great. By the way, I promise not to work while we are there. I am all yours.
Gabby: That sounds perfect Matt because, that is exactly what I need right husband.

I smiled when she said that because I was thinking she meant in a more dirty way. I mean, not that I would be opposed to her wanting me in bed. However, I am just not too sure whether I would want to do it when we can be interrupted by either Matteo or Antonio at any time while we are in the middle of doing it in his basement.

Gabby: And I don't mean sexually. We are not doing that while we are at my brother's house.
Matt: Dang, and you were getting me excited. I'm kidding okay. See you soon.
Gabby: I am going to text you what we need from the house. Just get it fast them come.
Matt: I promise, I won't be very long. Just need to finish talking to Severide. Then I'm gone.
Gabby: Okay. I love you.
Matt: I love you too Gabby. Now, take some breaths and rest.
Gabby: (Agrees and Hangs Up)

Turning to look at Severide, I let out a sigh of relief. "Listen, I need to get going. I need to get some things at my place. Gabby is going to text me a list. You guys stay safe and do not bother me right now." Severide nodded and agreed. "Come here quickly." I then went to hug him and smiled at him. "I am here to talk anytime okay brother? You need to talk, call me anytime okay? I don't care if it's 3 am. You are my best friend and I am going to be there for you and Gabby." I smiled when he said that. "How about you clear that with Stella first?"

He laughed and agreed with me when he said that. "Just get out of here and get whatever Gabby needs to relax. And then, just lay down in bed with her." I nodded and agreed with him, slapping his back as I walked out of the firehouse to get what we needed at home before heading to Antonio's so that I could relax with my family.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now