Chapter 350

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An Hour Later when Matt is back at the firehouse:
Matt's POV: As I make my way into the common room at the firehouse, I smile when I see Antonio playing with Ella while Jay was entertaining Gabriel. "Where's Gabby?" Turning to look at me, Antonio smiled. "She's in the shower. She didn't have time this morning. You ready to take some questions." I sighed and looked at them both. "Can I just take a breather? I just spent the past hour at a fire." They both agreed and nodded as I walked over to the kitchen to grab a snack bar.

Seeing the other guys come in, I smiled when I saw Cruz. "Good job out there Cruz. That's exactly what I want to see in my future Squad Lieutenant." Capp then looked at me. "Wait, you are promoting him to Lieutenant on squad? Why not me? I have more seniority." I just sighed and looked at him. "First of all, because I can. I'm your chief and I make the decisions. Second, both my captains here are white. I am going to have hispanic lieutenants if that's okay Capp."

That's when Severide walked in and gave me backup. "Capp, go do inventory on squad. You do not question your chief's authority over personel decisions." Capp then agreed, scared of Severide. "Thanks." Severide smiled and agreed as he walked over to me and shook my head. "That's what Captains do for their Chiefs. Now, we need to talk to Detectives right?" Antonio then looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, Jay is going to interview you and squad. I got trucks."

I nodded and agreed with him. "I am going to make the announcement at the meeting. Or would you rather just go ahead and speak to them?" Antonio bit his lip. "We are going to talk to them okay? We need to make sure that this case isn't tainted by you basically telling them what to say. We want to do it right for you Matt." I nodded and agreed with him. "Severide..." I then saw Hermann walk away to his office. "Hermann!" Turning to look at me, he walked in. "Yes?"

I then smiled. "Get all the personel to the meeting room. We are going to talk to them about the CPD investigation and how they are going to question them." Hermann nodded and agreed before walking away to do as I asked. I then looked at Severide and smiled. "Please go do the same with your squad members captain." Severide nodded, understanding why I said that because he was a little blank. I then looked at Antonio and smiled. "I'll be right back."

Antonio nodded and agreed, already knowing where I was going. I was going to go see Gabby in the washroom to see her that I was back, safe and sound. Walking in, I smirked when I saw her with a towel wrapped around her body while doing her hair. "Hey, it's just me." Gabby then turned to look at me, jumping. "Sorry, still get a little cautious after being attacked here twice." I nodded and agreed with her. "Here, let me have your brush and I can help you."

Gabby nodded and agreed as she gave me her brush before letting me brush her hair for her. Smiling as I stood behind her, I just looked at her in the mirror. "How was the fire?" I shrugged. "Pretty normal in my opinion. Was easy and routine. Didn't have to make many orders. Jay and Antonio are going to be questioning the guys momentarily so, I am going to have a bit of time with you and the kids." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Sounds great."

Finishing up with her hair, I went to walk up behind her and smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Cuddling up to her, I just smiled as we held each other close. "I am so glad you are here. I miss you when I am here alone." Turning around to look at me, Gabby smiled when I said that. "Listen, can you let me get changed before a creep with a camera walks in." I looked at her and nodded. "Believe me Gabby, that will never happen ever again." Gabby nodded.

Walking away to my locker, I smiled when she grabbed her things. "You want me to get you anything to eat? You must be starting to get hungry now." Gabby looked at me and nodded. "Can you make me some brunch? I like your eggs but I couldn't get any today." I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have time to make them for you considering it'll just be me, you and the babies." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Yes. Then we pick him up at your sister's."

I was confused when she said that. "My sister's place? I thought he was at Antonio's." Gabby sighed when I said that. "I feel guilty. I heard what you said to her. If she wants to take him tomorrow...she can. But she gives us more time to sleep in." I nodded and agreed with her. "You have her number. Give her a call okay? I am not going to do anything that will make her question whether it's a good idea. I already have enough on my plate. Don't need more drama."

Gabby laughed when I said that. "Go start me something to eat and then talk to the detectives if they need to talk to you?" I nodded and agreed with her, walking out to go make her some breakfast after quickly checking in with her in the locker room.

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