Chapter 348

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Gabby's POV: As I made my way into Matt's office with the babies, I smiled when I saw both Matt and Antonio there. Walking up to me, Matt wrapped his arm around me and went to kiss me softly. "Hey beautiful." I shook my head when he said that. "I didn't even get a chance to shower. I needed to get the babies out of here. I was hopefully going to leave them here and go shower while you are here?" Matt nodded and agreed. "Go ahead. There's some towels you can use in my room." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that before looking at his laptop. Seeing the gruesome scene, I then went to see what it was. "Now I recognize that house."

Antonio then looked at her, closing the pictures. "Gabby, this is police-fire business" I then looked at him. "Antonio, my husband is the chief of the firehouse that is investigating this fire with you guys. So, I already saw some of the pictures. I use his laptop sometimes when he's in the shower. Do some arson work in my spare time." Matt nodded and looked at me. "I knew some of the notes on the report were too polished. Thanks though, that is going to be great help now that this is officially a criminal investigation." I agreed and smiled.

"I am going to try and talk to Duffy at OFI about letting me work OFI from here at the firehouse. I know we said something else mind will go crazy if I don't have something to stimulate it on a regular basis. So, I want to talk about it." I nodded and agreed. "Sure. But listen, if you want to leave one of the kids...I can hold them. You go hang out with our friends until you know." I nodded and agreed with him before going to look at the babies. "Here, take Ella. She's being a diva this morning and I need a break from her." Matt laughed when I said that. "Well, let's hope she behaves for daddy." I niodded and agreed. "Antonio, you stay here for a while."

Antoino nodded and agreed. "I'll come say bye before I leave." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "Matt, you give her to Antonio if there's a you know." Matt smiled and nodded when I said that before going to sit in his chair to keep working with Antonio. Meanwhile, I carried Gabriel towards the common room so that I could have some time with our friends. Walking through the firehouse, I couldn't help but think about all the memories I made there with Matt, Shay and Boden. That's when I arrived in the common room to see Borelli sitting in the Chief's chair. I then looked at him. "Hey Borelli."

Jimmy then turned to look at me and smiled. "Hey, that your son?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah and that is my seat." Jimmy laughed when I said that. "Yeah, you don't work here last time I checked." I then looked at him. "Hey Stella, come here for a second." Stella nodded and agreed, getting up to help me. "Here, can you take Gabriel for me?" Stella nodded confused as she went to grab him. I then went to stretch a bit before going to push Jimmy out of the chair and onto the ground. I then went to turn it around and sat in it. I then turned to look at Stella and smirked as I reached out for Gabriel. "Come here little guy. Give mama some props for that."

Everybody then looked at Borelli and laughed. However, Matt didn't find it a laughing matter. Rushing in with Ella, he looked at me. "Hey, you okay? I heard something fall." I nodded and looked at him. "Oh, the person falling? That was Borelli. He learned the lesson that when the Chief's wife asks to use the comfy chair...he gives it to her without question that hard way. Gave Gabriel to Stella and pushed him over. Not my problem if he gets hurt. You listen to your chief's wife." Borelli then looked at Matt. "Seriously chief, you are going to condone this?"

Turning around to look at him, I stared at Matt. "Hm...let me see, probationary paramedic versus the mother of my children and then woman I love. Sorry but, wife wins." Matt then bent down and kissed me softly. "You take it easy okay? Guys, she is still recovering from giving birth. If she tries to do something like guys stop her and tell me. I do not want her getting overwhelmed or overworking herself. Oh and another new rule. Gabby is an extension of my authority as of right now. That means, she has control over you Borelli. Talk soon."

Matt then walked away to go work in his office and I smirked. "Now, I am going to leave Wally here to save my seat. I am going to get a drink for myself." Getting up, I went to set Wally down before walking away to the kitchen so that I can get myself some water. Grabbing it, I smiled as I saw that Matt refilled my favorite snacks. "God, I love that man." I then turned to look at Mouch. "Hey Mouch?" Mouch then turned to look at me. "Yeah Gabby?" Grabbing the box of snacks, I looked at him. "These snacks are off limits! They are from Puerto Rico and mine!"

Mouch nodded and agreed with me when I said that when I walked back over to Wally so that I could sit in the comfy chair. Putting him in my lap, I smiled at Stella. "Okay sit down girl, we need to talk about you on Ambo. How is it?" Stella then smiled at me as she went to get in the ciar next to me. "Honestly, I love it. It's really fun because you go out on twice the number of calls and I can't believe I am going to say this...but I am starting to reconsider the whole truck Lieutenant thing right now." I was shocked when she said that. "What's Severide think about that?"

Stella then smiled. "Well, right now he is really supportive because he has no choice. I am not sure if Matt or if anybody knows other than Matt but...I can't keep this a secret from you. And it will just get out. So uhm...I am just going to say it. I'm pregnant." I then turned to look at her. "Sorry, did you just say you're pregnant?" Stella laughed and smiled. Getting up, I went to hug her and smiled. "Oh girl, I can't believe are going to love having 2 kids." Stella smiled and agreed with me. "Took me a while to convince Kelly, but he wants his girl."

I nodded and agreed as I went to sit down again. "Then Borelli!" Borelli then turned to look at me. "Yeah?" I looked at him. "You are doing the heavy lifting okay? She's pregnant. That reminds me. What the hell are you all still doing sitting down?" Everybody nodded and agreed as they got up and went to hug Stella to congratulate her. We then all smiled when she said that when I heard the bells go off. Seeing Matt run out of his office, I looked at him. "You be safe." Matt nodded and agreed as he went to walk over to me. He then bent over me and kissed me softly. "I'll be back soon. Stella, you are on driving and reduced duty. I know."

Stella nodded and agreed as they all ran off to their first fire. That's when I heard Antonio come out right after Matt came out. "Mind if I hang out with you until he's back?"

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and Friendshipsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن