Chapter 372

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Antonio's POV: When Matt asked me what I meant by him reconsidering his work situation, I was a bit concerned. "You haven't at all thought about resigning?" Matt sighed and nodded. "Okay before you say anything, I have already done that. I spoke to Gabby and we already talked about it. I made it clear to her that I am willing and ready to quit if she needs me to. I also told her that I am going to quit if I think it's impacting us in a bad way. She already knows all that. But she told me that she doesn't want me to quit. Instead, she wants me to continue honoring Boden's final wishes that were included in his last will and testament. It was specifically written in there Antonio. That's why we came back and I agreed to do this. Did I ever tell you about that?"

I looked at him and was shocked to learn that. I didn't know that. "Wow, so that was..." Matt then sighed. "It was the deciding factor for us. We decided that we had to do it. Please note the fact that I used the pronoun 'we'. Me and Gabby are in this stogether. The moment one of us is out, we are both out. I am not going to loose her again. And if it comes down to her or my job, I am sorry but...the CFD can always find a new chief. I can't find another Gabby. And I am not going to let our kids live with parents who are separated. Not that there isn't anything wrong with that." I nodded and understood. "Matt, just relax and stop trying to be politically correct. Just say the truth. That's what you have to do when you are chief. So act that way in private too."

Matt smiled when I said that. "Then you have to promise not to be offended if I say something you don't like." I nodded and agreed with him. "Of course, that would make me a hypocrite." Matt nodded and smiled at me when I said that. "Listen, onto other topics. How are you doing?" I was shocked when he asked me that. "Why are you asking me that when you are in crisis?" Matt then sighed. "Antonio, you had a lot of stress yesterday. And you had to arrest your father, again! Don't you dare lie to me and say that didn't make you want to drink last night. I know that with stress comes the urge to drink. So, be honest with both me and yourself. How are you doing when it comes to your stress levels. And talk to me as your brother-in-law Antonio."

Looking at him, I sighed because I knew he could read me like an open book. Turning my head, I shrugged. "Let's just say that I am glad that I got rid of all the alcohol in the house. I hope you understand that I am also worried for my sister. LIsten, I get she is your wife but...I am her older brother. I have seen her go through a lot in her life and just hate seeing her in so much pain. It hurts me even more to know that our father did this to her. Knowing that my father did this to my little sister is just something I hate. I feel a bit to blame because I should've picked up the signs that he was trying to get close to her again and that he was going to try and overhwelm her. Looking back, I can see some sighs were there. So for that Matt, I am sorry that I let you down. I should've stopped him and I should've...."

Matt then interrupted me. "Hey, don't do that to yourself Antonio. You are not to blame for this. Your father did this by himself. He was the one who chose to come to the firehouse where he knows that he is not welcome. He knows that I am chief there and he know that we have a restraining order against him. He knew he would be arrested if he arrived and he shouldn't have been so cocky. I mean, you want to meet the grandkids he never wanted?" I then looked at him. "Why do you say it that way?" Matt then sighed. "The entire reason he is mad at me is because I got her pregnant when she could've died because of an aneurysm that is now gone." Matt then took a breath and looked at me. "Sorry if I am ranting and causing your blood pressure to rise."

Turning around to look at the eggs I made, I went to make him a plate. "Here, start eating. Then we can talk some more. Matt, I am going to let Sylvie and Gabby talk. For once, instead of being there for Gabby...I am going to be there for you. You obviously need someone to talk to." Matt sighed when I said that. "One can't push back against what I say. If I say something wrong that sounds like a dig against anybody including you know then..." I nodded and agreed with him. "Matt, tell me the truth. Are you hurting too right now?" Matt nodded as he looked at me. He then looked down. "Then listen, let's give our family some breakfast. Then, me and you are going to go sit downstairs in the basement. Gabby can chill with Sylvie. We can talk." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that, ready to have a conversation with me.

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