Chapter 386

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Matt's POV: As I finished checking out of the hotel, I sighed as I went to grab my bag so that I could head out to Gabby. "I hope your son feels better soon." I nodded and agreed with him. "I don't just hope he feels better. I pray he feels better, he's only a month old." The clerk at the desk then got nervous. "Then you might want to get going." I nodded and agreed as I walked away to go see Gabby who was at the door with her bag. "Hey, we are all set to go." Gabby nodded as she looked at her phone. "Gabby, did you hear me?" Gabby then looked up at me.

"Sorry, just texting with Christie. She's giving me updates. She got him changed and the house has been turned down." I nodded and agreed with her. "I want to talk to Natalie though if that's okay. I know he's young. They say you should take them in if they are too young." I then went to grab her hand and nodded. "You want to take him into the hospital just in case?" Gabby sighed as we walked together hand-in-hand towards our Tesla. Luckily it was parked right in front of the hotel in one of the parking spots reserved for green cars (they had chargers).

Going to get in after putting her bag in the back, I watched as Gabby just looked at her phone. "Gabby, put your phone down. We are going to call her when I am in the car." Closing her door, she nodded and agreed with me. I then went to put my bag in the backseat next to hers before going to get in the driver's seat. Starting the car, I went to buckle up and then went to pull away from the parking spot so that we could get going. Once I was out in the parking lot, I went to call Natalie. "God, she is going to hate me with the time difference in Seattle."

Gabby nodded. "I don't care. Our son has a fever!" I agreed and nodded, going to start the voice command. "Call Will Halstead Mobile" The car then spoke back to me. "Calling Will Halstead (Mobile)" I then waited for him to answer as I started to drive from the hotel downtown towards home. That's when I heard Will answer. "God man, can you please remember the time difference? What do you need at 8:30 in the morning? It's a PA and non-work day here." I then sighed when he said that but, Gabby didn't care.

"Sorry if we are a bit worried if our month old son has a temperature of 101.9." He then agreed and understood why we were calling. "Here, let me get Natalie for you. She's feeding Willow." I agreed as I went to turn towards home. "Hey guys, you okay?" I sighed. "Our youngest, Gabriel has a fever. 101.9." Natalie got worried. "Okay, that is scary. Has he been outside much?" Gabby then looked at me. "We take him to the firehouse sometimes. Looking back, not a good idea." Natalie then sighed. "I would get him to med. He's...."

Right when Natalie said that, I got worried. "Natalie, is he going to be okay? Can you tell us that?" Natalie agreed. "Hey, of course he is. It's just a precaution. Listen, you just get there. I am going to call Maggie and let her know that you are on your way in with Gabriel." I then went to grab Gabby's hand and rubbed it, trying to reassure her that everything is going to be okay as I drove her home. "I will get him as soon as we are there. Listen Natalie, I need to call my sister." She agreed and nodded as I went to hang up. I then went to call my sister.

"Hey guys, I was about...." I then went to yell at my sister. "Change of plans. We just talked to our doctor front. She says to get him to Med. So, we are going to pick him up. Can you and Violet stay there?" My sister agreed. "Sure, I will get him ready. I have in my arms. Meet you outside?" I agreed with her. "Please. I will see you in a minute." She agreed and went to hang up again. I then looked at Gabby and decided to call Antonio. Gabby however was confused. "Why are you calling Antonio?"

I then looked at her. "You really think that we are going to be able to comfort each other properly when our son has a temperature of 101.9?" She then shook her head. "Good point!" I then agreed as I went to turn towards the house. "You run in and get him okay? I will talk to Antonio." Gabby agreed with I said that, sighing as I went to drive us home so that we could get Gabriel.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora