Chapter 388

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Matt's POV: Once we arrived at the hospital together, I went to park the Tesla in a spot after dropping Gabby off at the front. I knew that it was better if I did that so that she could get in there as soon as possible. But, what I didn't expect was that Antonio would beat me to the door. "Wow, you guys got here fast." Antonio then turned to look at me. "Where's Gabby and Gabriel?" I then walked into the hospital with him and Sylvie. "They are in here already." Antonio then looked at me. "And you aren't because..." I sighed. "I went to park the car. I dropped her off so that she could get in line. If you are at the front of the line, you get to see a doctor quicker."

Antonio nodded and understood. "That was a smart move. Sorry for getting mad a bit." I then looked at him. "I really don't care what you think right now. Heck, you are just here for moral support in my opinion. All I am thinking about right now is my month old son who has a temperature of 101.9." Walking in, I went to find Maggie. "Maggie, what room are Gabby and Gabriel in?" Maggie then looked at me. "I need his health card first. You know for insurance purposes?" I sighed and agreed, going to grab my wallet. I was the one who carried the health cards since I was the one who took care of it. "Oh, what room is she in just for reference?"

Maggie then pointed. "She's in Room 3." I nodded and looked at Antonio. "Can you go be with her until I am there?" Antonio nodded and agreed as he went to rub my back. Meanwhile, Sylvie rubbed my back. "How are you doing Matt?" I then went to give Maggie the insurance card. "Right now is not the best time Sylvie. Sorry to yell but, my son is currently in the hospital with a fever. So please, just let me concentrate on my family." Sylvie nodded and understood what I meant by that. "Okay, you're all good. Just wanted to get that done so that you could head home right after he's done. Dr. Clarke should already be in there."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Good, it'll be nice to see Jeff again." Maggie then smiled. "Right, this is the first time you've seen him since you had the little one." I nodded and agreed as I went to walk over to Room 3. Walking in, I looked at Gabby who was breathing. "Do we have anything to worry about Clarke?" Jeff then turned to look at me and smiled. "Right, I am checking on that right now Matt. How are you man?" I then sighed as I went to stand behind Gabby. "I think the more important question is how my little guy here is." Rubbing Gabby's arms, I held her.

Clarke then looked at us. "Well, let's just say that I am glad you guys came in. This does get serious but his fever has gone down. It's down to 100.9 so, that's good. It might've been the fact he was wearing more clothes than necessary." I nodded and agreed as I went to kiss Gabby's head. "Good call starting with getting him undressed and turning down the house. Sorry, my sister was the one that called us. We were out at a hotel last night. We weren't there from the start." Clarke nodded and agreed. I then looked at Antonio. "Mind getting me some water?"

Antonio then got the hint that it was a bit crowded in here. "Of course, I will get that for you Matt." Antonio then looked at Gabby and smiled at her. "We are going to be in the waiting room waiting for you okay? He's going to be fine." He then went to kiss her cheek and smiled before going to grab Sylvie's hand. Walking away together, they then made their way to the waiting room with Theo and Hannah (whom I just realized were in the stroller and on Antonio's chest respectively). Rubbing Gabby's back, I just looked at Clarke. "So, what's the prognosis?"

Clarke then smiled at us. "Well first, let me just say that you guys bringing him in was the right move. He's going to be fine and is just going to need some rest in the cold. I would say he has just been covered up too much. Babies do tend to run hotter than adults and toddlers. So, you guys just need to think about that." I nodded and agreed as I went to rub Gabby's arms. Kissing her head, I then whispered to her. "We can do that easily. Just take some breaths for me okay babe? I have your back." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that.

"Natalie was the one that told us to come in. I should've mentioned the fact that he's been covered up a lot." Clarke smiled when she brought up Natalie. "How are she and Will anyways?" I laughed and smiled. "Expecting twins." Clarke was shocked when I said that. "Wow, they are going to have a handful." I nodded and agreed with him. "I kinda know what it's like. I have 2 kids under the age of 6 months right now." He agreed and nodded when I looked at Gabby and Gabriel. "So, you guys still worried about this guy or are you guys okay to go home?"

Gabby looked at me and then went to grab my hand. "Can we just get a second opinion? It's not that I don't trust you Jeff. It's just...he's our youngest." Jeff agreed and nodded. "I will get you guys a second opinion and the discharge papers." I agreed and nodded when he said that, watching him walk away. Antonio then walked back in when Clarke left. "So, he's just running a little warm eh?" Gabby nodded as she held Gabriel in her arms. "We can get Christie to stay longer and I can concentrate on the two of you if you want okay?" 

Antonio then looked at us and nodded. "You guys have this? I am going to go back to work if he's okay." Gabby then looked at me. "Can you take him for a sec?" I nodded and agreed, going to grab him from her. Meanwhile, Gabby got up and went to hug Antonio. "Thanks for coming." Antonio smiled as he held Gabby close. "You go relax at home. Doctor's orders." I laughed when he said that and nodded...ready to go home with Gabby and Gabriel.

NOTE: I know this was out of the blue but...I just wanted something to give me a new plotline. Now, I am going to skip to when they are back at home. Sorry about all the skipping once again. It's just the only way I know how to continue the story. Thanks again for reading.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang