Chapter 367

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Matt's POV: After making my way upstairs so that I could say goodnight to Matteo, I smiled when I saw Gabby helping him get changed in Theo's room. They were going to stay there tonight and tomorrow, we were going to head home. Looking at Matteo from the door, I smiled at him when he was done getting changed. "Papa." I then smiled at him and went to bend down next to Gabby. "How was your day buddy?" Matteo then smiled at me. "I liked playing with Theo." I agreed and nodded as I looked at Gabby. "Tomorrow, we will go home okay? Daddy isn't working. How does that sound? You get 3 whole days with me instead of 2." 

Matteo smiled when I said that before going to hug me. "That sounds perfect." I smiled as I held him close and just went to kiss his head. "But you have to be a good boy if you want to play with me tomorrow when we go home. I mean, if mom doesn't want to stay again tomorrow?" Gabby then looked at me. "We'll talk about it. Tonight, I just want to relax." That's when I heard Antonio at the door with Theo. "You guys can stay part of tomorrow. Whether it be to relax or to hang out with me and Sylvie...that's what you are going to do. I have the time off so, you are not going to make me waste one of my precious days off I can use to be with you guys."

That's when Sylvie walked up behind him. "Sorry, did you just say waste? Last time I checked, you got to spend an entire day with me and your kids." Antonio then turned to look at her. "Did I say waste...." Sylvie then shook her head and looked at Gabby. "Men, am I right Gabby?" Gabby laughed when she said that. "Agreed." I then glared at her. "Oh shut up, I am laughing...that's what should matter right." I nodded and agreed with her. "C'mon Matteo, bed time." He agreed and nodded as he went to get in the bed he was using. Sitting next to him, I then went to bend down and kiss him softly. "I love you buddy."

Matteo smiled when I said that. "I love you too papa. Tomorrow, we play?" I nodded and smiled as I went to kiss his head. I then went to get up so that Gabby could sit with him. "You know, we can play too Matteo." Matteo nodded and agreed. "Okay mama." I then smiled at her. "If you want to pray with him, go ahead." She nodded and agreed as they went to pray. Meanwhile, I walked over to the door where I saw Antonio looking at her. "She seems much more relaxed."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Yeah, and I am glad. Thanks again for taking us in. You know being able to just relax with her without having to worry about Matteo is really helpful. I know it's a lot to ask but..." Antonio then put his hand on my shoulder and calmed me down. "Matt, I know what he does to the both of you. And you can stay as long as you want. Remember, you said you were going to stay with us so that we can protect you. We haven't arrested him yet and that means you are not completely safe at home." I sighed when he said that.

Hearing Gabby come out and closing the door when Matteo was in bed, I then looked at her. "Antonio doesn't think it's a good idea to go home tomorrow." Gabby then sighed as she wrapped her arm around my back. "Antonio, I don't want to impose longer then I have to." Antonio then shook his head. "You are not imposing. I am giving you protection and time to relax. Plus, I have to work tomorrow. Mom is going to come and be with you guys. She is going to take care of Matteo and Theo so that you guys can relax."

I smiled when Antonio said that because I liked the idea of having someone come here. "I think that sounds like a great idea Gabby. Plus, we still get privacy in the basement." Wrapping my arm around her, I went to kiss her head softly. "But, I am going to follow your lead." Gabby then looked at me and sighed. "Give me the night to think about it okay? I am not even sure what I am doing. I just need to rest and relax. So Antonio, I am going to say goodnight so that I can head downstairs. Matt, don't be too long okay?" I nodded and agreed.

Watching her walk away, I sighed before shaking my head. "Okay, she doing okay?" I sighed. "I swear, if she didn't tell me not to do it...I would've already quit my job and we would be on the first flight back to Puerto Rico right now." Antonio laughed when I said that. "Oh, you are serious." I nodded. "I am not going to let her be stressed. Listen, is your dad in lockup?" Antonio nodded. "Yeah, why?" I then sighed and looked at him. "I need a favor."

Antonio then stared at me. "Matt, no." I then shrugged. "Antonio, I need to tell him to stay away personally. Maybe if he understand what he's doing to her...he will stay away. I can give him pictures of the kids. I don't know what else to do?" Antonio sighed. "You are not doing anything without Gabby's approval. I'm sorry but...I am not putting you in a position where you can possibly overwhelm my sister and cause her to have a panic attack."

I nodded and agreed with him. "You're right. Sorry about that. Listen, it's late and I am not thinking straight. I am going to go downstairs, cuddle up to her in bed and just relax for the night. You working in the morning?" Antonio sighed. "I will be quiet. I am working from home. You?" I nodded. "Can we share the den? I need to go over the forms from yesterday. I can do some of my chief work on the computer." Antonio nodded and agreed. "Sure thing, when are you thinking of doing it?" I sighed. "I normally do it right when I wake up with the babies."

Antonio nodded and agreed. "Of course. Just do it whenever you need it. Just don't close the door. That way Gabby can find you." I agreed and nodded. "I know what to do Antonio. It's the same thing at home." Antonio nodded. "Sorry. Listen, don't worry about Matteo overnight. I got him. You just go relax with Gabby and the babies." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "Thanks Antonio." Giving him a quick hug, I smiled at him.

"Hey, quick question. If I wanted to take Gabby out tomorrow? Would you be okay with that?" Antonio then looked at me and shook his head. "Not healthy. It's supposed to get really bad weather wise tomorrow. Sorry Matt, I can't let you do that. I know I am not your dad or..." I just stopped him. "It's okay. You're right. Now, I am heading to bed." Turning around, I then went to walk away so I could go downstairs and be with Gabby.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and Friendshipsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن