Chapter 352

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Matt's POV: After getting the bottles ready for the babies and some lunch ready for us, I smiled because I was now on my way back to me and Gabby's bedroom office. Seeing Antonio there, I knew they were talking a bit more. "I thought you already got all the statements?" Antonio nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I am on lunch break and wanted to give you guys a bit of time to relax." I then looked at him. "Or you can go give Sylvie some time to relax. Remember, 2 kids and a toddler today?" Antonio then thought about it and nodded. "Here, take your son for me."

I laughed and agreed. "Hey, you make sure you get a conviction on that case okay?" Antonio nodded and agreed as he went to kiss Gabby's forehead. "Let me know when your surgery is okay? I will take Matteo for the night." I then looked at him. "Can you take him March 1st-3rd? Her surgery is on the second. I am going to get my mom to come on the second so that she can take care of the babies. Either that or my sister." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "My mom is actually going to be staying with us from March 1st to March 7th. That way you have help."

I looked at her and nodded. "Sure thing, whatever you want." Going to sit down at my desk, I went to grab some food. Meanwhile, Antonio just looked at me. "Did you really just say okay to your mother-in-law staying at your place?" I nodded. "Her health is more important than me being annoyed by the fact that my mother in law is staying with us. Believe me, it will be good for her. Anyways, it will help with her mental health so...that's a good enough reason for me to let your mom stay with us. Anything to make sure Gabby isn't too stressed out post-surgery."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to grab my hand. "You are great." I nodded and agreed with her. "Just eat your food. I am here because I want to have lunch with my wife. And I already told the guys not to say you know." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Here, take Ella and you can feed her." I nodded and agreed with her before going to get up and grabbing Ella. Giving one of the bottles to Gabby, I smiled when I did the same so that I could feed Ella while I ate. I then looked at Antonio and smiled at him. "By the way, you better put him to bed on time tonight."

Antonio laughed when I said that. "He isn't my problem tomorrow if he goes to bed late." I then laughed. "Yeah, not happening buddy. You are not sticking him on my sister if you put him to bed late. You are going to keep him that night and theng ive him to my sister on the last night. Sorry but, that's only fair. You wouldn't want her to do that to you now would you?" Antonio shook his head when I said that. "No, of course not. Now listen, I have a bit of time off and I am going to go have lunch at home with Sylvie. She's making some pasta for us. Macaroni."

I nodded and agreed. "Tell Matteo that daddy is safe and sound at the firehouse. I know that he's always worried whether I am safe. He's like his mom that way." Antonio nodded and agreed with me. "Promise." Gabby then looked at him. "Good, now get out of here. I want some time alone with my husband before he has to get going to another..." Antonio looked at her and nodded, walking out of our office so that he could head home. Meanwhile, I kept eating while looking at Gabby. "So, how have the kids been today? They been behaving as far as your know?" 

Gabby sighed when I said that. "About what you said from March 1st to March 7th. I am thinking of delaying my surgery." I was shocked when she said that. Putting my plate down, I leaned over. "Hey, are you having second chances about it?" I then shook my head. "It's practical reasons. Matt, that's the middle of the horrible Chicago winters. They are going to need you here." I then sighed and when to grab her hand. "Gabby, please do not let that factor into your decision when it comes to when you want to have the surgery. Like I said, I am your husband first. Always."

Getting up, Gabby then moved to sit in my lap. Wrapping her arm around my head, Gabby smiled while putting her hand on my chest and going to kiss me softly. "Why am I so lucky to have you as my husband?" I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Why am I so lucky to have you as my wife? Now listen, let's eat before the food gets cold." Gabby agreed and nodded as she went to grab her food again. Meanwhile, I just looked at her and the kids. "By the way, I am glad to see you are so relax." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Being here helps a lot I find."

I nodded and agreed with her. "You aren't changing your mind when it comes to not working now are you Gabby? I think we both agreed that it would be best if you were a stay at home mom. However, I will be fully supportive if you decide to come back. Don't let me stop you." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "Listen, let's just eat right now. Then you can lay down on the bed with me. We can talk about that subject. I know now that I brought it up, we are going to have to talk about it." I nodded and agreed with her. "Yes, yes we will."

Gabby then nodded as she went to take a bite of her food again. Meanwhile, we started to talk about some lighthearted topics while we ate and just laughed a bit while resting as family.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang