Chapter 403

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Matt's POV: After walking into the firehouse to speak to everybody, I smiled when I saw that Severide saved my seat for me. "Thanks Severide, I am going to take my seat back now." Severide then looked up at me. "Excuse me?" I then stared at him. "I have 3 kids, you do not get to say anything. I want my comfy chair for while I am talking to the firehouse." He nodded and agreed with me as he got up and moved to his normal chair. Going to sit down, I smiled at the house. "Mouch, turn the TV off please. We are going to speak more."

He nodded and agreed as I looked at him. That's when I noticed that the couch moved again. "Okay, who moved the couch?" That's when Norwood came back in. "God, it's nice to be back at the firehouse. Is it okay if we work longer shifts chief?" I then laughed. "No, we can't by law. We are not supposed to be working but...I wasn't going home just to come back in the morning. Plus, I am already dressed and everything. Waste of time." We all agreed when I said that. "Now for the meeting part. I want to let you all know Lee Henry is back tomorrow."

Everybody nodded and agreed. "He is back as Junior Candidate and will be doing the same things he did last time. That means hoses and stuff. He will not be starting in fires yet. However, he will not be cooking. That is your jobs from now on." I then heard groans from the house. And Mouch was the one that protested the most. "Really?" I then looked at them all. "Okay, you are all grown ass men. You want food, make it for yourself. My candidates are here to learn how to be firefighters and for me to see if they are good for 51. They are not here to be your chef."

Severide nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "That reminds me, I didn't get supper yet. So, I am going to see what Gabby brought me for supper. I saw her sneak something in for me." Getting up, I walked over to the fridge and smirked when I saw some leftovers from Molly's. "I knew we ordered extra of this!" I then went to open it and smirked when I saw my wrap. Mouch then looked at me. "Hey, that was going to be my supper!" I then stared at him. "If anybody dares touch my are paying for me to get supper!"

They all agreed, scared of doing that. "Now, you better all eat up. Our shift is 36 hours this time around guys. You get your rest and sleep as much as you can. Oh and just to let you all kids are coming in tomorrow." They then all stared at me. "Seriously?" I nodded. "It's Saturday! I am not spending my day at work without my kids here. If you guys complain, then you guys get to move your bunk next to my room and listen to babies cry!" They then all shut up when I said that. 

Meanwhile, Severide looked at me. "Wow, you got them wrapped around your finger?" I nodded. "Yeah. You guys also better get used to this. I am going to be strict for a while. I am not having what happened today again. If you hear it, you report it and I will personally speak to them. My job is to make sure that you all go home to your families each and every night. If you do not trust me, you are not welcome here at my firehouse. Anybody who doesn't trust me and wanted to sign that petition...the door is over there."

They all nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Meanwhile, I went to keep eating. "Eat up boys. We are doing some exercise when we are done. You guys have all been lazy today so you guys need to get your blood pumping." Everybody then stared at me. "Or you guys can all clean the firehouse. Your choice. Drills or cleaning the house. I haven't yet done my tests anyways. I want to see what you guys can do. If I  need to make changes, I am going to start now." I then took a breath.

"Okay listen up, I need to say this because it's important. So TV off and everybody face me." I then went to take another bite of my food. "We need to talk about this because it is long overdue." Everybody just listened to me and understood. "Let me finish my food and then I will speak to you all." Everybody then went to turn towards the center so that I could speak to them. 

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin