Chapter 362

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Matt's POV: After getting everything we needed to stay at Antonio's for a few days, I smiled as I went to walk in with Antonio's help. "Thanks for letting me in." Antonio nodded and agreed as he carried some of the things. "Not like I have a choice. Your wife and kids are here." I smiled when he said that. "Hey, I really appreciate you taking us in. I just need to be there for Gabby but, I don't want to be away from Matteo right now. You understand?" Antonio nodded and agreed as I went to set my things down. I then went to hang up my jacket and smiled at him.

Antonio then looked at me. "Hey, so before you head are you doing?" I sighed and looked at him. "My head is a little bit everywhere but, my heart is with Gabby. Just seeing her in this much stress...I am really starting to question whether I am going to stay on as Chief." Antonio shook his head. "Gabby already talked to me about that and she told me to tell you that you are not quitting." I sighed and just looked at him while leaning against the wall. "It's not that I am going to quit...I might get fired. I mean, how long am I going to be able to get away?"

Antonio nodded and understood. "You would really quit this job for Gabby?" I nodded. "Yeah, I would. If it came down to her mental health and stability or this job...I would pick her every day. She is the love of my life and I can't see my life without her. And believe me, I already have before and it wasn't pretty. I mean, you of all people should understand that. If Sylvie wanted to go take a job in Milwaukee...or in her hometown, would you stay here in Chicago?" Antonio shook his head. "And you already liked Puerto Rico." I nodded and smiled.

"But listen, as much as I would like to talk...I need to go be with Gabby. With her stress currently being a a point where I found it necessary to leave work, I just need to have time with her. Let us get settled and let me help her out." Antonio agreed and nodded. "Take as long as you need. We have Matteo and I am off for a while." I agreed and nodded when he said that before looking at Sylvie when I saw her come upstairs. "How is she?" Sylvie then sighed. "I gave her some tea to try and calm her down. She's still everywhere. Even Matteo can't calm her down."

I sighed when Sylvie said that. "Thanks for trying Sylvie. Now listen, I am going to go downstairs. Please just keep him up here for a bit. I need some time with Gabby." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "Help her do some breathing." I nodded and agreed as I went to make my way downstairs so that I could get changed and be with Gabby. 

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now