Chapter 391

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Matt's POV: After letting my sister out of the house, I made my way to the kitchen so that I could make me and Gabby some lunch. However, I first took a moment to myself since this was really the first time I've been alone since the whole fiasco with Gabriel having such a high fever. Just leaning against the counter, I went to think about how I must already be working too much to miss those simple signs. Not only that but, this is the second time I've let this happen. First, it happened with Matteo in Florida and now, with Gabriel here in Chicago. Does that make me a bad dad? You know what, I am just taking this too seriously. He's fine now and that's all that matters right? That's when I decided to make a call to someone who could help.

Calling Antonio, I hoped that he could help me get through this. I was just glad he picked up. "Hey, how are you doing Matt?" I sighed when he asked that. "Just having this moment of doubt. I mean, this is not the first time we've had one of our kids overheat. Remember, Matteo in Florida right after we got married? It happened here again. What type of dad does that make me?" Antonio sighed when I said that because he knew where my head was at. "First of all Matt, you weren't the one who was with him at the time. So, you have no reason to blame yourself. Let me remind you once again that it was your niece and sister who were watching him at the time this happened." I nodded and understood. I then let a sigh out when I heard Gabby.

Gabby then looked at me. "I was just going to ask you to make lunch in case you forgot. Gabriel is down for a nap and I have Ella down too." I then turned to look at her and then put my hand out. "Here, come stand with me for a second." Gabby nodded and agreed as she walked over to me. "Listen, you guys talk about this on your own okay Matt? I am going to get back to work." I agreed with him. "Thanks for the quick words of encouragement." He agreed when I said that before hanging up. Gabby then looked at me as she went to stand close to me. "You called Antonio?" I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, needed a pep talk about something."

Gabby grabbed my hand when I said that before going to put her hand on my cheek. "Care to share?" I then sighed when she said that. "You don't blame me at all for this happening do you? I mean, it was my sister. And this was the second time this happened to one of our kids when they were this age." Stepping close to me, Gabby when to wrap her arms around me. "Matt, of course I don't blame you. Why would you ever think something like that?" I sighed and looked at her. "I just guess I am really worried right now." Gabby sighed when I said that before leaning up to kiss me softly. "I am too. But, we can be worried together in bed. You make lunch yet?"

I shook my head when she asked me that and sighed. "Not yet. I was about to start when you came downstairs." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Listen, let's make us some sandwiches." Walking over to the fridge, Gabby went to grab some chicken she had in there. "Then, we can go upstairs and sit together in bed. I think we both need some time to just relax. And who knows...maybe there might be a bit of pleasure involved in the relaxing time. I mean, Matteo isn't here and we have a bit of time without him." I nodded and agreed with her, smiling when she said that. Moving to wrap my arms around her, I went to kiss her head.

"Let's just make some lunch and then we can head upstairs to relax in bed." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as we prepared to go upstairs and cuddle up to one another in bed.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ