Chapter 400

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Matt's POV: After walking into the firehouse, I went to walk into my Chief's bedroom when I saw the paramedic-in-chief from second shift sleeping in my bed. "Davis!" Britney Davis then woke up and got scared as she got up. "Chief, I am so sorry." I then looked at her. "Care to explain why I just caught you in my bed? Last time I checked, the only paramedic that was allowed to sleep in there was my wife." She then got scared when I said that. "Chief, I am so sorry." I then shook my head. "I use this office to have a place to sleep overnight. I have personal effects in here and this is my room."

Britney then nodded as she looked at me. "I am so sorry Chief. It won't happen again." I nodded. "Get out of here. I am going to be here tonight and you are reporting to me understood?" She nodded and agreed before walking away. That's when I saw Gabby walk in. "Care to explain why there was another woman in your room?" I then turned to look at her and sighed. "I caught her in my bed. I promise, I didn't do anything." Gabby then walked up to me and grabbed my jacket. "I know baby. Just relax." She then tugged me close and kissed me softly. Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled at her.

I then smiled as I stepped close to her. "You sure that I can't convince you to stay tonight?" Gabby then shook her head. "I have to do some pumping before shift tomorrow." I nodded and agreed with her. "Then I expect a nice long conversation with you later." Gabby smiled as she stepped close to me. I then went to kiss her softly before smiling at her. "Listen, I need to go find Doherty and Norwood. Need to give them a piece of my mind." Gabby then looked at me and smiled. "You show them who's boss babe." I nodded and agreed with her before walking out.

Walking out to the common room, I then looked at all of my staff. Recognizing a few of all of the second shifters, I then went to speak up. "Last time I checked, here at 51 we spoke about our problems in person." Everybody then turned to look at me and got nervous. "Chief." Chief Walker (who was here on my days off) walked over to me a bit shocked. "What are you doing here today Chief?" I then went to shake his hand. "I am here to defend my leadership. Apparently, people here are not happy with my leadership." 

Walker then stood next to me. "I want all of you in the meeting room immediately. Me and Chief Casey will join you in a minute." They all agreed, nervous because they were now on the bad side of two chiefs. I then looked at him and smiled. "Sorry about this. I just had to come here to defend myself." He agreed and nodded. "Who is threatning your leadership?" I then looked at him. "Doherty and Norwood. I would really appreciate it if you stood by my side. I already have the commissioner and both my captains on my side."

Walker agreed and nodded. "Anybody else?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, my wife is here too. If it's okay with you...I would like to take over from you starting tonight. I am going to use this time to prove myself to Doherty and Norwood. Need to show them how good of a chief I am. However, I am going to bring my Captains on board to help me. We work good together." That's when I heard Hermann and Severide walk over to us. "Think you can ask us about that first?"

I turned to look at them and then smirked. "Last time I checked, I got to just say that considering I was Firehouse 51's chief and your bosses. Sorry boys but, I need to make sure that the guys see that I mean business when it comes to my job. Ordering you guys in a night early shows that I have control over the firehouse. I just hope you can do it as a favor to me. Plus, last time I checked...Hermann didn't need anymore private time with Cindy after your hotel stay."

Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "I will have to talk to Cindy. Lee Henry however is in the room with everybody else." I then nodded. "I want him to stay tonight okay? I want to talk to him more and I heard he's healed?" Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "So what does that mean for his Candidacy? Is he doing it here?" I sighed and just looked at him. "I've realized that...if my sons wanted to follow me into the firehouse, I would want them here too. So, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and not bring him on with us. Tell him I changed my mind and that he is to come in tomorrow. It's the weekend and he doesn't have class."

Hermann smiled and agreed with me. "I will get Cindy here and we can talk about this again." I agreed and nodded as I looked at the both of them. "Okay, now let's go defend my chiefdom to these underlings who are questioning my authority. Remember, you guys are on my left and right." That's when I saw Gabby walk into the room wearing her uniform. Severide then looked at me. "Is Gabby wearing her uniform?" I nodded and smiled. "She's coming back after all. Eventually." Severide laughed and smiled. "Oh great."

I then turned to look at him. "Care to explain what you mean by that Captain?" Severide then shook his head. "No Chief." I agreed and nodded as I went to walk into the meeting room so that I could talk to the entire firehouse about my leadership.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now