Chapter 378

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"I am not sure if I am comfortable with having all of their kids at the baptism..."

Gabby's POV: When Matt said that, I was a bit shocked and was about to say something. "Gabby, just let me explain. I get you are shocked I said that but...I have to think about you when we make this decision." I sighed and nodded when he said that, knowing that was the right thing to do. "Gabby, you are going to get overwhelmed. Between your family, my family, all of our firehouse friends. We have to put a limit on who we invite somewhere. It's just..."

Matt sighed because he didn't want to offend me. Grabbing his hand, I rubbed it and smiled. "Matt, I get it. We already have a lot of people coming. You don't want to have more than necessary. We already have 3 kids, our entire family and the firehouse. And of course we are going to invite some of our closest friends form the CPD...Jay and Erin most notably." Matt bit his lip. "I would maybe like to veto that one. I don't want to have to fight about their dog coming."

Cindy then looked at the two of us. "Listen, this is not required yet. Honestly, how about first you figure out when you are doing it and what the venue is going to be. That will make it easier to figure out who you want to invite. And don't worry about our kids. They are not going to come because we aren't going to take them. Believe me, we are barely church goers...let alone them. And we are not in control of the situation so, it's best to leave them home or at work."

Matt agreed with her when she said that. "So, now that it's settled your kids aren't coming...can we talk about something a little less stressful? Like maybe what it's like with your eldest living upstairs. I mean, that place was small when we lived there. So, he must not really like the place." Hermann laughed when Matt said that. "Oh, he loves it. He says that it's his own roof. That means he makes all the rules. That's until we shut off the internet and he listens to us."

Cindy laughed. "You think it's just him. I have to do that for Annabelle sometimes." Hermann smiled when she said that. "By the way, Lee Henry just submitted his preference sheet. He put 51 at the top. So, beware if you get a call saying he gets picked." Matt sighed when he said that. "Honestly, I am just not going to fit it anymore. I just expect you to be professional and treat him as if he were any other candidate. You do not get to stress me out over him being your son."

Hermann smiled. "He doesn't get any special treatment?" Matt shook his head. "Not after hoiw he behaved at the start of his trial period. Sorry but that was unacceptable. I told him to listen to me. I was trying to get the CFD to approve it. I was the pilot house. Now, it might've ruined it. Sorry, I shouldn't yell and he isn't to blame but..." Cindy then nodded. "He kinda is honestly. I mean, you are trying your best." Matt nodded. "The credibility issues it created are not good."

Looking at Matt, I smiled when the salad came back. "Here you go. One Caesar salad and four plates." I then smiled and agreed. "Oh god, we haven't even looked at the menu yet." The waiter agreed. "I will be back in a minute. I still have to get your wines anyways." We all agreed and smiled. Meanwhile, I went to check the menu. "Babe, do you remember what I had when we were here for the fundraiser? I know it was something with meat. I was starving that night."

Matt then looked at the menu and shook his head. "Honestly, it was a buffet that night. But, I am going to get a steak. If you want, we can share that. Maybe ask them to put it on separate plates. Half-and-half?" I nodded and agreed with him. "With some baked potatos or with mashed potatoes?" Matt smiled. "Baked potatoes." I laughed when he said that. "You always take that whenever you can. I swear, the kids will not eat that. Well Matteo won't." Cindy agreed.

"We couldn't get our kids to eat them until they were almost teenagers. But now, they like them." I nodded and smiled. "I like it because it was the only way you could get it done good in Puerto Rico. You had to barbecue it. Oh god though, one thing you have to try...fresh salmon on the barbecue. Was it you or Antonio that made that Matt?" Matt smiled. "It was Antonio. It was when we first got there. Heck, I was still dealing with the jet lag."

Cindy smiled when I said that. "Now just curious, how long after you got to Puerto Rico did you find out that you were pregnant?" I bit my lip. "It think it had to be at least 2 weeks. Because we got pregnant here in Chicago. But, we tested positive for being pregnant in Puerto Rico." Matt nodded when I said that. "Yeah. That's how it worked. But, it was around the time where we were in that legal jumbo. It was before we even left to go to the cabin. So, I would say 2 months."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Right, it was the night where Will and Natalie were watching the kids at the cabin. Or was it Jay and Erin?" I thought about it and smiled. "I don't care who it was. I just know it was before my surgery and at the cabin or even before, I know it was here in Chicago. So that was kinda nice. All three of our kids were conceived here. It's just...only Matteo was born here. Ella and Gabriel were born in Puerto Rico by the same doctor actually."

Matt then grabbed my hand. "Honestly, there was nothing like being there from the start. It wasn't the same as with Matteo because I was there when the water broke. Best experience of my life. I mean sure, I hated that it was so close to Boden's death but...still, I wouldn't change a thing. I know he would've been happier that I stayed back and watch the birth of my child than come back and be at his funeral. Not that I even wanted to be at his funeral already."

I smiled at him. "But you watched the live stream that Severide set up for you. That's when they asked you to be chief remember?" Matt nodded and agreed. "Honestly, I have no regrets about that decision. Just now, it's hard to balance the work and family life. Taking some time right now to figure that off." Grabbing a bit of my salad, I smiled at Matt. "And to spend some time with me. This is the first time we've been alone without the kids since Valentine's Day honestly."

Hermann then looked at us. "Speaking of the kids, are you guys going to keep bringing them around the firehouse?" Matt nodded. "Yeah. Don't even start that conversation please. It is not a subject that we are talking about considering it brings up bad thoughts about earlier." I nodded and sighed when he said that. "Tonight, we are talking about that stuff from earlier." Matt smiled and agreed with me when the waiter came back with our wine.

"Here we go, two glasses of red." We agreed and smiled. "Thanks." Grabbing them, me and Matt went to hit our glasses together before taking a drink. Looking at him, I smiled. "Okay, this is the wine. I am positive that this is the wine we drank that night. It just tastes too familiar for it not to be that wine." Matt laughed and agreed with me. "Thank god I am trimmed. If not, it might lead to us having a fourth child." I smiled when he said that. "Oh that is not happening."

We both agreed when I said that before smiling. Cindy then turned to look at me. "So listen Gabby, I want to ask you something. I know you still part own Molly's. What are your plans when it comes to that? Because honestly, I am starting to get a little cramped with staff. And I don't want to hire somebody if you are coming back. I think we need another bartender and/or waiter at the restaurant. Not to put you on the spot but...what are you think when it comes to that?"

I sighed when she asked me that. "Honestly Cindy, I haven't even thought about it. Between moving back here, making sure that the kids are okay and dealing with 3 kids under the age of 2...I have barely even thought about myself in a while. This is the first time that me and Matt have just had time away from the kids in a couple weeks. So, I am not even thinking about Molly's. So, I want to ask you to revisit this situation in May at the earliest. I am busy."

Cindy was confused when I said that. "I am getting my tubes tied at the end of the month. Well maybe, depends on whether I can push it back or not. With the stress I am under recently...I am not sure if it's a good idea for me to do surgery when I am under this type of stress." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Grabbing my hand, he intertwined our fingers while looking at me. "We will talk about that later okay? Right now, let's just have dinner."

Smiling as he said that, I went to grab my wine and just took a sip as we relaxed that night.

NOTE #1: I do not know how to continue the meal. So, I am going to skip to when Matt and Gabby are headed back upstairs.

NOTE #2: Sorry about all the skipping. I just know some topics I want to cover and how to write them. If I figure out a way to cover them, I might add a chapter. 

NOTE #3: Thanks again for reading and remember that I am still taking storyline suggestions. However, they can't change the past...they can only affect future. Fire scenarios appreciated.

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