Chapter 368

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Matt's POV: After making my way downstairs and getting ready for bed in the washroom, I smiled when I walked into the bedroom to see Gabby laying down in bed just wearing her lingerie. Going to take off my sweats, I went to set them down at the end of the bed while closing the door. Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "I am just reading for a bit. That okay?" I nodded and agreed. "Gabby, you do whatever you need to calm down at night." Gabby smiled when I said that before watching me get undressed. I then went to get in bed with her.

Laying down in bed next to her, I smiled when I felt Gabby set her iPad down so she could lay down on my chest. "Now this is comfortable." Gabby smiled when I said that before just laying her head down on my chest. "I am sorry about all this Matt. I know this is not what you expected when we came back here to Chicago." I sighed and went to rub her back. "Gabby, I had no expectations that this was going to be easy on you. In fact, I anticipated that this would be a little hard on you. Unfortunately, I didn't ever want it to be this hard on you. This is too much."

Gabby sighed when I said that and nodded. "Does it make you miss Puerto Rico sometimes?" I sighed when she said that before going to wrap my arm around her back. "Yeah, it does. Stuff seemed simpler there and we were safe from your father. Him reappearing in our life is just not okay with me. And I also feel guilty because I am partially to blame for all of this stress." Gabby then leaned up and looked at me. "Matt, you don't really feel that way do you? Please don't tell me that you blame yourself for some of the problems are are encountering with my dad."

I sighed and nodded. "Had I not agreed to come back and be chief, he would've never found out about Ella and Gabriel. Then, he never would've asked to meet them or get you overwhelmed again." Gabby then moved her hands to the top of my chest and went to look down into my eyes. Grabbing her neck, I went to kiss her softly while holding her close to me. "Believe me when I say this Gabby. If I could take away all of your stress and pain when it comes to your father...I would do it in a heartbeat. You don't deserve to feel this way. Just know I am always here for you."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. Grabbing her neck again, I smiled as I took it slow with her. "I love you Matt and I feel so lucky to be your wife as well as the mother of your children. You know that right?" I smiled and nodded. "Well good, because I feel so lucky to be your wife and the father of our children." Rolling over onto my side, I went to grab Gabby's hand and smiled as I brought her close to me. Rubbing my chest as we held each other close, I couldn't help but smile as me and Gabby just held each other close that night.

"Tomorrow, I want to do something. Just the two of us okay? We can ask Antonio if he can watch the kids and give us time as husband and wife. I think that's what I need. We can go to a pool or something. I just need time to relax with you as my husband without the kids." I then sighed. "Antonio said the weather is going to be really bad. He doesn't think it's a good idea to go out. But, I will talk to him in the morning okay?" Gabby then shook her head. "If the weather's going to be bad...then we can just stay here and cuddle by the fireplace okay?" I nodded and agreed.

"Listen, we will do whatever you want to do. Antonio doesn't get a say in what we do at the end of the day. But listen, you are obviously tired and need time to rest and recharge. Unless you want to do something else first?" Gabby then turned to look at me and smirked. "This is Diego's bed though and you don't have any condoms here with us." I then looked at her. "I am positive Diego has one in his drawer. Plus, I've had my surgery babe. So, I can't get you pregnant anyways." Gabby then looked at me and bit her lip. Nodding, I smiled as I went to check. Seeing one, I smirked at Gabby. "Do I need to wear one or are you confident in my surgery?"

Gabby then smiled as she rubbed my chest. "I trust the surgery." I nodded and smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly, ready to take it slow with her that night. Reaching under the covers, I went to take off her underwear first before taking off my boxers. "Last change to say no." Gabby then smirked as she rolled over onto her back. Climbing on top of her, I smirked as I put my arms around her before giving her exactly what she wanted that 

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