Chapter 407

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Matt's POV: As I finished getting ready, I looked at Severide and stared at him. "You go into this hospital and you are loosing Squad leadership until your regular shift begins. Is that understood Severide? And I can do that. I am chief." He nodded and agreed. "Understood Chief. I am going to just stay here until you come out." I agreed and nodded. "Sorry about being so strict. It's just..." He nodded. "You are trying to show everybody you are the chief. I understand. Our friendship is on the backburner. Now get out of there." I then looked at him when I saw that there was a crowd. "Help CPD with crowd control okay? Keep your jacket in here." He agreed and nodded.

That's when I saw Jay. Looking at him. "Halstead!" Turning to look at me. "Yeah Matt?" I then pointed to Severide. "He stays out here. His wife's psycho ex is MIA. Get him to help with crowd control. If he tries to go in without my permission, you do whatever you can to stop him." He nodded and agreed. "Sure thing chief." I then looked at Severide and he knew that I meant business. Walking over to the doors, I then walked in to see Dr. Charles and Goodwin waiting for me. "Okay, what are we dealing with and what about patients? Stella's ex is MIA I heard?"

I then saw Maggie come out with some patients who were on oxygen. "Oh, Maggie. Can you get me Dr. Choi? He was in the military. I want him in charge of patient relocation." She nodded and agreed with me as she went to bring some patients. "Okay, now is the fire isolated or are we thinking it's spread to other floors?" Sharon then looked at me. "We aren't sure. We haven't even figured out what happened." Turning to look at Cruz, I nodded. "Cruz. Go to psych floor first. Then, go search the other floors. I want you all to report to me every 5 minutes!"

Cruz was confused. "Every 5 minutes?" I then stared at him. "You are going to the psych ward. I want to know if one of my men get injured." He nodded and agreed with me. "About that. I have my paramedics here. Is there anyway you can move all non-urgent patients to the waiting room or rooms upstairs? I these rooms ready for us to use. And I want guards at every door. Pleae keep me up to date when it comes to which patients are dangerous." Dr. Charles agreed and nodded. "Want me to stay on scene?" I shook my head. "Go stand outside with Severide. I will radio."

He agreed and nodded as he walked away. I then went to radio to Severide. "Severide, you are my relay to Dr. Charles okay? He is going to assist us."  Severide then replied. "Understood chief. Good luck and be safe when it comes to Grant." I agreed with him. "You are in charge out there okay? You can control the trucks out there."  He agreed with me and went to work. Meanwhile, I went to go see what I could find when I saw a patient being wheeled out in braces. "Put him in one of the rooms." They all nodded and agreed. I then looked around. "Maggie, open the OR."

Maggie then looked at me. "You mean the hybrid OR?" I nodded. "Yes, I want more room." She agreed and nodded as she went to get it ready. That's when I saw Dr. Jeff Clarke walk over. "Matt, how can I help?" I then looked at him. "You can help co-ordinate medical and fire. You know how we work. Help the ER in moving stuff around. Oh and get them to clear the path. This path here has to be clear so we can rush." I then turned to look at Maggie. "Maggie!" Maggie then turned to look at me. "Yeah Chief?"

I then looked at her. "This side of the ER is off limits to anybody other than firefighters. We need to be able to get in an out quickly. Understood?" She nodded and agreed as I went to stand there so I could watch from a distance. That's when I decided to walk in further when I saw it was bad. Seeing Grant in the wings, I saw him to run away. I then radio'd to Dr. Charles. "Dr. Charles, I found him. Come in with Severide and get me sedation! On pursuit. Get nurses and doctors to assist." Dr. Charles then replied. "He's on his way in." I then went to run after Grant so that I could get him.

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