Chapter 347

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Matt's POV: As Hermann sat down at my desk, I smiled because it gave me a chance to speak to him about how Lee Henry is doing at the academy. At least, I hoped he was still at the academy. Moving under my desk, I looked at him. "Before we start, family update. How is Lee Henry's recovery going and has Cindy told you to pull him out yet?" Hermann laughed when I said that. "No, he's still at the academy and is ready to join Firehouse 51 in the summer if that's still the plan." I nodded. "He can join as soon as he is graduated. I'm sorry about how the early start worked out. I wish it would've worked out...I just don't think I was ready. Maybe in a month we can try again if Cindy's okay with it. I think I was just overwhelmed and excited to start."

Hermann laughed and agreed with me. "I understand. Now listen, you have to talk to me." I nodded. "Yeah. I wanted to let you know that the CPD is coming here." Hermann nodded. "To talk to us about the fire at that mansion?" I nodded. "Yes. I am going to talk about it at our morning meeting. However, I want to make this clear to you. Until the detectives have left the are not to talk to your men. I want this to be investigated properly and I do not need the CFD's reputation to be tarnished because it gets tainted by the owners. Plus, I want them to go down since I am taking this case personally. It's a case I want to see through."

Hermann bit his lip. "May I ask why it's so personal?" I sighed when he said that. "These people put my men at risk just because they wanted to collect insurance. I take that very personal considering my men's lives were at risk. I hope that you take it the same way." That's when I Heard Severide come and join us. "Oh yes we do Chief. Believe me, when I heard that's what people are saying about this case...I was furious. To have them put my men at risk to collect insurance money, I was just as insulted as you are." I nodded and agreed with him. "How's Stephen this morning? You guys like that daycare that I sent to you over text message? ASKA?"

Severide nodded and agreed. "I love it. It's adorable and the women are really nice." I smiled and agreed. "Calm down Severide, they are lesbian and married." Severide chuckled when I said that. "So am I. Now, what do you need to talk to us about?" I then nodded. "So, the CPD is coming in today to interview all of your men about the case. They will also be taking statements from you both. And from this moment on...I do not want anybody talking to each other before the police are here. We are not going to co-ordinate our stories. We are going to tell independent stories to make sure that they get the most accurate picture. I do not want to ruin this case."

Severide then looked at me and bit his lip. "Okay Severide, you want to say something so say it." Severide then sighed. "You are taking this case pretty personal man." I nodded. "Oh hell yeah I am. They put my men' friend's lives at risk just because they wanted to collect insurance money.So sorry if I am not okay with that and taking it pretty personal." They both agreed and nodded when I said that. "Just keep your head on straight or else you are going to ruin the case man." I nodded and agreed. "Remember, I have a brother-in-law who used to be one of the detectives at the Cook County State's Attorney's Office. I am getting advice from him on what to do in this case. Well, he is also going to be the one doing the investigation."

That's when I saw Antonio walk up to my office. "Speaking of brother-in-law." He smiled and agreed with me. "Where are Gabby and the kids? I thought you said they were coming here." I nodded. "I asked her to wait until 10. Wanted this whole investigation stuff be over. But right now, I am not ready to talk about it okay? I still need to talk to my men about the fact that they are going to be interviewed by the CPD and what is expected of them." Antonio nodded and agreed. "I was going to be here for that. I need to be here to witness it so that it doesn't taint the case. Sorry Matt, we are doing this by the book. I know you are taking this case personally."

I sighed and nodded. "Hermann, Severide...can you get everybody in the meeting room in 20 minutes? I want to talk to Antonio before we head in there." Hermann and Severide both nodded as they got up. Walking away, Severide looked at me. "Door?" I nodded and smiled as I went to grab my laptop from my bag. Putting it on it's dock, I then went to connect it. "Listen, before you question them...I want to provide you with some documents that you can read over quickly." Antonio seemed confused when I said that. "Antonio, I know you were up late last night because Gabby was texting you when she fed the kids." Antonio sighed and nodded. "Yeah."

Going to find the fire reports that Severide and Hermann provided me (and that I also provided the CPD for the investigation), I went to open them before turning my screen around while giving my mouse to Antonio. "Here, since you are may want to read this again before you go ahead and question everybody." Antonio then looked at me when he saw it was the report. "How do you have access to this? This is the report we got." I nodded. "Antonio, this is the evidence I provided to you guys. These are the reports that are done after every fire. I gave you mine, Severide and Hermann's reports. Remember that?" Antonio sighed. "Tired."

I nodded and agreed with him. "You sure you're okay with taking Matteo today?" Antonio nodded and smiled. "Oh yeah, two nights with him is going to be great. Maybe he can tire Theo out for once." I smiled and agreed with him. "Or the other way around. Honestly, I am doing this just as much for me and Gabby as we are for you?" Antonio seemed confused when I said that. I then sighed. "I read online what the tell tale sighs of OCD and ADHD are. Believe me, I get they say that it's wrong to self diagnose but...I am positive that Matteo has exactly what Gabby has. So, if you can tire him out...that helps a lot because he has a lot of energy."

Antonio smiled and agreed with me. "Think you guys can take Theo on Friday?" I then looked at him. "Antonio, my wife and son both have mental health issues. Plus, I have 2 other kids above that. You really think that I am going to be okay adding on a fourth child on my first of 2 days off? Believe me, I will gladly do it when Gabby is recovering from her surgery. But on my days off...I am not really off man. I have reports to do and stuff. I am a full-time chief, but from home where I can take care of the kids and let Gabby sleep in." Antonio nodded and understood. "By the way, Matteo says hi. I was there when you dropped him off remember?" I nodded and agreed.

"Listen, if he ever gets too much to handle...let me know and I can call my sister. She's been dying to take him. Maybe next time, I will ask her. It's just, you guys know how to deal with OCD and ADHD better than my sister. I am a bit more cautious." Antonio nodded and understood. "And our boys are close in age. So relax okay? We can take him as often as you want. Eva secretly loves to play with him. As much as she likes to complain, she loves treating him as her real like baby doll even if she is a teenager." I nodded and agreed. "She's the one with it right?"

Antonio nodded and agreed as he kept reading. "So, she's great with him. She understands what he's going through and it really helps him to have someone who understands him." I nodded and smiled. "Did Gabby already stop by your place this morning?" Antonio shook his head. "Not that I know of. Is she supposed to?" I nodded. "She didn't get to say hi to Matteo so, she was going to stop there before coming here. She must've already done it because I see her coming here with the kids." Getting up, I smiled as I watched Gabby walk into my office with the stroller. "Hey beautiful."

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