Chapter 405

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Matt's POV: Once I made my way to my office, I decided to finally set up my laptop and connect it to the second screen as well as the Bluetooth keyboard. I decided to use it since it made it easier. Having two screens is much easier than just using one. And the keyboard? Well, that one's obvious. It's much easier to type when you have your keyboard close to you instead of on your laptop. That's when I heard Severide and Hermann walk into my office. I then looked at them and smiled. "Please sit guys, I want to talk to you guys about what I talked about out there."

Getting up, I went to grab my jacket because I was a bit cold. Putting it on, I then went to sit down again so that I could talk to Severide and Hermann. "Thoughts?" Hermann then looked at me and smiled. "Honestly, you made really good points in there. And you are completely right Matt, this is your firehouse now. And while we will always remember and miss Boden...we need to do stuff your way now because you are the future of Firehouse 51." I nodded and agreed with him. "Severide, the squad stuff?" Severide sighed. "I guess I can live with squad table in here."

I then looked at him. "Severide, are you really complaining that you have to sit in here? I never understood why you guys sat out there in the cold during the winter. You guys are going to get sick and then, you aren't going to be able to have fun with Stephen. Think about it man...I am kinda doing you a favor by making you move your table into the house. By the way, did you already get your guys to start moving it in here?" Severide nodded and agreed. "Tony and Capp are doing it. Cruz is studying for his Lieutenant Exam. He's scared that he's not going to pass."

I then looked at him and nodded. "He's going to be fine. Send him in when we are done in here okay? I am going to talk to him to give him reassurance." Severide nodded and agreed. "Now listen, I want to make sure that we are all in agreement that you guys need to back me up with the stuff I said out there. I am trying to show my authority. I just need to change this so I can run this house my way. Hermann, you okay with that?" Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "Can I just talk to you about the junior candidacy part that you mentioned?" I nodded and agreed.

"That part seemed pretty simple. It was just me telling you guys that I expected you to mentor our junior candidates." Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "And they aren't going to go into fires yet right?" I then shook my head. "Not yet. Remember Hermann, I can see the world from your eyes now. I have 3 kids. My eldest child is a son. So, I know exactly how you are feeling about how close Lee Henry is getting to the flames. I just switch Lee Henry with Matteo. Speaking of which, he is going to be our candidate here when he's old enough. That's the plan."

Severide smiled when I said that. "Can I get a guarantee that the same happens for Stephen when he joins the CFD?" I nodded and agreed with him. "I can't not do that. I mean, I am letting Hermann get his son here...I am not going to not let my other captain do it here. By the way, Stella is not changing her Lieutenant name. She is staying Lieutenant Kydd even though you guys are married." Severide nodded and agreed. "She actually didn't change her name when we got married. We also recently changed Stephen's name. His name is now Stephen Kydd-Severide." I smiled when he said that. "That's not happening with me unfortunately."

I then looked at them both. "Oh listen, I need to let you guys know something else. March 10th. I am not in that morning. But I am in March 1st-7th. Gabby has decided to postpone her surgery. She is still too stressed out for it to be healthy for her to go into surgery. I will let you know when it is." Hermann was shocked when I said that. "Wow, you are going to take the risk?" I laughed. "I am trimmed Hermann. We can't have kids. I did the test and everything. We are done." He agreed and nodded. "Anything else Chief or are we good to go...."

That's when I heard the bells go off. "Fire, Gaffney Medical Psychiatric Wing." We then all got up and went to rush out of our office to head to the hospital's psychiatric wing. Running away, I went to look at Severide. "Severide, ride with me please?" Severide then got confused but nodded as he ran with me to get in my car with me so that we can get to the hospital.

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