Chapter 426

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20 Minutes Later at Chicago's Millenium Park
Matt's POV: As I arrived at Millenium Park, I smiled as I went to park the car when I saw Gabby sitting by the water. She looked peaceful and just relaxed. Getting out, I thought about leaving my radio but...I was on call right now. I brought the Chief's truck in case I needed to rush to a fire. I just hope I didn't have to because I wanted to be here for Gabby if she needed me. I just had this feeling she needed me to just be her husband for a bit. 

Walking over to her, I smiled as I went to rub her back. "Hey, you wanted to talk?" Gabby then nodded as she got up. Wrapped her arms around me, she went to kiss me softly. "I hope this wasn't a bad time?" I then shook my head. "You are never going to have bad timing. Gabby, you are my wife first. I am sorry I didn't make you feel that way for a while." Gabby sighed and nodded. "Good, because I need you to agree with me on this decision I am making."

I then got concerned as I went to sit down. "Gabby, what's wrong?" Wrapping my arm around her, I went to look at her. She then went to grab something from her pocket. It was the ambulance keys. "Those belong to the paramedic-in-chief." I then looked down at them when I realized something. "Gabby." Gabby then sighed as she looked at me. "Matt, I can't do it. I really wanted to. I really did. I did everything for you and I was so excited to be back but...I can't."

I then looked at her. "Is it because I yelled at you? You know I am sorry about that right?" Gabby nodded. "It's everything Matt. I am still hormonal, my anxiety is sky high and I hate the position I put you in. You are my husband. I can't work under you and have you choose between your officers and me. I can't do that to our marriage. I can't loose you again when we have the kids." I then sighed when she said that and just wrapped my arm around her, kissing her head.

"I am not going anywhere Gabby. You are my wife and that's never going to change." Gabby nodded when I said that. "I want to still be involved in public service somehow much as I loved the rush. I am scared to loose you again. I need to be your wife, not your employee...I need to be a mom, not a working mom." I then went to hold her and just started to feel Gabby break down in my arms. "'s okay Gabby. I'm here for you. Listen, let me talk to Walker."

Gabby then got up. "No, I need a bit of time. I just need to be alone and think this out. I need to figure my life out again. I was so set on being a paramedic. But, I feel like I can't. All the jobs I wanted are just being taken away from me. First, it was Puerto Rico and now it's being a paramedic." I then sighed and looked at her. "Gabby, calm down and breathe. You wanted me to come take this job." I then turned to look at him. "Matt, what was I supposed to say? Don't..."

I was about to say something when she just spoke to me. "Matt, it was in his will. I loved Boden like a father! How could I do that to him and now honor his final wishes to have my husband follow him as chief? I didn't have a choice in the matter. I am trying my best to like this here but...I am just confused as to where my life was going. I was so happy in Puerto Rico. I am just trying my best to hold it all together for the kids and you. I need to alone right now."

I then got up and went to try and catch her but she just ran away. "What have I done?" I then looked around and just sat down, tearing up because I am doing it again. I am pushing my wife away and making her loose it. She has mental health issues and I am pushing her to the breaking point. How can I do this to her?" I then just shook my head and went to get up so that I could go back to the firehouse, take the day and then head home to Gabby.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt