Chapter 397

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Matt's POV: As I came back upstairs with our water bottles, a juice box and snack for Matteo as well as some nutigrain bars for me and Gabby....I smiled when I walked back into our room to see Gabby laying down next to Matteo. Hearing me walk in, Gabby smiled when she saw the snacks. "That's a good idea." I smiled at her. "If we eat a snack right now...we might not need to have to make such a big meal later when we have supper as a family later."

Looking at Matteo, I smiled at him. "Hey Matteo, I got you some cheerios and a juice box." Matteo then looked at me and smiled. "Thanks daddy." I then went to give it to him before kissing his head. "Can you eat it like the big boy we know you are?" Matteo nodded and agreed when I said that. Meanwhile, I went to walk around the bed so that I could join Gabby in bed with our snacks and water bottles. Setting the bottles down on the side table, I smiled as I sat down in bed."

Wrapping my arm around her and tugging the covers up on top of us, I smiled as I cuddled up to Gabby in bed and then felt her lay down on my chest. "You like laying down like that don't you?" Gabby then looked up at me and smiled. "Oh shut up, we both know that you like it just as much." I nodded and agreed with her as I went to lean down and kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded while going to grab her granola bar I brought her.

"So listen, we already talked about this when I first started having my lung problems but now...I want to talk about it again because someone recently put the idea of something in my head." Gabby nodded and agreed. "What is it?" I then sighed while looking at her. "It's the idea of Chief Casey, Captain Casey and Lieutenant Casey all being in the same house together." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to take another bit of her granola bar.

Cuddling up to me, I could tell Gabby was worried. I then went to kiss her head and whispered to her. "And this is where you are supposed to talk." Gabby nodded as she looked up at me. "I just hate to crush your dreams. I am just not sure if I would be okay with all 3 of my boys working together at the same house. It be one thing to loose one of you...but all of you." I nodded and agreed with her before going to kiss her forehead softly. "Remember, I would keep them safe."

Gabby then looked up at me. "Hey, I never said that you wouldn't baby. I know you would. It's just...I am not sure if I would be able to deal with the worries I would face on a daily basis. The idea that all 3 of my guys would be working together on the same shift just scares the crap out of me. If you give me time, it might grow on me...but right now, I would rather you not try and convince them to join you at the same firehouse. That is not something I am ready for yet."

I nodded and understood where Gabby was coming from. "I shouldn't have even brought it up. Now it's going to give you problems with your anxiety. I know how much you already worry about me when I am on shift." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Because you are my husband and I love you." I smiled when she said that before leaning down to kiss her softly. "I love you too. But, I am sorry you even have to think about the boys being firefighters."

Matteo then (obviously) overheard that comment because he turned to look at me. "Daddy, can I be a firefighter like you?" I then looked down at Gabby and bit my lip. "If you want to can. But, we are not going to tell you what you have to become." I nodded when she said that before going to run my fingers through her hair. Matteo smiled when she said that before going to play with the iPad again. Gabby then looked up at me. "Same house."

I was shocked when she said that. "You positive?" Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I just thought about it again are going to be able to protect him more if he's at the same house as you." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "That is very true. I would never let my little guy get hurt or burned in a fire." Gabby smiled as I said that before going to rub my chest as we held each other close. "Maybe someday I can come back on Ambulance. Oh my god, Me and Ella on Ambo."

I smiled when she said that because I actually liked that idea. "That sounds cute. PIC Dawson and Paramedic Casey. She would be following in her daddy's footsteps." Gabby then looked up at me. "Her daddy's footsteps!" I nodded. "Yeah, you would be paramedic-in-chief...she would just be the paramedic. I was just the paramedic when I was on Ambo with you. You were the paramedic-in-chief." I nodded and knew what he meant. "God, you are giving me gray hairs."

I then looked in her hair and went to play a joke on her. "Yeah, I wasn't going to say anything." Slapping my chest, Gabby sat up and looked at me. "No, where..." I then laughed and looked at her. "That was wrong Matt! You do not joke about grey hair with women. That will literally give me grey hairs! I already have enough stress in my life. I do not want to have to die my hair black. Sorry but, I am never going grey. I am going to always look like a young mom to my kids."

I nodded and agreed with her as I went to grab the TV remote. "You want to watch some of our recordings or are they not appropriate for Matteo?" Gabby seemed to think about it when she looked up at me. "Datelines should be okay." I nodded and agreed with her as I went to turn the TV on and opened the PVR. Going to check the latest Dateline episode, I read the description and thought it would be appropriate for kid's eyes. Going to start it, I smiled while holding Gabby.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now