Chapter 416

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Matt's POV:
When I heard that Sylvie had a pregnancy scare recently, I was furious. No, not that she almost got pregnant...I would be thrilled for them as their brother-in-law. However, I was not happy as her chief. She should've told me about it. I don't care if it was early...I would've been in this awkward position of possibly having been the cause for her to loose my niece or nephew. That is not cool and I was going to let her know that. Walking into the kitchen, I just looked at her. "Sylvie, why didn't you tell me that you could've possibly been pregnant?"

Gabby then looked at Sylvie. "Wait, are you pregnant?" Sylvie then shook her head. "No, it was just a scare. Matt, please relax." I then sighed and looked at her. "Sylvie, you should've told me. What if you were pregnant and something would've happened? You don't think I would've felt horrible. I would've felt horrible as your chief because I would've felt responsible. But, I would've felt worse as your brother-in-law. Sylvie, I care for you just as much as Gabby." Gabby then turned to look at me. "I don't have a choice. If she gets hurt, I'm a dead man."

Antonio then added on. "Oh yes you are." I then turned to look at him. "You are not completely blameless in this. I would've expected you to mention something as well. And I don't care if it was before the 6 week mark. I would rather have benched her before then so that I wouldn't be blamed if she miscarried." Antonio nodded and understood where I was coming from. He then turned to look at Matteo and smiled at him. "Did you understand any of what me, your parents and your aunt Sylvie were just talking about?" He then shook his head and I smiled.

"Good, now are you done breakfast Matteo?" Matteo then shook his head. "Then can you set him down Antonio? He needs to finish eating. And I need to start eating. You interrupted me." Antonio nodded and agreed. "Actually, I am just dropping her off. We are in the middle of a case and I was just there overnight to get some rest as well as some new clothes." I nodded and agreed while Sylvie walked over to him. "Stay safe." She agreed and smiled. "Same to you." She then kissed him and smiled. "You pick them up on time or else you are in trouble."

Antonio nodded and agreed with her. "Have a good first day back. Both of you. Take care of each other. Sis, make sure that she doesn't overdo it. She's still stressed from the pregnancy scared." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Yeah, yeah. Now get going to work. I am going to go be excited that I have my paramedic partner back after god...3 years?" Sylvie nodded and smiled when she said that. "Can't wait. Now, where are those nieces and nephews of mine." We both laughed when she said that before wlaking into the kitchen so we could see the kids.

Sylvie's POV:
As I walked into Matt and Gabby's kitchen, I smiled when I saw my nieces and nephews there. Matteo of course was the first to say hi. "Hi aunt Sylvie." I then went to hug him and smiled. "Hey buddy, you ready to hang out with your grandma today?" He nodded and smiled. "Sleepover!" I smiled and nodded when he said that. "Yeah, she gets to sleepover." I then went to get up and looked at Ella and smiled at her. "God, you are so adorable now. Looking more like daddy each day eh?" Matt smiled when I said that. "Good, so I am not the only one that noticed that."

Gabby laughed when he said that. "He is just mad that his daughter looks more like him than his sons." Matt nodded. "Oh c'mon, you would feel the same way if the situation were reversed. I mean, I could deal with one of the boys not looking that much like me...but both of them! That is just crazy. However, I am just glad I finally got her to say yes to Matteo being my future firefighter." Gabby then looked at him. "Oh, I just gave up. That was a loosing fight. I already knew that he was going to be the future candidate the minute you became chief."

I laughed when he said that before seeing some coffee. "Is that coffee?" Matt's mom Nancy agreed as she went to get up. "How are you Sylvie? I haven't seen you in years. I think we met once while you my son?" I then turned to look at Matt. "Can we just call it dating? It's easier to explain than friends with benefits. I know it's awkward but..." Matt then laughed when I said that. "Gabby, you okay with me saying that I dated my now sister-in-law in between our marriages?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Of course. That's easier anyways."

Matt then agreed as he went to grab his iPad from the counter. "Listen, you guys just relax and have breakfast. I am going to start on my e-mails. Can you send one of the kids to cuddle with me before we leave?" Gabby nodded and agreed with him. "Ella is done feeding so take her. I know you want her anyways." Matt nodded and agreed as he went to pick Ella up out of her chair. Kissing her cheek, he smiled at her. "Hey about you come sit with daddy for a bit before he leaves for work?" He then grabbed his coffee while carrying her to the living room.

I then looked at Gabby while sitting down. "He's back to coffee?" Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I am done breastfeeding. That was one of the conditions for me to be able to return. By the way, that reminds me." Gabby then got up to go grab herself a cup of coffee. Smelling it, she was happy. "Oh god, that smells amazing. First time I've been able to have coffee in over a year." She then went to sit at the table in front of me before going to drink her coffee. "So listen, I want to say this...we are going to operate as we did before I left to go to Puerto Rico."

Looking at her, I nodded and agreed. "I'm driving?" Gabby smiled and nodded. "Yeah, so don't crash or else my husband over there will be on your ass!" Matt then yelled when she said that. "Oh shut up, you would do the same if I were the one in your spot. In fact, you did do the same last month if I recall." Gabby then turned to look at him. "You want to sleep on the bunk room beds tonight?" Matt then shook his head. "Then shut it. Last time I checked, that office was mine since it was the PIC's office." He then nodded and agreed with Gabby.

Meanwhile, Matt's mom just laughed. "God, you have my son wrapped around your finger Gabby." Gabby nodded and agreed with her. "Oh yes I do. Yet, they still call him chief." Matt then looked at her. "We are not starting this again Gabby. I am the firehouse chief when we are at work and I expect you to obey my orders without any repercutions. That was something you had to accept in order for me to okay your return. Remember, I control who works at my firehouse. So you watch it missy." Gabby then looked at him. "Anniversary vaca, no sexy stuff?"

Matt then groaned when she said that, knowing exactly what she meant (lingerie). "God, I love you but at times you can really push my buttons Dawson." Gabby smirked. "Don't forget that. Oh and no pushing me for reports. You'll get them when I have time. Remember, I am not going to be pushed. That'll stress me out." He agreed. "Of course Gabby. Now listen, you relax and we can leave to work in 30 minutes to be on time." Gabby agreed and nodded as she ate breakfast while Matt read his e-mails and drank his morning coffee.

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