Chapter 358

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Matt's POV: After helping Gabby pack up, I smiled at her after talking to Hermann. "He's acting chief for the next hour. So, I am going to be able to help you set the kids up at Antonio's" Gabby smiled when I said that before coming to hug me. Wrapping my arms around her, I held her close. "Hey, everything is going to be okay...I promise. But listen, I only have an hour. I also have to take the chief truck and you have to drive the van. We can stay at Antonio's as long as you want okay? If you need anything...give me a call and I will get it to you personally." Gabby smiled when I said that before looking at Antonio. "You okay with that Antonio?"

Antonio nodded and agreed. "Matt, I just spoke to Voight. He's giving me the rest of the day off. I am going to be there, I promise." I nodded and agreed with him. "Thanks. Now, we are going to give you home okay? The kids already in the van?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Antonio, do you need to drive your car back?" Antonio shook his head. "Jay already came to get it with Erin. If you want, I can drive your van and you can go with Matt in the Tesla. Take a quick breather, just the two of you and talk." I nodded, liking that idea as I went to grab Gabby's hand. "Can I at least put the kids in the van?" We both nodded when she said that. "Of course."

Gabby then turned to look at me. "Don't forget your bag of clothes here okay? I think I put some PJs in there." I nodded. "I already moved them into the kids' bag. Now listen, Antonio is going to take the kids. We are going to be right behind you and you are going to take a breather." Antonio nodded as he went to walk away with the babies. Meanwhile, I just held Gabby's hand while we stood on the aparatus floor. Bringing her close to me, I went to kiss her softly. "Listen, I want to just say this again. We can stay at Antonio's for a couple nights if you want. If you want to be with Matteo tomorrow...I understand. Or if you just want to come in alone, you can."

Gabby then sighed as she looked at me. "We can talk about this later okay? When the kids are asleep and you are home? Right now, I don't want to think about this anymore. I am going to get overwhelmed and..." Interrupting her, I went to grab her neck with both my hands and went to kiss her softly. I then leaned my forehead against hers and smiled at her. "Take a breath and relax okay? You are going to be safe and you are going to have your family around you. I promise Gabby, just relax and remember that I am here for you." Gabby smiled and agreed when I said that. Hugging me, I smiled as I held her close.

After holding each other close for a minute, I smiled as we both went to walk out of the firehouse and towards our Tesla. I decided to let Gabby drive. "Here, want to distract yourself by driving?" Gabby thought about that and shook her head. "I would rather not get into an accident." I agreed and nodded, walking around the car before going to help her into the car. Once she was in the car, I walked around and smiled as I went to get in with her and then turned on the car. Going to grab her hand, I intertwined our fingers and went to pull away. "You know, I am just a call away right?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I know."

Pulling out of our spot and starting to drive away, I went to kiss Gabby's ahnd while holding her close. "I am so sorry that this happened here. I want this to be a safe place here. I am going to start closing the doors when we leave okay? That way you are safe. Either that or you can just start going to Antonio's. That way you can have some extra sets of hands." Gabby sighed when I said that. "I think I am going to ask my mom to move in with us okay Matt? I get that you are not going to like it but...I am so stressed right now after that run in with my dad that, I think I need her to just help me with the kids. Then, you can concentrate on work."

I decided to just nod and agree with her, not wanting to dampen her spirits right now. Looking at me, Gabby was a bit shocked that I didn't argue. "You aren't going to argue with me?" I then shook my head. "No, I am going to do whatever you need to help you calm down. I don't want to be that husband that says no to something that might reduce your stress levels. Whatever you need Gabby, I promise. are going to need the least amount of stress as possible over the next couple weeks since you are going into surgery soon." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "You are right and I know that you are just as scared as I am."

Looking at her, I went to make sure that she took some deep breaths. "Gabby just do some breathing okay? You need to relax right now after that run in. And I am going to talk to everybody when I am back. I am going to let them know that what they just witness was an anxiety attack. I am going to tell them that...if they ever witness that, they are to come get me or contact me as soon as possible. I am also going to try and speak to the district chief to help with security. I want you to feel safe at the firehouse and that obviously isn't the case right now. Am I saying anything wrong?" 

Gabby shook her head when I said that. "No, you are actually saying everything right. We are going to do this together and I am so happy about that. Matt, you are my rock and you don't know how much I appreciate that." I nodded and smiled at her as I felt her lay her head down on my shoulder. Kissing the top of her head, I was glad that she was already more relaxed and we weren't even at Antonio's place yet. 

Whispering to her, I smiled at her. "Tonight, I am going to take you in my arms and make you feel better okay? I am goi9ng to make you feel safe....I promise Gabby. And my phone is always going to be on for you. You call me, I will answer if I can. Sorry I can't say I will always answer. Believe me, I want to say that so bad but...I can't if I am in the middle of a call. You understand that right?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Of course Matt."

I smiled when she said that before kissing her head again as I drove her to Antonio's place.

Chief Casey Season 3: Balancing Family, Work and FriendshipsWhere stories live. Discover now