Captain Casey: Back on Truck

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Hey guys, I know that this was a short story but...I have decided to stop making Matt chief. It is hard to do what I want to do with Matt and Gabby when he's Chief. So, I have (like I said last chapter)...changed it so that Hermann is chief instead of Matt. He is going to return to 51 instead as Captain Matthew Casey. Sorry if it's confusing.

So, in order to continue that part of the story...I am going to continue in a new book. The name? Captain Casey: Back on Truck.

Here's the plot: When Matt Casey took the job of Chief of Firehouse 51, he had no clue how hard it would be on his family. After trying it for a while, he has decided that this is not his time. After resigning the post, Matt returns to the firehouse as Captain on Truck 81. That means he's back in the fires...where he belongs.

NOTE #1: I am going to stop talking about the lungs. Forget that happened. I want him in the fires from now on. If that's part of the story then...I can't continue that way.

NOTE #2: Thanks again for reading and I hope that you continue to read.

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