Chapter 423

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Meanwhile, at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center:
Matt's POV: As I stood in the ER waiting room, I waited for Gabby and Sylvie to get here when Antonio joined me. "She okay?" I then looked at him. "They aren't here yet. So, Gabby probably either decided it wasn't urgent or she took extra time to make sure she was okay." Antonio laughed when I said that. "Knowing her and her OCD, probably both." I nodded and smiled at her. "God, this is the first time I've laughed much today. I've been stressed all day because it's her first day back. By the way, did you seriously have to pick today for Sylvie's first day back?"

That's when I heard the girls come in. "He didn't pick Matt. I picked. And don't say anything. You are here as her son-in-law right now, not as our chief. So, it's Matt." I nodded and agreed before looking at Camile. "How are you Camile?" Camile then smiled. "I am much better when I get to see both my daughters." Gabby then sighed. "I gave her a bit too much pain med, sorry. I'm rusty." I nodded and understood what she meant and laughed a bit. "God, this is going to be amazing. The stories we are going to get of our wives working together."

Antonio nodded and agreed with me as we both made our way into the ER. Walking over to Camile's room, I went to wrap my arm around Gabby once she finished pulling the stretcher away. Antonio then did the same with Sylvie when I saw Dr. Sexton look at her. "Back up, X-ray." We all agreed and watched as he did the X-Ray. Meanwhile, Gabby looked at me. "I will do the paperwork at the firehouse okay? I will remember the details considering it's my mom." I shook my head. "Don't fill it out. If you do, I have to submit it and they will charge her for the ride."

Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled as she stepped close to me. She then brought me in for a kiss and smiled. "Thanks." I then smiled at her. "Listen, think we can talk for a bit while your mom is getting the X-Ray?" Gabby nodded as she looked at me. "Hey guys, we are going to get some coffees. You want some?" Sylvie then nodded. "Sure. You know my order." Antonio then agreed. "I get the same as Sylvie." We both agreed when they said that. Grabbing Gabby's hand, I then went to intertwine our fingers as we walked away to the cafeteria.

"So listen, about what happened at the firehouse. I'm sorry about all that. I guess...I am just in this weird situation where you are both my PIC and my wife. It's a bit complicated and I am still trying to draw the line. I thought it would be easier but...with you having your disorders, I am finding it a bit harder for when to stop worrying." Gabby then nodded and finally understood what I was going through. Rubbing my hand, she sighed. "I guess I should've expected that. You are just as stressed about this as I am." I agreed with her as we made our way to the elevator.

"So, I am sorry for yelling in the office there. That was wrong. Especially when I know that yelling is horrible for your anxiety. Can you forgive me?" Gabby nodded as she stepped close to me. Wrapping her arm around my back, she then looked at me and went to kiss me softly. "We're good okay? I am just stressed too. I mean, this is the first time I have been away from the kids for this long. Can you understand that Matt?" I nodded and looked at her. "I know, I guess I went a bit too Chief on you and less husband." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I hate to agree."

I nodded and understood. I then went to lead her out of the elevator once we arrived at the floor where there was the cafeteria. Grabbing her hand again, I went to intertwine our fingers and led her towards the cafeteria to get us all some coffee (and give her some comfort) while her mom got an X-Ray.

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