Chapter 366

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Gabby's POV:
When Matt said that Matteo would be Lieutenant/Captain Dawson if he were to join the firehouse, I was confused. His last name is Casey and I would expect Matt to want his son to use the last name Casey. I mean, if it's still his dream for Matteo to join the firehouse...I will be fully supportive (as long as he doesn't pressure him) of course...then why would he want him to join as Matteo Dawson instead of Matteo Casey? That's when I decided to ask him why exactly Matteo would have to join the CFD as Matteo Dawson.

"Why exactly would he be Lieutenant and/or Captain Dawson? I mean, you are going to be proud of him if he joins the firehouse and follows in our footsteps right?" Matt then turned to look at me. "Hey, of course I am going to be proud of him. And I am not going to pressure him. It's just for practicality. I can't have my Truck Lieutenant yell Casey and have to get both me and Matteo's attention. However, still need to figure out what Wally's name would be if he joined the firehouse instead of Dawson." Severide then laughed. "He could be Boden"

We then all turned to look at him. "What if his son Terrence wants to join? He would of course have to go to Firehouse 51. It's the right place for him." Matt nodded and agreed. "We'll figure it out. I mean, I can always just be Chief and Matteo can be Casey. Then Wally could be Dawson." I then bit my lip and started to get scared. "Okay, can you all do me a favor and stop talking about this. I am not sure if I am comfortable thinking about my husband and two sons being in the same fire together right now." Stella nodded and agreed. "Same goes for Stephen." 

Matt then looked at them both. "By the way. I do not want any arguing between the two of you when it comes to that day where he decides to join. You are not going to fight in my firehouse whether he is going to be the Squad Candidate or the Engine Candidate. You guys can figure that our on your own your place. Sorry but, that is my one rule for when he decides to join." Severide laughed when Matt said that. "Like there is even going to be an argument about it. She can get our daughter on Engine. I am getting Stephen on Squad...that's that."

Matt then looked at them both. "Actually, I am taking it out of your hands. If he makes it into the Academy and passes...I am going to choose which vehicle I am going to assign him to since I have that right. I am the firehouse Chief and outrank the both of you. So, I am going to decide on which vehicle he is going to be placed based on what is required with regards to manpower at the time." Severide then went to complain. "What's that Captain? Can you give me more paperwork Chief?" Severide then stared at him.

Matt's POV:
"You wouldn't dare give me more paperwork! I am Squad Captain. You said it would be easy." I then looked at him. "Now you know how it felt when I was getting promoted. You have the title, we just have to do the promotion ceremony. Be ready to do it end of March. I am going to do it before Stella doesn't fit in her dress uniform anymore." Stella laughed when I said. "What's so funny?" Stella then shook her head. "I am not going to fit in that thing for at least 2 more years." I was confused when she said that. She the sighed and looked at Gabby.

"Just look at your wife's breasts. Notice anything different?" I then understood what she meant. "Right, that makes sense now." Gabby then wrapped her arms around mine and rubbed it. "Listen, you are obviously getting tired. You have a long day today?" Turning my head, I nodded and went to kiss her forehead softly. "A very stressful day. Oh Severide, I am not going to be there tomorrow. Did they say whether they are sending a replacement chief or are you and Hermann acting as co-Acting Chiefs tomorrow?" Severide smiled. "Co-Acting Chiefs."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Listen Gabby, how about you go say goodnight to Matteo? I am going to talk to Severide about something private okay?" Gabby then looked at me, confused. "Gabby, I am going to tell him what to tell the firehouse." She agreed and nodded before kissing me softly. "Come say goodnight right after." Watching her get up, I went to give Gabby the plates. "Can you bring these upstairs?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Sure thing. See you in a minute." Grabbing the plates, Gabby then went upstairs to go put Matteo to bed.

Meanwhile, I turned to look at Severide again. "So listen, tomorrow can you just tell everybody that the babies are sick? Say that I wanted to be here because it's the first time that Gabriel's been sick since he was born." Stella nodded and agreed with me. "That could work. It's a reason that doesn't need any explaining considering Gabriel is a newborn. No problem Matt. Just remember the story for when people text you well wishes for him." I nodded and agreed. "Yeah, I doubt I am going to look at my phone much. I am going to be resting."

Severide nodded and agreed. "Listen, you look tired and like you need to go put Matteo to bed. So, you go do that and then just rest with Gabby okay? We have everything taken care of for tomorrow so you don't have anything to worry about. Want us to still send you the reports from today and tomorrow?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Yes. Even though I am not the end of the day, I am still responsible for all of you guys. So please at least send me the reports. And don't forget the mileage! You forgot about it again!"

Severide nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Night Matt, feel better." I nodded and agreed with him as I went to hang up. Taking a breath, I then went to go upstairs to say goodnight to Matteo.

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