Chapter 349

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Antonio's POV: After watching everybody leave, I smiled when I came out to see Gabby sitting there with the kids. "Mind if I join you guys?" Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "I would love that. By the way, I thought Jay was coming too." I then shook my head. "He's on his way with a third detective. We are going to be speaking to everybody here today." Gabby nodded and agreed. "I want to help with the case. I looked over the documents and I know the people. They were big donors to the Emergency Disaster and Relief Global Aid Organization."

I sighed when she said that. "Exactly why you are not helping with the case. You are not allowed to help because you have a conflict of interest. You were a fundraiser. Heck, even my involvement in the case is questionable. You are my sister and they are some of the biggest donors. So, I am actually only supposed to be talking about it when Jay is here." That's when I heard Jay walk in. "Exactly, so why are you here at the firehouse before me?" Turning to look at him, I smiled. "Because I am allowed to come speak to my brother-in-law first about Gabby."

Jay then agreed with me when I said that. "By the way Gabby, how are you?" Getting up, Gabby smiled as she went to hug him. "Good, how's Erin? Saw on FaceBook that she put that she isn't feeling the best." Jay then sighed. "We are definitely having a boy this time around. She has had morning sickness a lot longer than when we had Olivia. Honestly, it's brutal. Just waking up every morning. Heck, honestly...Erin wakes me up more than Lucky now a days." Jay then looked down at Lucky while going to sit down with us at the table.

"Uhm, are we allowed to talk about the case in front of Gabby or..." Gabby then looked at him. "Jay, my husband is the chief here. You really don't think we talk about his fires and stuff? Trust me, I already know a lot about the case. Heck, I was his sounding board when it came whether to refer this case to you guys or not. He was hesitant at first." I got concerned when she said that. "Okay, I hate to even think about this Gabby but...I need to ask this based solely on the statement that you said. Was there a specific reason he was hesitant related to impropriety?"

Gabby then turned to look at me and shook her head. "Wow, you really forgot about our conversation this weekend. He was hesitant because he is a new chief. What you just said is insulting and really bellow you Antonio. Just be glad that Matt isn't here or else he might not be very co-operative today. Antonio, he may be your brother-in-law but...he is taking this case personally. He said that to me because he hates the idea that these people might be using this fire to get money. He hates it because it puts a price on the lives of his men here at the house."

Jay then looked at her and nodded. "Well, that makes sense honestly. I would feel the same way if I was leading intelligence and somebody tried to do something that put my men in danger." I nodded and agreed with him. "By the way, I am only here as the one managing the case. That and I am going to help you question Matt." Jay understood. "But, I am taking lead. How about we work on questions though? I mean, unless you don't want Gabby here?" I then bit my lip. "She's fine. She's not going to talk to Matt before we get to question him."

Gabby then looked at me. "Okay, you are not questioning him more Antonio. He already gave you his report, he gave you his officer's reports and he gave you information as your brother-in-law. Sorry but, I need to ask you to let him be now. He has enough to worry about. Anyways, how long is this case going to take anyways?" Jay then bit his lip. "We are thinking at least a month." I sighed and looked at Antonio. "You have 12 days to talk to him all you want. After that, he is off limits!" Jay looked at her confused. "Uhm, why exactly? You getting a lawyer?"

Gabby then turned to look at him and started to get irritated. "No, because I am having surgery on March 2nd. Now, if you don't mind me...I am going to go do some breathing." Gabby then went to pick her kids up and walked away to Matt's bedroom office so that she could relax. I then sighed while looking at Jay and just shaking my head. "How do you not yet know how to speak to a new mom when your wife is pregnant with your second child? By the way, you guys know the gender yet?" Jay nodded. "Yeah, I told you. His name is Jayson West Halstead. But Jason is spelt J-A-Y-S-O-N. So it's like Jay's son." I nodded and agreed with him.

"Listen, Hank is going to want us to co-ordinate questions. I also want to do the same so that we aren't asking him the same questions twice. What are you going to ask him since I believe you have more seniority than me?" Jay then bit his lip. "You are the one in charge of case management, so you take the lead okay? You worked as lead investigator at the DA's office. So, I think you should take lead." I nodded and agreed with him. "Oh, we are going to wait to question Matt okay? He is going to need to talk to Gabby when he's back." Jay nodded and agreed. "Sorry about that by the way, I was stupid. Olivia was a bitch last night."

I was shocked when he said that. "Wow, that's pretty strong language to describe your daughter. So, what's bothering you about your 9 month old daughter?" Jay sighed when I asked him that. "Apparently, she has been listening to my calls. She's started making sounds. The most recent sound that she's making sounds like effin'" I laughed when he said that. "How's your back?" Jay shook his head. "I wasn't stuck on the couch. Erin doesn't do that to me because she wants to be there for me if I have PTSD memories." I nodded and agreed with him. "How is that anyways?"

Jay sighed and looked at me. "It's getting better but, I am just concerned that it will get bad again. I am doing so good. Now the doctors are talking about changing my meds, I am not sure what to do." I nodded and agreed with him. "Honestly, I would talk to Erin and Hank. They are the ones who care about you the most and would know what's the best for you. Also, I would talk to your brother considering he's a doctor." Jay nodded and just shrugged. "The relationship between me and my brother is strained. But, I get why he had to move...I would've done the same had I known where Erin went all those years ago."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Listen, onto other topics. Olivia walking yet?" Jay laughed when I asked him that. "Yeah, a bit." We both smiled when he said that as we both spent the next hour just talking, relaxing while we waited for the firehouse to come back.

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