Chapter 395

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Matt's POV:
As I made my way upstairs with Gabby, I smiled as I watched her walk in first. "Listen, you get in bed with Matteo. I have to get changed." I nodded and agreed with her. Letting her hand go, I then watched her walk away to the closet to get changed. Meanwhile, I looked at the bed to see Matteo under the covers in bed. "Hm...I wonder where Matteo Casey is." Walking over to the bed, I went to play with him. Matteo then tugged the covers down. "I here daddy."

I smiled when he said that and nodded. "You sir are going to need to be a lot more quiet. Remember, your brother and sister are still asleep in their cribs." Matteo then nodded as he got up. He then went to walk away to the cribs and looked at his siblings. Watching him carefuly, I smiled when I saw him hold his sister's hand. "Sissy pretty." I nodded when he said that before moving his blanket to the side. "Yeah, but she's asleep right now." Matteo nodded in agreement.

Getting up, I went to walk over to him. I then decided to pick him up before letting him look into the cribs properly. Kissing his head, I smiled as he looked at his siblings. "You are going to be a good big brother to your siblings right buddy?" Matteo nodded when I said that before moving to hug me. "I promise papa." I smiled when he said that while holding him close. I then decided to carry him back to bed before grabbing my iPad so that he could play on it.

Sitting down in bed with him in my lap, I smiled at him. "Want to play with daddy's iPad?" He nodded and agreed with me as I went to give it to him. Opening it, he went right to his games. He knew where they were because he had his own page full of games. I then decided to lay back and just watched him play games while I held him on my chest. That's when Gabby came back out in her sweats. "Well, isn't that an adorable sight? My two guys cuddling in bed?"

I smiled when she said that before watching as she came to get in bed with me. Opening the covers and sitting in bed next to me, Gabby then went to grab my hand. "Are the babies still asleep? I didn't even check." I nodded and smiled at her. "I did. They are fast asleep still." I then realized that she wasn't wearing a bra and smirked. "You feeding them by yourself today?" Gabby nodded. "Oh calm down, we have him in bed with us remember?" I nodded. "I know."

That's when I remembered something. "Hey Matteo, did you have lunch at school today? I didn't even ask." Matteo then looked at me and nodded. "We had macaroni." I smiled when he said that, macaroni was his favorite food right now. "Was it better than daddy's macaroni?" He nodded when I said that. Meanwhile, I was offended. Grabbing the iPad and rolling over to tickle him. "Take that back. Daddy's macaroni is better than theirs right?" Matteo then laughed. "No!"

Gabby's POV:
As I watched Matt play with Matteo in bed, I couldn't help but smile considering how much Matteo was laughing right now. Matt knew exactly how to play with him and it was always fun to watch them play together. However, it was starting to get a bit too loud and I was scared that they were going to wake up the babies. "Hey, calm down boys. We don't want to wake up the babies now do we?" Matt and Matteo then looked at me. "Sorry mommy."

I smiled when they both said that. "Matt, you seriously just say that?" He nodded and smiled at me. "That get me brownie points." I then looked at him and shook my head. "Calm down mister, you are starting to show." Matt then knew exactly what I meant by that and blushed. "Listen buddy, how about you pick a book from the library on the iPad? Mommy can read to you. Meanwhile, daddy is going to get his PJs on too." Matteo nodded and agreed with him.

Rolling over onto his other side, he went to show a book he wante me to read to him in spanish. "You learn any spanish at school today bud?" Matteo then shook his head. "I no understand it." I then sighed when he said that. "Have they taught it at all?" Matteo then shook his head. I then sighed when he said that because it was the reason we picked that daycare. They specifically had spanish classes for kids to take. Matteo was enrolled and should've had one today.

Taking a mental note to remember to call Lindsay about this, I decided to just forget about it so that I could read to Matteo. "What book do you want to read today?" Matteo then went to point at one and I smiled. This was a book that I read when I was a kid. And while this time it was in english, I was going to have to find it in spanish. There was no way that I was not going to read him the same book that my parents read to me when I was his age. That was not an option.

That's when I decided to stop thinking about that for a while and just concentrate on this nice cuddle/reading time that me and Matteo were having. This was time that I wasn't ever going to be back so...might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

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