Chapter 394

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After driving back home with Matteo, when Gabby comes in:
Matt's POV: As I heard the door open to the house, I smiled when I heard Matteo talking to Gabby. "Some boys though weren't that nice. They didn't share their blocks." I sighed when he said that before walking over to the door. "Someone need their daddy to talk to them and give them a lesson in sharing?" Matt then smiled when he heard me. "No running to me until your boots are off mister." He nodded and went to take off his boots before running over.

Bending down, I smiled as I went to pick him up in my arms. "Hey buddy, how was your day?" Matteo then looked at me and smiled. "Good, I play with uncy Severide's son." I then looked at Gabby. "Did he really finally say it right?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "He raved about playing with him all the way home. I think your theory about him being best friends with you son's best friend is definitely true." I agreed and smiled when she said that.

Walking over to me, Gabby then grabbed my hand and smiled as she went to give me a kiss. "Listen, I am done going out for the day so...I am going to go get changed okay? You and him can do whatever you want. Whether that be head upstairs so we can play as a family in our bed our do arts and crafts...I don't care as long as you clean up after him." I nodded while turning to look at Matteo. "What do you want to do buddy?" Matteo then smiled. "I want to see Gabriel."

Looking at him, I smiled. "Were you worried for your brother today?" Matt nodded. "Yeah." I then smiled at him. "Well, he's feeling a lot better. But I am sure that he would love to have a bit of time with his brother in bed. How about we head upstairs and you can hold him?" Matteo nodded when I said that. Setting him down, I smiled. "Listen, go up to your room okay? I will be right up. We can put you in some sweatpants." Matteo nodded and agreed as he went upstairs.

Stepping close to Gabby I smiled as I went to bring her close to me before going to wrap my arms around her. "Have fun driving the Tesla?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. Kissing me softly, she agreed. "Yeah, I like it. I swear...once we are done with car seats, we are getting a second one. I am not going to be one of those moms with a huge van. I am going to be a stylish moms who has a Tesla to drive her kids around in."

I nodded when she said that and smiled as I went to kiss her forehead. "I know that. But listen, how about we head upstairs before Matteo makes either a mess of his room or goes upstairs before us." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Grabbing her hand, I went to intertwine our fingers before rubbing her hand. "How was the drive in the Tesla? You enjoy it or was it weird?" Gabby laughed. "Like I just said, that's my next car."

I agreed with her. "I am going to save up for one then. We can save for college once the kids turn 10. That will give us enough time." Gabby then sighed. "Can we not think about that? That'll make me worry. I don't want to leave our kids with a ton of debt. That is not going to be fun. I already know that I am going to inherit half of my father's debt." I sighed when she said that. "Listen, let's not think about that. That'll just make you worry."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me as we started to make our way upstairs to the second floor. Seeing Matteo in there, I smiled at him. "Listen, you go upstairs and get changed. I will help him." Gabby agreed and smiled as she let go of my hand before making her way upstairs. Meanwhile, I went to walk into Matteo's room and smiled at him. "You need some help getting changed buddy?" Matteo then turned to look at me and nodded. "Please?"

I smiled when he said that before going to grab him some sweat pants from his dresser. Watching him move to the bed, I smiled. "Can you take off your pants buddy? You can wear jogging pants. Or do you want to wear your PJs?" Matteo then looked at me. "Cars." I smiled and agreed with him. Putting his sweats away, I then went to grab his car PJs from his drawer of PJs. Getting them out, I then walked over to him and smiled as I went to help him get changed.

Looking at him, I smiled as I went to kiss his cheek softly. "You have a good day at preschool?" Matteo nodded and smiled. "Lots of fun." I agreed and smiled as I went to put his shirt on before tickling him. Matteo liked that. "Papa stop!" I then smiled as I went to leave kisses on his cheek. "I love you buddy. Now, how about we go upstairs and we can cuddle with mama, Ella and Gabriel in bed." Matteo nodded and agreed with me. "Blankie?"

I then knew why he wanted it, he might be tired. "I got it buddy, go upstairs." He smiled and nodded as he went to run upstairs. Meanwhile, I went to grab his blanket before carrying it upstairs with me as I prepared to go spend some time with the family in bed.

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