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You stare in disbelief at the state of your shoulders, throat and neck as you look at yourself in the mirror. Red, angry bruises covered every single previously clean area of skin. Some were turning slightly more purple, clearly having been one of the first marks he'd given you.
Your fingers trace over the sensitive skin softly, even the slight pressure from your fingertips a little painful as they brush over the bruises. You almost looked a little like Dabi yourself now.
You half consider healing a few of them. It looked crass. You'd read about these kinds of marks in romance books and some young adult novels. They were called hickeys.

They were bound to get a reaction out of Kurogiri that you didn't want, never mind Sensei's reaction if he so happened to look in at what you were doing any time soon. You didn't mind the marks, they made you feel special, and the sensitivity as you brushed your fingers against them reminded you of the sheer bliss you'd been in as he'd pinned you down and rutted his hips into yours while his lips and tongue worked over the scar that dragged itself along your collarbone.

You lift your chin up to see if there were any more hidden anywhere else, and you spot a couple of large purple bruises directly under your chin. You couldn't remember him even doing those ones.
You sigh, taking the cami off entirely along with the baggy pants that you'd taken from Tomura a while ago, considering ways to hide the marks from Kurogiri and Sensei while you slip into the bath.
You think back to the scarf Sensei had given you as a small child, you still had that somewhere. It was pink. Like you. It had meant a lot at one time, and unlike Tomura you were an extremely sentimental person.

That may still fit, right?
You'd gotten taller, not wider. Even if it was only a little bit, you would be able to cover some of the bruises that covered the expanse of your neck and shoulders.
You slip even further into the bath, the warm water sitting just below your jawline as you close your eyes and embrace the feeling of the water covering you.


You come around slowly, your head lulling slightly as you return to reality. The water was cold now. The dripping of the tap into the already full bath the only sound filling the bathroom. You groan, a shiver setting in your bones now you were were awake. You rest your elbows either side of the tub, your shoulder blades complaining as you pull yourself up and out of the bathwater.
You rush getting yourself dry and dressed, knowing that you'd been in there a long while, and Tomura was likely going to make a fuss about you taking so long.
You carefully open the bathroom door, making sure it doesn't fall entirely with a crash and end up waking Kurogiri, and quietly plod down the empty, quiet hallway.

When you get to your shared room, you can make out the ever so faint noises of talking, a male and a female voice. Neither of which are Tomuras.
Your hand pauses on the door handle. You look up the corridor, looking at the door of Kurogiris room, debating whether he would be worth waking up or not.
You look back at your hand, having settled on the idea that Kurogiri would be no use in a combat situation, as proved by the incident at USJ. As much as he had tried his hardest, he wasn't any good with physical combat. Much like you, he had extensive use outside of battle, with barely any use in battle.

You listen for a little longer, trying to decipher the low voices through the door that muffled them. You can't seem to make sense of what they're saying, only being able to pick up on random words that didn't seem to correlate or make any sense at all.
You begin to convince yourself more and more that there were intruders in the bar with every half-deciphered word.
The sound of a light groan from Tomura travelling through the door spurs your body on to opening the door, now convinced there had been an intruder that had come in while you were asleep and captured Tomura. A danger, a threat.
You throw the door open, hoping the sudden action and slamming sound would throw the intruders off and give you an opening to get Tomura free and attack them.

What you don't expect is the exact sight that lay in front of you.

Tomura was slouched back in his seat, his hand in his pants. His eyes had been fixated on one of the monitors, the image of a pink haired girl with her head in someones lap, her eyes tearful as she looks up at the camera. But the second the door had slammed against the wall, his entire body had shot up, his eyes snapping over to you.
His hand remained in his pants, but his eyes moved from an expression of shock to one of anger. Your eyes move back to the monitor, surprised he didn't shut it off considering his reaction.
The woman was lifting her head from the lap now, her head bobbing up and down with tears streaking her makeup.

You're watching, fascinated. Apart from the brown eyes, the girl on the screen looked almost identical to you. You can feel Tomuras eyes burning through you, even as you're looking away from him.
Your eyes widen as the womans head moves away entirely, her lips making a popping sound as the mans length drops out of her mouth.
Tomuras hand swings out, his palm making contact with the screen, making it crack and crumble, spark flying as it happens.
Your eyes snap over to his, your mouth opening in shock at how blasé he was about destroying his precious gaming system.

"Sensei-" You begin to say as Tomura zips up his pants.
"Will get me a new one." He grumbles.
"What movie was that?" You ask.
He looks at you like you'd asked him what colour the sky was. The look only lasts for a second before he stands slowly, his hands hanging loosely by his side. Hunching over as his red eyes meet your own menacingly from behind his hair.

"Shut up." He mutters. "Don't talk about it again."

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن