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With your lips pressed against his, you can feel the sheer heat coming from his cheeks from how embarrassed he was.
It feels strange. It feels like you're not even kissing Tomura what with his new appearance. Even his lips feel softer, less damaged, cracked skin catching on yours. Your hands place themselves either side of his face, tilting his head back slightly so you can deepen the kiss.
A cracked groan leaves him as your tongue slides over his, his hands immediately flying to your waist and gripping you tight.
You can't control yourself. For once it's you that's about to take it too far, and not him. You needed actions as well as words. You needed to let it sink into your skin until you believed it.

When you start moving to straddle his lap, his hands quickly move to stop you.
You look down at him, a look of annoyance and hurt flitting over your face.  His thumbs start gliding over your sides and he just shakes his head at you in response.
"Why?" You ask, but it comes out sounding a lot more like a statement.
You sit yourself down anyway, his grip not quite tight enough to suggest he was really putting his foot down.
His lap is so much firmer than it used to be, and you're surprised by yourself when such a simple action stirs you on even more and you soon grind yourself against his crotch with a needy whine escaping you.

This has him freezing underneath you, his fingers digging into your waist briefly before he tries to push you away, unsuccessfully, as you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Why don't you want me?" You ask, those pesky tears reappearing.
Tomura had never said no to this kind of situation, even with his broken leg the way you were positioned put you in charge, he wouldn't have to move an inch.
"Don't be stupid." He grumbles from underneath you, his hands wrapping around your waist again.
"Then what is it?" You ask, moving your face so he has no choice but to stop avoiding looking at you.
The muscle of his jaw flexes slightly before he answers.
"I just don't wanna hurt you." He replies, his tone like some kind of scolded child. And it's only brief, but you catch it, his eyes resting on your stomach for a moment.

You scoff a little to yourself.
Of course now he's worried for your wellbeing when it's not actually your wellbeing he's worried about.
You take a breath to collect yourself. You need to let it go.
"You won't hurt it." You explain, trying to keep your voice even. "The books even say it's good for- oh!"
His hands tighten on you again, working your body against his, grinding you into his crotch harder and more firmly.
This causes a surprised, shuddered moan to escape you, as you do it again of your own free will, chasing the feeling it gives you in your lower stomach to grind against him so lewdly.

You carry on, Tomura allowing you to use his body to chase that high, his face buried into the side of your neck, pressing occasional sloppy kisses to the scars that he should have had, his breathing heavy as you rub your body against his with soft little mewls.
His breath fans over your face heavily, groans leaving him too as he holds your body close to his, his arms wrapped around your body as you grind against him to the point of climax, a loud keen leaving you as you come, gripping his hair as you work yourself through it.
"Ah, fuck." He growls, burying his face into your shoulder, his grip on you tightening.
You pant, lifting his shirt, an action that he's eager to comply to, his arms going to the air as you lift his shirt roughly over his head.

His fist closes on your pants, disintegrating them within seconds, one arm keeping you slumped against him as his other hand hurriedly moves to pull his pants down.
Everything feels so intense, like there are sparks between you both, dancing along your skin with every touch of his body against your own.
You can't remember feeling this desperate, this needy for his touch before, and you certainly don't remember every touch feeling like pure bliss.
It doesn't take either of you long to get him to be fully seated inside you, your hands pawing desperately at his back, him letting out a low growl against your still-clothed shoulder as your ass hits his thighs.
He keeps you seated fully for a second on his lap as his fingers clutch at your hips, his breathing heavy as he thumps his head against your shoulder.

You try to move, to get some of that sweet friction that you need, but his strength seems to go on keeping you still on his lap.
You eventually devolve into desperately grinding to get something, anything from your current position.
"Stay still." He hisses, his fingers threatening to bruise your waist with how hard they're digging into you.
"Need you." You breathe in response, your brain completely fogged over from how good this all feels, how much you just needed him to move, to show you how much he needs you.
He takes a deep breath before loosening his grip on you, allowing you to begin bouncing on his cock, your hands still desperately grabbing at him, his newly formed muscles flexing under the skin of his back as you try to get a good grip on him to help your movements.

For once, neither of you say anything, the room filled with the sounds of your ass falling down on Tomuras lap with small thumps, the sound of your slick as you continue your motions, your moans and cries muffled as your face is pressed into his shoulder.
Everything feels so good. Every movement you make feels like ecstasy, and every groan, growl and hissed curse coming from Tomura only serves to stir you on more.
"Ah... S-slow down." Tomura eventually stutters through gritted teeth, his breath fanning over your neck as he grips your waist again, trying to regain control over the situation.
As he pulls at your waist slightly, his dick hits a sensitive spot inside of you that has your breath hitching, your nails digging into his back and making him take a sharp inhale of air.

"T-there. Right there Tomu." You moan, lifting your head as you shift yourself slightly to ensure he'd hit that spot inside of you every time you slam yourself down onto his lap.
Your fingers on one hand end up getting tangled up in his hair as you continue using the other to use his body to hold yourself up, to move yourself harder, faster, to desperately press against him as much as you can.
Tomuras fingers tighten and loosen as he gives out broken groans with every slam of your hips, his lips grazing over your neck as he hisses with pleasure.
You're moving faster, faster, your body beginning to tremble as the coil in your stomach tightens, Tomura grunting something next to your ear, but you're too far gone, uninterested of anything outside of your pleasure as you continue riding him, making your enjoyment known with sharp gasps, loud keens and little mewls. 

Suddenly he twitches violently inside of you, his body flopping forward slightly as he seems to gasp for air.
The twitch happens to hit you in just the right place, sending you toppling over the edge of your own climax too, a low whine leaving you as you grind yourself against him through the pulsing feeling as it rocks through your body.
You both cling to each other for a little while, panting as you wrap your arms around him, his loosely making their way around your body, too.
He feels so firm underneath you and against you, so solid. As if he wasn't going to go anywhere. An immovable object.
You can't believe how good that felt in comparison to normal. You usually enjoyed intimate moments like this with Tomura, but this time it felt different somehow.

"That was..." You begin saying the second you catch your breath enough to allow yourself the ability to talk, before deciding against finishing that sentence.
It was a little embarrassing to say, and would only fuel Tomura's ego.
Curious by Tomura's silence, you move his slightly damp hair out of the way, revealing his half-lidded eyes and pink cheeks, you're almost sure you see a little bit of drool on his chin too.
"You okay?" You ask softly, moving more of his hair out of his face, fully revealing the damaged skin around his eyes that he tended to hide with his hair.
"Mmm." He hums, something lazy and at-ease  sounding about the way it leaves him, something so foreign to Tomura's usual attitude. "Gonna miss this."

You frown, trying to catch his attention properly.
"What do you mean?"

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now