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You both walk in silence around the building, Tomura peering into any window you passed. Sometimes he'd linger for a second too long and you'd consider slapping him around the back of his head again, but deciding against it, not wanting to start a proper argument while in the midst of a stealth based mission.
"I don't like it." He mutters as he reaches the last window on the bottom floor.
"What?" You sigh.
"There's nothing but women."
"You weren't complaining about it earlier." You mutter, only to be ignored by your blue haired companion, who crouches in front of you.

"Climb on." He orders.
"I'm not tall enough." You reply, peering up at the second story window that he wanted you to look into.
"Try it." He grunts.
You sigh, but do try to angle yourself so you're sitting on his shoulders. His hands grip on your thighs with a tight four fingered grip as he rises slowly to his full height again. You try leaning up, but you're just shy of the line of the window.
"Can you tiptoe?" You ask, looking down at his hood-covered head.
He grunts, trying to shift onto his tiptoes a few times, completely unsuccessfully.
"Forget about it." You sigh. "I can pretty much tell you there won't be any underlings upstairs either."

"How can you be so sure?" He asks, his voice a little strained.
"If it's anything like where me and Mom lived when I was younger, they won't have anyone here unless there's trouble." You mutter, your mind going back to the many days you'd seen gangs of men enter the house only to leave after beating the women near to death sometimes, if not killing them entirely. "And trouble usually means noise. This place is eerily quiet."
Tomura hums, slowly lowering himself into a crouch again. "Why?"
This time, it's your turn to remain silent as you try to get off his shoulders without making full contact with his hands. 

How were you supposed to know? 
You had only been a child when you'd been in an establishment like this one, and the entire time you'd been in it, you'd had no idea what it truly was. You'd just assumed you were all one big family. That's how you were all treated by each other. Even the men that came to 'visit' were kind. They gave gifts to you all, and sometimes they'd even let you talk to them or play games with you while waiting for your Mom to be ready.
You knew the reality of it now. But you admittedly still didn't understand a lot about it.

He doesn't press you on it, instead stands slowly, his hands hanging limp by his sides until a loud buzzing sound fills the silent air. You look over at him, inching closer towards the brick walls. His hands carefully dig into his pocket, pulling out the burner and pressing it to his ear.
"What?" He asks snappily, backing up against the wall too beside you, midway between both windows. 
You peer over at him, watching the anger leave his eyes.
"Alright." He says before clicking the phone and slipping it back into his pocket. "Lets go." 

"Who was it?" You ask quietly. "Was it Dabi?"
Tomuras entire face begins to crinkle. 
"Don't you dare." You say sternly. "Not after you've been a pervert all evening." 
His face doesn't drop the scowl, but he does keep any and all spiteful comments he'd likely wanted to spit at you as he walks in silence, his hands flexing by his sides.
You keep a few paces behind, perfectly content in your own company. To make up for the creepy silence around the entire building, you'd started revisiting a story you'd read time and time again in the bar, trying to remember the entire storyline.

Tomura begins to duck back under the fence, and you wait for him to get to the other side before ducking down yourself.
"Wait!" He says in a rushed tone. "Climb."
"Climb?" You ask, dumbfounded. "Why? My ankles hurt. We've been walking for hours."
He remains quiet, simply staring at you through the wire. You raise your eyebrows as if to say 'well?' silently, and he rolls his eyes away from you.
"You'll ruin your clothes."
You snort. "So?"
You begin to roll the wiring up yourself, getting mud and dust on your knees anyway.
"Y/N." He hisses.

"What?!" You snap.
"The hoodie." He groans. "You'll ruin it."
You look down at the hoodie you're wearing. It was only one you'd stolen the other week. Just some random hoodie you'd plucked out of the mens aisle.  It was black, with a small P with a rainbow swirl behind it, it also had "Since 1999, Tokyo/Japan" written along the chest. It was hardly the nicest thing you'd worn.
"What's so special about it?" You ask. "You've never cared about what happens to me or my clothes before."
He looks at you as though you just asked him to hug All Might, or to kill Sensei.

"Fucking hell. Alright." You grumble, shrugging the leather jacket off and taking the hoodie off, leaving you in one of his long sleeves. You pull the jacket back over you and roll the wiring up enough to pass him the hoodie. He simply looks at it instead of taking it for a few seconds, so you lift and lower it a couple times.
"Hurry up and take it so we can go." You urge, pressing your body to the floor.
He takes it the most carefully you'd ever seen him handle anything before, making sure not even the sleeves touch the floor as he removes it from your hands in a three fingered grip.

"You're ridiculous, Tomura." You grunt as you scrape yourself along the floor, dirt immediately aggravating the nick on your leg from the razor wire.
When you pass through the wiring, you slowly get up, your back and knees cracking as you do so. When you stand fully, you swing your body from side to side, sending a series of cracks up your spine. 
Luckily Tomura had the sense to call Kurogiri while you were dragging yourself under the boundary, a cool breeze passing over you both as a Warp Gate manifests amongst the trees. 
"Hang on a sec." You murmur as you brush your body down, kneeling on one leg to inspect the cut on the other.
Tomura stands waiting for you, and even though you're not looking, you can feel the weight of his gaze as he looks down at you. You wrap your hand around the cut, the familiar pink light emitting from your palm.
"You got hurt?" He asks.
"Only a small cut, but it got dirt in it. Better to sort it out now." 
He grunts, looking over at Kurogiri.

"Okay. Lets go." You say, standing up again with a creak of your ankle and knee.
You both walk through the portal, and you're relieved to find the house is pretty warm. Dabi must have finally come back from wherever he'd been the past few days.
"I'll have that back now." You say to Tomura, going to grab the hoodie he was still holding lazily as he walked towards the stairs. His eyes move towards your hand resting on the material before your pink eyes are met with red.
"I like it." He says simply.
"Great. Me too." You reply, pulling it, only to get his grip on it to tighten.

"Tomura." You say firmly.
"You don't get it." He says, trying to pull the material away from you.
"It's cosy." You whine. 
He looks at the bunched up material, a softness in his eyes. 
It was the most human you'd seen him in a while. You hadn't seen that face since you were kids. When Sensei had given you a rare gift, and he'd wanted it. And it was tugging at your heart strings with the nostalgia it brought. With a reluctant sigh, you let go.
"Fine. It'll be ours." 

You don't miss the half smile that cracks on his chapped lips, even through the shield of his pale hair.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now