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You had been a little surprised that Tomura hadn't tried to worm his way into the bed regardless of the small spat you'd both had. You were even more surprised when you'd given it a bit of time before turning around to see what he was doing, expecting him to be slumped against the wall, only to see that you were alone in the empty room. 
You'd never had to sleep alone ever since meeting Tomura as a child. You'd both shared rooms for as long as you could remember, and since Sensei had been taken to Tartarus, you'd both been sharing a bed.

As a result, you actually struggled getting back to sleep. A part of you that you couldn't quite understand wanted to go and look for him, or move to one of the other rooms so you wouldn't be left alone for the night. 
You had wondered to yourself if it was a part of a punishment for 'making him sick', or if he genuinely was giving you some space. You never minded having him around after arguments before. There had even been times where he'd laid hands on you and you'd allowed him to touch you intimately afterwards, so you couldn't understand why he would give you space over something so small.

Unless the nerves- the butterflies he'd been feeling in secret really were that intense that he thought he was genuinely sick and didn't want to be around you for that reason.
You scoff to yourself at the memory of him confronting you last night over it. He was genuinely that out of touch with his own feelings that he believed you were somehow managing to make him feel sick without even laying a finger on him. 

Shaking your head as you get out of the bed, your ankles cracking the instant your feet touch the floor, you think about how sad it was that Sensei had rid Tomura of all awareness of emotion besides anger and hatred. The only reason you even knew what Tomura was experiencing was due to books, and the feelings you'd had yourself when Tomura started showing a more sexual interest in you. 
You run your fingers through your messy hair as you walk down the stairs, wondering how long it would take him to get to grips with those emotions, to recognise them for what they were rather than spitting out 'I hate you' when he was about to finish, or accuse you of making him sick.

"Y/N." A raspy voice says, in a pointedly lower volume from behind you, pulling you out of your head. 
You turn to spot Dabi at the top of the stairs, his hair even more unruly than usual, the metal that lined his grafts and untouched skin together on his arms looking like they were blackened, marred. Small amounts of ash lay over the skin of his arms, hard to spot in the scarred areas, but still there all the same.
"You good?" He asks, leaning in the stairwall.

"Tired." You reply honestly. "But the headache and bruise have gone."

Dabis eyes roll to the side as he gives an abrupt grunt in response. You eye him up and down, waiting for another question, a reason for him to stop you halfway down the stairs, but he remains silent, almost thoughtful. You turn, preparing yourself to try and find out what kind of mood Tomura will be in today."Hey." He calls again, speaking a little louder than he had been. You turn again with a eyebrow raised. "You good if I take one of those tablets?" "Do what you want." You say with a shrug. "Anything I can help with?" 
Dabi shakes his head, moving away from where he had been leaning."Wouldn't want you to heal it anyway. Just overdid it a little last night."Oh yeah, last night. You have hazy memories of Magne being a little weird. And Tomura hadn't come back until the early hours of the morning. You scan over Dabi, as if you were able to analyse what they'd all been up to last night from his indifferent, bored stance."What did you get up to?" You ask, looking him dead in the eye.
"Cleared out a hideout." "Alone?" He smirks a little, his head cocking to the side. "What do you think, doll?"Your brain begins doing the math for you as you look at Dabi. A hideout. Tomura must have called them all out there, indicating that he felt like there was a need for extra strength, that he couldn't rely solely on himself. Magnes weirdness, like there was something she needed to hide from you. Kenji and his men. The man you'd knocked unconcious."He didn't." You say with a shake of your head. You knew Tomura was reactive, but leading every member of the League to someone like Kenji was the most reckless thing he could have done.
"Oh." Dabi says, his smirk widening. "But we did." You watch as he spins lazily on his heel, disappearing into your bedroom to get the painkillers. With a slight clench of your jaw, you turn and make your way down the stairs again, swallowing what you wanted to say to Tomura about the fact he'd chased down Kenji, replacing it with a weird sense of happiness that he deemed you worthy enough to avenge. He'd never done something like that before. But again, he had made no secret of his jealousy. He still wasn't completely over his hatred of Dabi yet. It was more likely a example of his possessiveness rather than your worth. Plus, he had been threatened. Tomura despised being threatened.
"Ah, Miss Y/N. You're awake." Kurogiri half-greets, a hint of judgement in his tone as you walk into the kitchen, cracking your neck from side to side."Good morning." You mumble, still a little in your own head."Afternoon." Kurogiri corrects, and you swear if the mist-like man had eyebrows, one of them would be raised as he looks at you. You weren't sure you liked the attitude Kurogiri had been picking up lately.
But, as you were raised to do, you ignore it. "Where's Tomura?" You ask. "Tomura Shigaraki is in the basement." Kurogiri replies robotically."Alone?" You ask, with a raised brow."He's with Compress." Spinner replies with a yawn, his purple hair a mess atop his head. "Wanna take that car out today?"You look him over as he delves into the fridge. "Sure." 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now