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Tomura grumbles, but does stand, leaving his plate on the table. You watch, still playing with your food nervously. You'd had a semblance of bravery when you'd stolen the lacy lingerie, but that was now completely gone.
Your fingers move underneath your hoodie, tracing over the scar mindlessly.
"Leave it alone, dear." Compress says, tapping your hand gently. "You'll irritate it."
"It's healed now." You murmur.
You'd never cared about scars before, but the one running down your stomach had been bothering you since it had healed. It was jagged and still red, puckered and angry.

You'd noticed Tomuras hands would always linger over it, and you could never tell whether it was disgust that made his hands pause or simply paying attention to it like he did the scar from Stain.
He didn't kiss it like he did the one on your collarbone though, which you were beginning to wonder about whether that was the source of your insecurity. Tomura would press his lips against the jagged mark on your shoulder before your own lips sometimes.
Sometimes you'd stare in the mirror in the bathroom and wish the mark away. It traced from just underneath your breast to the top of your hipbone, taking up the entirety of your side like someone had attempted to perform an autopsy on you but missed the centre of you entirely.

You sigh, and place the food on the side before getting up with a loud snap of your knees, attracting everyones attention.
"Are you not gonna eat that?" Twice asks, his finger practically going into the food.
"Not hungry." You admit, and he immediately takes the plate from the table, digging in eagerly.
"You should eat something." Magne says, watching as you begin to leave the room.
"Later." You say dismissively.
"This is so good!" Twice groans. "Tastes like shit!"

"Y/N!" Spinner calls before you exit the room.
You turn around slowly, eyeing him curiously.
"Twice just ate your medicine." He says, throwing the contented man a look. "Are you sure you don't need it?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. As I said, I'm still creaky." You shrug, before turning away and leaving again.
You pause in the hallway, listening to the low voices in the kitchen. It appeared as though Dabi was raising his voice more than the other two, and you couldn't help but wonder what was going on in there.

You try not to hang around and find out though when you hear Dabi's voice raise to the point you can hear from the middle of the stairs.
"You're seriously telling me I don't know what this is?" His voice rings out.
You decide to leave Tomura and Kurogiri handle it, instead heading to the bedroom and pulling out the underwear you'd stolen, lifting one of the matching sets out one after another.
There were so many straps. It was going to take you forever to figure out.
You bite your lip, debating whether to leave it. You'd never had anything as fancy as this before and you couldn't help but feel like it'd be out of place on your body.

Eventually you relent, remembering you had gone as far as to steal them, so you may as well put them into some use.
You quietly go to the bathroom with the garments shoved up your sleeves in case Dabi was wondering around silently like he always seemed to be whenever you didn't want him around.
You begin putting it all on, the strap at the back of the bra taking up a lot of your time, the fiddly clasps reducing you to a cursing and angry version of yourself. You can't believe that this style of bra was the most popular version to wear and that other women dealt with this on a daily basis.

You step gingerly into the garters that were attached to the panties, pulling them up your legs hesitantly.
Once you were convinced that they were on properly, the straps tight enough to ensure they wouldn't fall down your legs, you shoved one of his hoodies over your head and sped to the bathroom to make sure you didn't look dumb, and that everything was definitely on right.
You look at yourself in the mirror, a little surprised by the reflection.
You didn't hate how it looked, but it sure as hell wasn't as comfortable as your usual attire. You almost did look the same as the girl in the video Tomura had been watching months ago.

Your fingers trace the scar on the side of your stomach again, your face wobbling ever so slightly as you feel the roughness of it against the rest of your skin.
You decide not to dwell on it too long, not liking the fact you'd had a physical facial reaction to the upset it made you feel to look at it.
You pull the hoodie back over your head and leave the bathroom, not having heard anyone come up the stairs.
You jolt, your hands flying down to the hem of Tomuras hoodie and pulling it down over the garters on your thighs entirely, your eyes moving from the floor to iridescent blue eyes.

If he sees what you're wearing in the split second you were caught off guard, he chooses to ignore it. The fact he ignored it at all comforted you, there was no way he wouldn't have teased you if he had seen.
"You eat?" He asks.
"No." You reply, shaking your head and hoping the heat you were feeling in your face wasn't showing.
His eyes move to the side, before resting back on you.
"All the plates were empty." He says, almost as if he was questioning you.
"Yeah, Twice ate mine as well as his own." You explain, hoping that's enough to tide Dabi over enough to get out of his sight.

He stares you down for a second before his face distorts entirely, the most genuine smile you'd ever seen on the man overtaking his features, tugging at the sutures on his face painfully, little tears appearing underneath them and blood beginning to leak down his cheeks, running along his jawline as he bursts into the most intense laughter you'd ever seen him collapse into.
You can't help but stare in shock as he clutches at his stomach, his laughter echoing throughout the entirety of the upstairs.
He doesn't say anything, just continues to laugh with blood pouring out of all the scarred patches on his face at he stamps downstairs, the most energetic you'd ever seen him move ever.

You blink as you watch his raven, messy hair disappear downstairs, a little in shock for a while before shaking your head and rushing to the bedroom, still pulling the hoodie as far down your thighs as you can.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt