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"Tomura." You breathe out, gently tipping Bakugos head back. His face was messed up beyond belief. His nose had practically been smashed back into his skull, both of his eyes were bruised and he was out cold.
Tomura remains silent, simply watching from a few steps away. You turn to face him, disapproval evident in your ink gaze.
"You really fucked this one up, Tomura." You say, wobbling the boys head slightly in your grip, showcasing how out of it he really was. "Look at him."
"He got out." Tomura says with a half shrug.

You roll your eyes at him, returning your attention back to the unconscious teenager, your fingers gently easing one of his eyes open. It looked normal. Your fingers pry the other open. You groan as you reveal his heavily dilated pupil to yourself, clear evidence of a head wound.
"Tomura!" You snap, closing the boys eye gently before turning your entire body to face him.
He genuinely looks a little abashed, and you're entirely sure it's because you'd raised your voice. It wasn't often you did it, so whenever you did, he usually listened.
"Just heal him." Tomura orders, his voice not holding its usual authoritative tone.

"He has a fucking head wound. If I heal him I'm gonna be out for a whole day." You spit.
His red eyes flicker before looking over at the slumped head of Bakugo.
"I said heal him."  He says again, his voice firmer this time despite the fact he was not making eye contact with you.
You shake your head at him, trying to keep the full extent of your anger at bay. As inconvenient as the fact you'd be out of action for maybe half a day in the best case scenario would be, you were more worried about the pain.

You hadn't healed a beating wound for a long time, but you still remember the pain. Instead of a sharp pain, it's a dull, never ending ache. And out of all the pain you'd endured healing before, you hated headaches. You knew that you were about to have the worst headache in the world if you healed the restrained boy in front of you, and you weren't living for it.
"You're an asshole. You know that, Tomura?" You ask, before gripping the boys head, your fingers resting in the messy mop of blonde hair as your quirk begins to activate, your eyesight almost immediately beginning to haze as a searing pain makes its way through your skull.

Your knees buckle, and you manage to spot Tomura dart towards you at the sound of the creaking of your kneecaps, his arms holding your whole body upright.
You bite your lip as your entire face and head begin to ache, literally biting back the sentence you so desperately wanted to spit at Tomura as he stood holding you up wordlessly. Yet again, never giving you a thank you.
"Just a little more." He says in a clear attempt of reassurance as your body wobbles.

You knew, though. He didn't need to tell you.
You'd know when he was fully healed because you'd....


You wake up wrapped up tightly in your blanket, but on Tomura's mattress. Your head still had a dull ache residing within it, but you can only assume that you were almost fully healed now.
You glance at the clock at the other end of the room. It was either 10am or 10pm. You couldn't be quite sure. You sit up, your back popping as you do so.
Through hazy eyes, you manage to spot a glass of water and a packet of painkillers to the side of the mattress, on the floor.

At least he'd thought of you afterwards.
Maybe that was a optimistic thought though, it could have very easily have just been Kurogiri.
You knock the pills back before getting yourself up from the mattress. Your vision almost goes entirely as you stand fully, your body swaying before you catch yourself.
"Nearly." You mutter to yourself, stumbling to the bathroom.
You pull the string for light weakly, making your way over to the mirror to see how far along you'd healed.

You look back at yourself. Your pink hair straight and lanky as it falls down way past your shoulders,  stray strands grazing your hip as you push them back, tucking them behind your ears.
There was yellowing around your eyes, your body still not having healed them all the way. You raise your fingers to your nose tentatively, pressing against the bone as softly as possible. It had healed, but it had healed ever so slightly crooked. A blessing really, considering how broken Bakugos nose truly had been.
Aside from the bruising, the slightly wonky nose, and feeling of exhaustion, you had mostly healed.

The sudden appearance of  Tomura behind you draws your eyes over to him as you look at him in the mirror.
"Hello." He says, his eyes averting as though he knew how displeased you were from the cold gaze you were indirectly giving him.
"Hello." You say bluntly, looking away and leaning closer to the mirror. Placing your thumb and finger  to pinch the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before giving it a test squeeze to see if it was fused yet.

Tomuras body flinches ever so slightly as you let out a little hiss, realigning your nose with watering eyes. It had been a long time since you'd outwardly shown any sign of pain. Sensei had taught you time and time again never to express pain. Pain was weakness. You weren't weak.
"Fuck." You spit as you let go of your nose, blinking away the tears as the sharp pain shoots up from the bridge of your nose to behind your eyes. "I'll never get used to that."
Tomura remains quiet, watching you through the mirror as you lean over the sink, trying to recollect yourself.

"You should stay in bed." He says, quietly.
"Had to see how far along I'd healed." You say, shakily as you still try to overcome the pain that was shooting through the backs of your eyes.
His arms make their way around you, his arms locking around your stomach, with his thumbs tucked into his hands. He was giving you a very rare and extremely awkward Tomura hug.
He only ever did this whenever he knew he'd fucked up big time, and he never got any less awkward with each hug.
You eye him in the mirror, your eyes still wincing with pain.

His eyes were still averted, avoidant. He was trying to apologise without saying the words themselves. And if you'd been a little further along in the healing process, you may have accepted it.
As much as you were angry enough to not forgive his carelessness towards your own comfort, you weren't angry enough to vocalise it. So you allowed him to keep you trapped in his hold until he finally let go.

It had felt like hours, despite it probably being even less than a minute, but he did let go. And in typical Tomura fashion, he left the bathroom without another word.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now