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"Hell no." You say, edging away from Toga nervously.
"C'mon!" She says eagerly. "I'll be quick!"
You squeak as she slashes at you again, trying to catch some kind of skin with her blade. Her attack only narrowly misses, your spine cracking as you bend yourself the wrong way to escape her.
"Stop being difficult, Y/N." Tomura says irritably.
"Sorry for not being eager to get cut." You snap back, your eyes widening as Tomuras hand snatches your arm clean out of the air, holding it out for Toga to slice at. "Tomura!"
Your eyebrows furrow, the hiss of pain you want to give out catching in your throat due to years of being taught never to show pain as Togas blade slices over your forearm quickly, blood immediately leaving the shallow cut and running slowly down your arm.

Tomura lets go of your arm, hopping away from you, the tail of his jacket floating elegantly in the movement. 
"Try and land a hit on me." He orders, half-crouching.
You ready yourself too, getting into the defensive position you'd seen him get into time and time again. Now that you actually had the cut, you were more determined to deflect it onto Tomura. Almost like you were getting even for the amount of scars and damaged bones you had of repeatedly healing wounds he'd garnered over the years.

You both watch each other distrustfully before Tomura leaps for you, Toga squealing with excitement as she watches closer to the house. Three of his fingers graze past your arm as you dodge the attack, and you immediately trying to move out of the way of him again, trying to create some distance between you both again. You just needed him to lunge for you again to make sure your next move was the right one. 
He doesn't waste time the second time around, spinning slowly to face you before lunging for you again, his feet carrying his body faster than what seemed possible.

His right hand again. 
You smirk to yourself as you dodge the attack again, attempting to grab his left arm as he passes, but he's too quick, his feet bringing him to an abrupt stop just past you before his right hand reaches for your head again. You duck and make a dash for his left side, surprised when his left hand moves reflexively against your shoulder, holding you tight in a three fingered grip. 
"Dead." He says simply, squeezing your shoulder as if to highlight his point. 
You look at him furiously.
"If you have a touch-based Quirk, you should expect them to be good with both hands." He says, cocking his head, his scarred mouth lifting into a smirk before he ducks his head closer to you. 
"Maybe if you land a hit I'll show you what I mean." He murmurs into your ear, making your cheeks flush slightly.
"They're being gross again. I can tell." Toga mutters not-so-quietly to Dabi and Twice as they watch from where she stands, cigarettes faithfully between their fingers.

"Just a little rusty, that's all." You mutter, pushing Tomura away, trying to ignore his smug smirk as his feet walk him backwards. "Been a while since we've done this." 
Tomura cracks his neck, to one side before crouching again, the fresh scratches on his neck that you noticed appeared after he'd done with the captive last night stretching painfully in the movement.
"Try again." He says, beckoning you with his fingers.
Your brain goes back to the time you'd managed to floor him the last time you'd trained together, when he'd called off the training sessions cause he'd been so flustered that you'd been able to keep him on the floor by his throat.

How had you managed that again?
You continue to dodge his hands as you try desperately to remember how you'd done it. 
There was an opening. You remember now. He begins to get frustrated the longer you manage to avoid his attacks, one of his hands always flying up to his neck for a split second as he stops to glare at you. It's only a fraction of a second, but it's a guaranteed opening.
You count the amount of times you avoid his attacks before you notice a growl come from him. He was getting irritated.

And then, the moment you'd been waiting for happens. His feet land on the floor, and his head snaps towards you, his hand twitching slightly as though it's going to move. 
You throw yourself at him with as much might as you can muster, your hands pushing him to the ground by his shoulders, and you activate your Quirk as he falls, a snarl leaving him as you do so. His hands barely manage to catch him, his pinky fingers raised as he manages to hold himself up so he's sitting, you practically collapsing into his lap, your hands still gripping tight onto his shoulders.

You both breathe heavily, looking at each other as the lights emitting from your palms fade out. 
His eyes are full of fire, but it's different to anger this time. You can't put your finger on what it is. 
Remembering how flustered he'd gotten the last time you'd done what you were about to do again, forgetting the people that were watching you both, filled with a rush of satisfaction, and getting the first power rush you'd ever had in your entire life, you wrap a hand around his throat, looking down at him with a smug smirk.

"Game over." You whisper, using the words he always used against you whenever he beat you in your old training sessions.
He looks at you with rapidly softening eyes, his chapped lips parting ever so slightly as you look down at him patronisingly, his hands sliding up your thighs, pinky fingers still raised high in the air.
"Aw, they're having a moment." Dabi mocks. "Don't look, Toga." 
"Go away." Tomura hisses, his eyes not breaking from your own.
"Let's go inside." Twice says, disgust clear in his voice. "I wanna watch!"
Tomuras head snaps towards the three, danger written all over his face despite the fact your hand is still wrapped around his throat.

"I said go away."  He warns again.
You let go of his shoulder and throat as you watch the three head back inside.
 Dabi is as indifferent as ever whereas Twice practically rushes inside, grabbing Toga by the collar and dragging her inside with him. 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now