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"Nope." You reply, popping the 'p'.
Kurogiri had just asked you to have a private word with him. With Toga not in the room, and after the stunt they both pulled earlier, you weren't about to go anywhere with Kurogiri alone.
Instead you remained wrapped up in your blanket, sitting on the sofa beside Compress, watching some old fashioned detective TV show while picking at a box of chocolates he'd managed to find.
"I really think you'll prefer this remains private." Kurogiri says, his tone a little condescending, like he was talking to a five year old.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." You reply. "Not after this afternoon."
Kurogiris eyes shift to Compress, and Twice who was sat on the floor by your seat.
Tomura, for once, seemed unbothered by the men surrounding you. He was likely just happy you were placated for now, perfectly content for the first time today. He had recently acquired a burner phone and you could only assume he was playing some kind of game on it as he lounged on the seat like some kind of casual king.
Kurogiri sighs and stands straight, plopping a box into your lap.

You look at it, picking it up gingerly and eyeing it suspiciously.
"What are these?" You ask.
"Birth control pills." Kurogiri replies.
Your face burns red even though Compress keeps his eyes trained on the TV, Jins attention turning to you ever so slightly.
"I don't need these." You spit, tempted to launch them at Kurogiri again.
"If you and Tomura Shigaraki are insistent on continuing this... relationship you have, then yes you do." Kurogiri responds, his yellow eyes moving towards Tomura, who had lazily rolled his eyes towards you.
"I'm not taking them." You say, finally, throwing them onto the table.

"Y/N..." Compress begins.
"Just take them, Miss Y/N." Kurogiri says sternly. "It's only one a day."
"I said no." You repeat, your voice hard as you stare the misty man down. "I don't trust you."
"You don't want a child." Kurogiri tries to argue.
"And I'm clearly not having one." You growl. "So I don't need to bother with some stupid pill."
"That's not how it works." Kurogiri says, exasperated.
"Just take it." Tomura groans. "Shut him up."
"No!" You snarl. "I'm sick of men telling me what to do."
The entire room falls silent, the air growing heavy.

"My Quirk isn't mine. Nothing in this house is mine. And now my body isn't mine." You mutter, your anger manifesting into a rare prickling in your eyes that you were desperately trying to swallow back.
"You're being emotional." Kurogiri states. "We'll talk about this later."
You sniff angrily, your eyes moving to look out of the window while you blink away the tears that were threatening to brim.
You never cried. Never.
Not with broken bones, not when Tomura yelled at you or pushed you around as kids, not when Sensei punished you. The last time you'd cried was when you'd tried to heal Sensei.

"Tomura Shigaraki."
Theres a sigh and you can hear movement, even with your head turned. Clearly the two going to have a 'chat' behind your back.
"Dear." Compress says softly, his hand going to touch your arm. You turn to look at him apprehensively. "Here."
He passes you another chocolate, a gentle kindness on his face that you weren't used to.
"So, who do you think did it?" He asks, tilting his head towards the TV.


You remained on the sofa for hours after that, managing to avoid Kurogiri and the talk he wanted to have with you thanks to Compress and Twice's continued company.
You were thankful that everyone kept out of your way asides from those two in fear of pissing you off. Toga avoided you completely instead of smothering you like she usually attempted to, clearly knowing she was in your bad books.
Tomura popped in and out, his red eyes tracing over Compress and Twice whenever he did, but he never stuck around for long, leaving you to enjoy the company you'd found watching TV shows with the two men. Compress was quiet in a more gentle way than Tomura was, and Twice was acting as a form of relief from your bad mood with the odd funny contradictory statement.

Dabi walking in with his hands in his pockets threatened to ruin that piece of serenity you'd found, though.
"Ooh." He coos sarcastically, bending to pick up the box you'd left lying on the table. "What's this? New treats?"
Your face burns red as you watch his eyes lazily flick over the description, a flash of amusement sparkling in his eyes and his lip tugging into the threat of a smirk.
"Yeah, I won't be borrowing these ones from you." He says, shaking the box back down on the coffee table, flopping back into the seat Tomura usually sat on and kicking his feet up onto the table too. "I'd start chucking those back like they're candy if I were you, doll."

"I'm not pregnant." You snap.
"Eh?" Dabi asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm not pregnant. I don't need them."
He blinks at you. "Are you being serious?"
Twice and Compress turn their heads to look at you in awe.
"You're the one that keeps making fun of me for being on my period." You snap. "Why do I need pills to control birth if I'm not having a baby?"
Dabis mouth drops open, a genuine look of shock behind his icy stare.
"Dear, that... that's not..." Compress begins to stutter.

"You're being serious?" Twice asks in shock.
"Y/N." Dabi says, shaking his head. "You really don't know about this? You're so smart."
"You like to read, don't you? Surely you've read-" Compress begins to ask.
"All the books Sensei gave me were about trauma." You mutter. "There was no need to learn about pregnancy or anything like that."
They all look at you, seemingly horrified.
"You never..." Compress trails off in disbelief.
"You don't take those cause you're pregnant." Dabi explains, picking the box back up. "You take 'em to stop getting pregnant."

"Huh?" You ask, despite understanding what he said.
"Oh my god." Dabi mumbles, flopping back in the seat and closing his eyes.
"I'm not dumb." You snap, not liking how stupid you were beginning to feel over something to do with your own body.
"None of us said you were." Compress tries to soothe.
"You all keep looking at me like I'm an idiot." You grumble.
"You're not dumb." Twice says with a shake of his head. "Total idiot."
"You seriously don't know about this?" Dabi asks again, one of his eyes squinting at you.

"Stop asking." You mutter, pulling the blanket over your entire body, wishing you could blend into the background like a chameleon.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now