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Your first driving lesson with Spinner had gone as well as expected, the poor reptilian man probably having gained a few grey hairs. You'd only gone around the block a few times, but still managed to terrify him into grabbing the handle above the door a few times as he yelled at you to slow down, stop or 'watch the road'.
You'd begun to find it a little funny to deliberately wind him up, speeding up a significant amount whenever he told you to stop only to slam the brakes on at the end of the road and send him flying forward. 

With Tomura, things like that wouldn't fly, but you felt relaxed with Spinner, even when he was yelling at you, you could tell he wasn't actually mad at you. And eventually, even he began finding it funny when you drove bad purposefully. 
You'd both cracked up when you'd gotten out of the car and Spinner was unable to walk properly, acting as though he'd just gotten off a roller coaster.
Tomura had glared at you both from the single man seat in the living room as you'd walked in, the driving lesson having distracted you from what had been plaguing your mind earlier.

Although, your ankles were really beginning to ache. Spinner had only called the lesson because your ankles had become more and more loud as time had gone on, every step on the brake, accelerator or clutch becoming a little painful for you.
Tomura gets up lazily, approaching you both and for a split second you almost expect him to launch for Spinner. But he doesn't. He just walks past him as though he doesn't exist. He does the same to you, the only thing he does to even acknowledge your existence is the swipe of two fingers over the back of your hand.

Your head turns to follow him. He doesn't look at you, just silently continues to leave the room. He wants you to follow him.
You do, leaving Spinner in the room with Toga and Twice as they fight over some card game they'd found in the room. You stare at the back of Tomuras head as he leads you to the basement door. Before you can pass him, ready to make your way down the steps, he grabs your wrist, his touch surprisingly gentle as he holds onto you with four fingers.
You roll your eyes up from your wrist to his ruby gaze.

His lip twitches slightly as he looks down at you, internal conflict subtly showing in the way his eye twitches ever so slightly.
"Yes?" You ask, looking at him expectantly.
He leans down, his eyes on your lips for a half second before they close and he presses a dry kiss against your lips. 
"Thought I made you sick?" You ask sarcastically as he pulls away, his cheeks ever so slightly pink from the lack of response from you.
His eyes dart to the side, avoidant. "I got you something."
Your eyes narrow distrustfully at him.
He looks down into the darkened room silently.

You take the hint, looking down there too with a sigh.
"It's not messy is it, Tomura?" You ask, looking over at the pastel haired man.
You don't trust his silence, but head down the steps anyway, your bones louder than the creaking wood beneath your feet. Tomura silently makes his way down behind you.
You halt to a stop at the bottom step, Tomura almost bumping into you.
There was a man tied up, lying on the floor with a makeshift gag tied around his mouth. He's bloodied, bruised and dirty. He looks like all the fight has left him, just watching you lazily from the floor where he lay.

"No offense, Tomura. But this is the worst gift you've ever gotten me."  You inform him, meaning every word of it. You have no idea what his plan is for the poor, scrawny man laying as still as possible on the floor, but you can't imagine it's anything good. And whatever it was, you weren't sure that it was something you wanted to be a part of.
"I want you to do it again." Tomura says, nudging you gently down the stairs.
"Do what?" You ask nervously. 
"That thing with your Quirk." He grunts, heading towards the restrained man.

"Where did you even get this guy from?" You ask, motioning at the hostage. 
"Kenjis hideout." Tomura shrugs. "Do the thing." 

"I'm not injured." You say, crossing your arms over your chest defiantly.
"You're not hurting at all?" Tomura asks, cocking his head at you, a childish look of knowledge behind his eyes.
Your eyes roll from him to the captive. Your ankles were hurting. Badly. It almost felt like a miracle you were even standing at this point. But you weren't even aware you could transfer pain in the first place. You didn't know the rules.
"Sure I am." You grumble. "But I don't know how it works."

He regards you for a second, his red eyes scanning all over your body. "You didn't know at all?"
"Of course not. Otherwise I wouldn't have been a punching bag all these years."  You reply, trying to keep your voice even.
Tomura looks down at the man. "Try it." 
You sigh, but crouch beside the man, pressing the flat of your palm in the center of his back, closing your eyes as you focus on trying to push the pain of your ankles into his own body. He doesn't make a sound that indicates he's in pain, and you're almost knocked out of your concentration when Tomura kicks him.
"Hey." Tomura drawls. "You hurting yet?" 
You open your eyes, looking down at the man beneath him. You can't tell if its some twisted kind of placebo effect, but you can't feel the sharp stabbing pains in your ankles anymore.
Tomura kicks him again, harder this time, enough to knock your body slightly.
The man nods feverishly the second Tomura begins to lose his patience with the other males silence, growling and beginning to lower his hand to the strangers face. 
You breathe out, lifting your hand to look at it in awe.

"Where?" Tomura asks, disintegrating the gag, the victims breath becoming harder the closer Tomura's fingers got to him. 
"My ankles!" The man practically screeches. "Please, please don't hurt me anymore! I'll do anything, please just no more."
As the man begins to sob dramatically, all composure seeming to have left him, Tomura rolls his eyes up to you, checking to see if it was the right answer. You lift your head in a half nod, standing straight back up. 
Tomura indicates for you to move away from him with his head, following you to the bottom of the basement steps.

You look at your hands again, a little in disbelief that there was an entire ability that you'd never been aware of before in your Quirk. 
Tomura's eyes aren't on your hands though, as you look up, you're met with the familiar sea of red that only ever came with him. 
"We need to learn the rules to it." He murmurs.
You hum in agreement.
"Tomorrow." He says firmly, having already made up his mind. 
"Alright." You agree.
He looks you up and down again, before his eyes avert entirely, staring at one of the walls to his side.

"Am I leaving you here with him?" You ask, craning your neck to look at the man whispering prayers to a God that you'd given up on as a child.
Tomura hums lowly.
"There's a few things I want to learn before I'm done with him." 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now