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You wait for Tomura to enter the bedroom, your leg bouncing anxiously. You knew he'd kept true to his flirtatious comment earlier on in the day while playing Bullshit with the others in the evening, but it had left a bad taste in your mouth, unable to tell if he'd done it because he wanted to, or because he wanted an easy win. 
You were feeling brave, but also nervous. You had a plan in your head for what you wanted to do, and were hoping you'd have the guts to do it. The only thing that fueled your plan was how he'd looked with your fingers tangled in his hair, the distant gaze in his eyes when you'd wrapped your hand around his throat earlier.

You hear the unmistakable sound of slow, meticulous footsteps coming up the stairs. There was no way it could be anyone but Tomura. You'd spent enough time listening to them all as they went to bed to know each individual footstep. The way Toga practically skipped up the stairs made a very specific noise, the way Twice ran up the stairs was ingrained in your memory, Spinners heavy steps much the same. 
Tomura, however, walked as though he was expecting an attack any time soon when he was going to bed. Sleepiness often manifesting as paranoia. 
His only vulnerable state.

The second the door opens, you lunge against him, pushing him against the door roughly. He growls on instinct, his hand reaching out before he remembers it's just you, immediately lowering it again and tucking his thumb into his fingers to create a fist.
"What are you doing?" He hisses.
"You used me." You say quietly, lacking the venom you needed to make yourself be taken seriously.
He looks down at you, his head tilting slightly. 
You let go of one of his shoulders to drop your hand to his arm, running your hand up his long sleeve, running a thumb against the tender cut there. The action makes his eyebrows narrow, a silent show of discomfort.

"Did you forget I'm powerful now?" You ask, a little shakily. 
God, the plan was so perfect. In your head, the scene was so hot. You were confident, and you were getting him to drool over you again. But now he was in front of you, you were like a scared little mouse.
His eyes run over you from your feet to your eyes, his crimson eyes bouncing between your own. Like he was sizing you up silently. His face is unreadable, an emotion you'd never seen before. 

You grip his arms, trying to spin him around to sit on the bed, but he doesn't budge, his feet remaining planted on the floor, a small smirk tugging on the scarred side of his lips. 
"You were saying?" He asks.
"Sit on the bed Tomura." You order, the sternness you needed in your voice finally appearing, irritated by your own lack of confidence.
You take a deep breath, before activating your quirk, the glowing pink lights visible even as you gripped his arms tight. You weren't planning on actually doing anything, you just wanted him to listen for once.

"Oi." He grumbles, shaking your hands off lazily. "Don't do that."
He bumps your shoulder a little before sitting on the edge of the bed, his legs splayed out in front of him as he looks up at you. 
Your heart leaps to your throat. Now you'd actually have to go through with it. You'd have to take the reins. His eyes are curious as he looks up at you, waiting for your next move.
You muster up the courage to grab a handful of his hair again, yanking his head back to look up at you as you tower over him for once.

"Did you do it because you wanted to, or because you wanted to win?" You ask, your pink eyes boring into him.
He goes to cock his head, but you tighten the grip on his hair, making him hiss, a flash of anger in his eyes.
"Of course I wanted to." He spits. "I do everything I want."
"Yeah?" You ask, running your tongue over your bottom lip. "Wanna know what I want for once, Tomura?"
He says nothing, just remains staring at you, unable to do anything else.

"I want you to be quiet." You answer, regardless of his silence. 
His eyes remain unchanged until you drop to your knees with a loud crack, tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants.
Your eyes snap up at him, the fury in your eyes present. The command you'd given him worked for you in two ways. It was a shift in the power dynamic, but as well, you weren't convinced that you'd be able to keep up your confidence if he spoke. His mouth snaps closed the second you meet his stare.
And you're surprised to see genuine shock on his face when you pull his cock out of his sweats, no boxers in your way.

You eye it a little nervously. It'd been a while since you'd done this, and last time you'd barely done anything, just allowed him to pound himself into your face. 
A little coyly, you hold him in your hand and gently lick the tip of his dick, testing the waters. The sound of a shuddery breath leaving him spurs you on, the noise like music to your ears. Quickly, you take the entire head into your mouth, rolling your tongue around it like you would a lollipop.

Tomura groans a barely comprehensible curse word, his hands fisting up even tighter each side of you. 
You begin sliding your head, and tongue, up and down his length, keeping your hand at the bottom. You close your eyes, and try to take the entire length, gagging as soon as your nose met with his belly.
"Ah-" He whimpers.
The sound is the most sinful thing you'd ever heard. Especially coming from Tomura. And it only stirred you on to repeat the action again, and again, trying to hear the same whimper he'd given. 
"Y/N." He pants, swiping two fingers over the back of your hand. 

You lift your head, a string of spit keeping you connected to his erection.
"Can... Can I touch you?" He whispers, his eyes averted. 
You notice his knuckles are white from how tight they were fisted up, and you were ready to bet that his nails had dug in enough to his palm to warrant healing them once you were done.
"Why are you asking?" You ask, a little confused. He'd never asked you before. 
His adams apple bobs, and he offers you no response, just stares at the headboard. You give the head of his cock another lick before moving away, ignoring the little hiss of delight he gave as you licked him.

He looks up at you with half lidded eyes as you tower over him again, wiping the spit from your mouth. 
"Undress me." You order, finally gaining the confidence you'd needed to get him to be as submissive and as soft as he was being now. This was new territory, and you weren't sure what you were doing, but the power trip you were beginning to get was helping you a lot.
His hands immediately fly to you, about to lay all five fingers on your clothes. Before the touch can land, you grab one of his wrists.
You tut, squeezing his wrist. "Slowly." 

His shoulders actually drop, his eyes seeming a little doe-y as he resigns himself to undressing you slowly, two of his fingers tucking into your waistband and pulling your sweats down with ease, the ghosting of the back of his fingers over your waist and thighs in the movement makes your skin goosebump in anticipation. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt with four fingers, looking up at you hungrily.
You move down, kneeling in front of him again, moving between his legs and moving your face close to his.

His breath hitches as you trace your lips over his own, watching as his eyes shut, his lips gently seeking out your own. 
"Please." He whispers, tugging at your shirt again like some kind of lost child.
You give him a gentle kiss, allowing some of the spittle on your lips from earlier to wet his own. You pull back before he can press a second kiss to you, making him growl in frustration, his grip tightening on your shirt.
"Behave." You chide, grabbing his face and squeezing his cheeks together tightly. 

He swallows thickly, his eyes softening as he looks at you.
"Shirt." You order, pushing his face back.
He eagerly tears the top from your body, leaving you only in your sports bra and panties. 
You stand again, cracking your neck as you look down at him, his eyes hungrily scanning all over your body, and his hands flexing as he clearly fights with the urge to take control over the situation.

"You're gonna be a good boy for me now, aren't you Tomura?" You coo softly, capturing his face in one hand again and forcing him to look at you in the eyes.
You have no idea where the confidence has come from, but you're enjoying every second of it.
His head bobs up and down slightly, and you offer him a genuine smile.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now