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As Dabi walks three steps ahead of you at a consistent pace, you honestly wonder why you suggested you'd go with him in the first place.
You felt bad for Tomuras outburst, like you needed to make amends for the threat of attack Tomura had given him. When you had apologised, Dabi had told you that he literally didn't care. But it still played on your mind.
You knew what Tomura did wasn't acceptable, and Dabi didn't have to stick around to endure that kind of behaviour like you did. It's not like he owed you, or Tomura anything at all.

"Hurry up will ya, doll?" Dabi drawls, stopping to light a cigarette, the blue flames flickering in the reflection of his azure eyes.
"Sorry." You murmur.
In all honesty, the kick to the bedroom door had messed your leg up. You were in quite a lot of pain, but you were trying to hide it in fear of annoying Dabi, or looking weak. To make up for the fact you so desperately wanted to limp but were trying to keep it under wraps, you were a lot slower than usual.
"You good?" He asks as you catch up to him.

He flicks some ash to the floor, giving you a once over with those cold eyes of his.
"Fine." You say. "Sorry, I'm just..."
You pause, trying to think of an excuse. You didn't want to tell him that in your haze of anger that you'd completely forgotten your joints and bones were like glass at this point after having broken so many times. Any kind of pressure was liable to put you in more pain.
"I'm not big on outside." You settle for. It was the truth, but you didn't feel too bad about it while accompanied by Dabi or Tomura.

Dabis eyes travel over your face again.
"Huh?" You ask, not expecting the question.
"Why aren't you big on outside?" He asks. "If I had been stuck with Shigaraki for years I'd treasure getting outside whenever I could."
You narrow your eyes at him for the off hand remark about Tomura, but decide to entertain him as he begins walking beside you.
"I get mad at people."
Dabi raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"They just see what they want to see when they want to see it." You grumble, memories of your own past blurring with the memories of when you'd gone to the mall with Tomura to find Midoriya. "Everyone's only out for themselves."

Dabi remains quiet beside you as you both walk through the alleyways, clearly mulling over what you'd said. Or just not caring enough to give a response.
You have no idea what the etiquette is for this kind of stuff. If you were with Tomura you'd have been happy to walk beside him in silence. With Dabi, you felt as though there was an expectation to talk.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" You ask, thinking back to Togas one sided discussion with Magne.

He rolls his eyes towards you before smirking and flicking the butt of his cigarette into the street.
"Why'd you wanna know? Shigaraki not enough for you?" He asks, a mocking tone laced through the sentence.
"Don't be gross, Dabi." You poke back, rolling your eyes at his antics. "Toga thinks you have a secret girlfriend."
He raises an eyebrow before opening the door of a abandoned building for you. "Why?"
"The bruises you got yesterday. And the fact you got back late." You say, before eyeing the dark building uncertainly. "Where are we going?"
"Where I was last night." He smirks, motioning you through with his hand.

"I don't think Tomura..." You begin to say, before remembering what Tomura had done before you joined Dabi. He doesn't even acknowledge that you started a sentence, instead staying close behind you as you look at the neon lights that ran down some questionable looking steps.
"Go down."  He urges, nudging you forwards slightly.
You take a few hesitant steps down the stairs, holding your breath with each step on your bad leg. With each step closer to the door at the bottom of the stairs you can hear music playing louder and louder, the bass even travelling under your feet.

"Hurry it up, doll. You on slo-mo today?" Dabi asks, nudging your shoulder again a little playfully.
"Sorry, sorry." You murmur, taking the last few steps a lot quicker than you had been, the jolts of pain running directly from your ankle up to your hip, your eyes wincing with every step.
Dabi spins you around before you open the door, ducking his head to look you in the eyes.
"Don't drink anything anyone gives you. Don't eat anything anyone gives you. Anyone touches you, hurt 'em. Got it?"

"You're leaving me here?" You ask quietly.
"I got business to attend to. You can join if you want but I have a feeling it'll get a little... fiery." Dabi drawls, cocking his head slightly.
"I'd like to come." You say firmly. You were already outside of your comfort zone by being outside in the first place. You weren't about to be ditched in public for an undetermined amount of time. Last time that had happened-
"Alright. Put your hood up." He says, flicking the hood over your hair anyway. "I need angry Y/N while I do this. Got that in ya?"

You nod, despite the fact it was basically a miracle you could even walk at this point. Every step felt like shards of glass were travelling up your leg.
"Attagirl." Dabi says, patting your shoulder before opening the door.
The second the door opens, it immediately enhances the volume of the music that had been muffled by the heavy door, exposing what looked to you like thousands of bodies all moving at the same time to the music, the lights making it appear more like a horror movie with how they flickered over all the people.

You almost instantly lose Dabi among the crowd before you feel a tight hand wrap around your wrist, and you spot the reflection of the strobe lights  on the staples around Dabis wrist before you even clock the scarring where his wrist meets his hand.
You look up, the green strobes flashing in the reflections of his eyes.
"C'mon." You read his lips as saying, unable to hear his actual voice over the booming music. A gentle tug on your wrist tells you to follow after him.
You follow after him as quick as your leg would allow, approaching a door with two wide-set guards in front of it.

"Dabi." One of them practically groans.
"We told you last time, he's not here." The other spits, towering over Dabi. "No matter how many sad little friends you bring."
"Sad?" He cocks his head. "She's second in command."
The guards both look over you, their eyes visibly moving from your hastily covered pink hair, your pastel eyes, down to your thin body swimming underneath one of Tomuras hoodies he'd chucked over you the second you got back inside, all the way down to the red converse you wore.

At the same time, they both begin cracking up.
The taller of the two that had been towering over Dabi seconds earlier pointed at you with a fat finger.
"That? The pastel princess cosplaying as Shigaraki is second in command?"
Your blood begins to boil underneath your skin. It wasn't your fault that you were dressed in Tomura's hand-me-downs. That's how it had always been. Sensei had rarely brought you your own clothes. You were allowed shoes, but even they matched Tomuras.
"Look at her! She's trying to look scary!" The shorter man gasps out between laughs.

Your body reacts for you, sending even more pain straight through your leg as you lunge for the men.
Neither were expecting you to actually go for them, and you preyed on that as you wrapped your arm around the shorter mans neck, bringing it down to your weakened leg to break his nose.
You swallow back the yelp as his face makes contact with your leg, instead pushing him back as he holds his bloodied nose and gripping his friends arm as he tries to grab it, bending it back until you heard and felt it snap under your touch.

"You fucking bitch." The man grumbles from behind his hand as it cradles his nose.
"We'll be going in now, boys." You say, giving the mans broken wrist another tight squeeze before letting him snatch it away.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now