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"I'm telling the truth!" You exclaim.
"Sensei wouldn't do that." Tomura says, shaking his head. "You're lying!"
"Tenko, please." You beg.
"My name is Tomura." He hisses, his arms crossing over his chest.
"I took one!" You say, showing him the tube. "Let me put it on! It'll stop your eyes itching."
"No!" Tomura yells, pushing your hands away with his palms.
"Be quiet!" You say in a hushed tone. "Sensei didn't see me take it."
"You're lying! Get away from me!" Tomura yells, pushing you away more roughly.
Your shoulders drop, and you lower your hands. He wasn't going to believe you no matter what.

"What's going on here, children?" Sensei asks, his deep voice appearing from behind you and making your skin goosebump immediately.
"Y/N is lying!" Tomura yells, pointing at you. "She says that I've got something wrong with me and I need medicine!"
Dread fills your heart.
"Is that so, little Y/N?" Sensei asks, dropping to a crouch beside you. You catch his eyes from the side, panic gripping your heart tight enough to quell your ability to respond.
"Where did you get this?" Sensei asks, taking the tube of ointment out of your hand as easily as you'd pluck a petal out of a flower.

You stutter, words not seeming to form a sentence. Even as a child you'd known how much trouble you were in.
"Tomura..." Sensei says slowly, his tongue rolling over each syllable as he slips the medicine into his pocket. "Y/N is playing a cruel joke on you."
You shake your head at Tomura, your eyes filled with panic, silently begging for him to believe you.
Tomura doesnt though, just glowers at you as though you really had been playing a cruel joke on him. Like you were one of the kids on the streets that would make fun of his appearance.

"Come, Y/N." Sensei orders, his big hand wrapping around your tiny wrist with a grip that was bound to leave marks you'd have to heal. "Lets have a chat."
"Tomura!" You yell as Sensei begins to drag you off. "Tomura, please!"
Tomura ignores you, returning back to playing with some toy car he'd found while begging on the streets that day.
You try every trick in the book, you try digging your heels into the dirt, you try screaming, you try gripping and pulling at the man, but it was futile.

You begin to hyperventilate as you enter the punishment room.
He lets go of you, but crouches immediately in front of you, his eyes demanding to be held contact with.
"Why are you trying to ruin Tomura's progress, Y/N?" Sensei asks.
"I'm sorry Sensei." You whimper, clutching your wrist. "Please! I won't do it again."
"You must understand... I brought you back from the dead to ensure he never fails, Y/N." Sensei says, his voice slowing, getting more dangerous. "I don't expect you to cause his downfall."
"Sensei please-"

Your young heart fills with panic as the man raises his hand, your eyes squeezing shut as you wait for the impact.


You wake with a loud gasp, your body lurching forward as your hand flies to your chest. Immediately blue flames lick at the walls of the hotel, making the room heat up significantly, Spinner immediately pulls a knife from under his pillow and Tomura is up, ready to pounce.
"Ow! Fuck, Dabi!" Spinner hisses, shaking his knife wielding hand as one of Dabi's flames make contact with his scaly skin.
"Sorry guys." You mutter. "Nothing. It's nothing."

Spinner lowers his knife, and Tomura looks down at you from the small crack between the beds.
"Give me your hand Spinner." You say, holding your palm out for him.
"Oi." Tomura warns, making Spinners hand shoot back.
"C'mon." You say, beckoning with your fingers for Spinner to put his hand in yours. "I'll heal it."
He looks over cautiously at Tomura, who's eyes were beginning to narrow, but does gingerly lay his hand in yours.
"Other way."
You see a rosiness come over his cheeks in the moonlight as he flips his hand over, the back of his hand laying in your palm.

A pink glow emits from your skin as you activate your Quirk, wincing as the burn forms on your hand instead.
Spinner and Dabi watch seemingly with fascination as the glowing finally stops, and you sigh, letting go of Spinners leathery hand and sliding yourself out of the bed.
He flips his hand around, his eyes widening. "Wow it's really gone!"
"Duh." Dabi says, you're sure with an eye roll as you begin to run the tap in the cramped en suite.
"You're not wearing pants." Tomura hisses from the doorway.

"Couldn't care less right now Tomura." You sigh.
"I care."
"Shame." You mutter, wishing the tap water was just a little colder.
"I don't want them looking at you." He grumbles, stepping closer to you.
"Tomura, if you genuinely think they're that brave then you're an idiot." You say, your voice raising to a pitch that you were sure they could probably hear in the tight room. "You insist on making it known I'm 'yours' so I really don't think you need to worry about them seeing me in my underwear."
He remains quiet, likely seething silently beside you.
"I don't like it." He repeats, leaning in the doorway, as though to block you from their sight.

You let out a little breath of exasperation from your nose, but ultimately choose to ignore him.
"What's the rule again?" You mutter to yourself. "For each second of being burnt, you spend a minute under the water?"
Tomura remains silent, leaning in the doorframe and watching as you hold your hand directly under the tap.
"Fuck it." You sigh, turning the tap off and reaching into the overhead cupboard for the first aid kit. You do a half assed job of bandaging it, praying it'll be gone by the time you wake up again.

You turn to face Tomura, him still blocking you from sight.
"You're in the way." You inform him.
He grunts, moving himself away from the doorframe and taking the spot where you had been sleeping.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"Going back to sleep."
"Thank you, Y/N." Spinner says, still looking at his hand in disbelief.
"Yeah, well, it's what I'm here to do." You grumble. "Tomura, move. We all agreed you should be near the door."

You remember specifically because it was after one night where his hand had accidentally made contact with the blanket covering you both and completely eradicated it, making you cold for the rest of the night and making Spinner freak out about being so close to him at night.
Even Tomura had agreed to it, knowing if he could hang his hands over the edge of the bed there was less danger to be had with the furniture and with Spinner.
"Budge." You say firmly, sliding down the tiny crack between the two beds, looking down at him.
He looks you dead in the eyes, his crimson eyes stubborn like the rest of him. "Nah."

"You can sleep here." Dabi says, sitting back up.
Tomuras eyes snap towards the patchwork man, a snarl pulling at his lips.
"Thank you." You say, immediately understanding the game Dabi was playing as he begins to shift himself off the end of the bed.
"Fine, I'm moving." Tomura hisses, angrily shifting himself closer to the door.
You silently get into the bed, mouthing a 'thank you' to Dabi while Tomura's back is turned. He just gives you a casual nod, getting back into the bed with Spinner.

You can't seem to get to sleep, though. The burning on your hand was keeping you awake. You silently wish Kurogiri was in the room with you all, imagining that he'd be able to magic you up some of those painkillers you were on a diet of back at the bar.

"Y/N?" Spinner whispers in the dark.
"Yes?" You whisper back.
"Hurts like hell, huh?" He whispers, his voice sounding almost a little apologetic. Something you were unfamiliar with.
"Yeah. It stings a little." You whisper with a little dry chuckle at the end.
"Thank you for doing that." He whispers.
An actual, genuine thanks.
It immediately warms your heart, and you allow a smile to form.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now