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You're not even remotely surprised when Tomura immediately feels threatened by the young leaders comment, pushing himself off the wall and slowly inching towards the Hassaikai's leader. 
"If you know who my Sensei is, and you're still saying that..." Tomura drawls, bunching his fists up. "Are you trying to challenge me?"
You fight back the urge to roll your eyes at him. It was obvious that's what the man had been doing.
"I'm the next leader." Tomura says firmly, lifting his head to look over at the man who seemed to be standing just as casually as he had been before Tomura had moved closer to him. Either he was completely unaware of Tomuras Quirk, or simply wasn't scared of him.

"Even now I'm gathering my troops." Tomura drawls on. "Our numbers will increase soon. And with that power, I'll crush hero society starting from it's head." 
"Do you have a plan?" He asks, his voice muffled by the ridiculous bird mask he wore, immediately cutting Tomura off at the end of his sentence. You spare a quick glance at Tomura. 
Did he?
He hadn't really spoken much to you about a plan. The recruiting had taken taken priority so far, and it hadn't exactly gone well. Dabi kept burning people and Toga wasn't taken seriously because she was young. You weren't sure about the others, but there sure as hell wasn't any new faces hanging around the hideout with you all.

For some reason the question seems to insult Tomura as he repeats it to himself quietly, cocking his head.
"You little..." Tomura begins to sneer. "You came here to join us didn't you?!"
Twice looks like he's panicking now, his head swinging comically between the two facing off in the room as each spoke.
"A goal with no plan is called a delusion." He murmurs in response, taking several steps towards Tomura. 
You raise an eyebrow. It'd been a long time since you'd seen someone approach Tomura without even flinching. You could do it, but you'd known him since you were both kids. You knew he was always conscious of where his hands were, even if it didn't look like it. If you thought he wanted to kill you, you likely wouldn't be around long enough to finish the thought.
Even now, sometimes the other members would move a little further away from him if he was stood a little too close for comfort. They'd flinch if he went to touch them, or something else.

You try to focus on Tomura, trying to read his body language. There was no way he wasn't getting ready to launch an attack on the man after some of the things that were coming out his mouth. You were a little surprised he hadn't gone for him already, especially after querying his role as leader and then calling him delusional.
You can see his mouth is pointing downwards. He clearly wasn't happy.  But he wasn't going to be when the man stood in front of him was implying that he has no control over the members, and doesn't understand what he's doing.
"You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. And I have a plan." He finishes finally.
Magne stirs over where she's sat, making you side eye her for a brief second.
"I didn't come here today to join you." He explains. 

"Twice." Tomura rasps, not even turning to look at the poor, panicking man. "Don't bring people before checking their intent." 
Twice noticeably flinches and you can't help but feel sorry for him. He'd tried his best, and so far had been the only successful one out of everyone, actually bringing his recruit in. 
"In order to execute my plan, I need a lot of money." The Yazuka man continues on. "There isn't really anyone willing to invest in some obsolete small-time Yazuka. But it'd be different if I had you guys, with your increasing name recognition. Put yourselves under me. I'll show you how well I can use you. And I will be the next leader."
You scoff, the noise leaving you before you could consent to its departure. The other members as well as the strangers golden eyes all rest on you.

"Go home." Tomura says simply, and before any of you can react, Magne unwraps her weapon, swinging it over her shoulder.
"Sorry Yazuka boy, we didn't come together to be under someone." She announces, hopping down from where she sat. Her Quirk activates, and the Yazuka head begins emitting a blue light.
You look over at Tomura, expecting him to call off Magne. He had the intention of letting the man leave unscathed, so you can't quite understand why he's not stopping Magne.
"I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything!" Magne yells, readying the lump of metal to make contact with the man straining to stop himself being pulled towards Magne.
You jump off the crate yourself, not liking the fact that the man was pulling his glove off. Tomuras arm shoots out to stop you walking towards the two, your nose crinkling as one of the hands almost makes contact with you.

Your eyes widen as Magne just disappears the second she meant to make contact with the Yakuza head, warm, crimson liquid taking her place and splattering throughout the room, even coating your face and clothes with her gore.
Toga immediately pushes herself to her feet, Compress standing tall on the crate above her. 
"Magne!" Toga cries out, genuine upset in her voice. 
Your anger begins to build inside you as Tomuras arm doesn't shift, his entire body remaining still and stopping you from going to help her.
"Let me help, Tomura." You snap as quietly as you can.
"She's dead." He says blandly, his eyes still trained on the man who was slowly standing.
You look again at Magne's body, it happening too fast at first for you to even process what had happened and whether or not she was dead. Sure enough, all that was left was a torso. No head, no arms, no stomach. Just blood. There was no healing that.

Your eyebrows furrow as the man begins to complain about filth, rubbing his arm harshly as if there were layers of dust on his jacket that no-one else could see.

A breeze from over your heads draws your attention, and you and Tomura both look up to spot Compress jumping straight for Magnes murderer."Wait, Compress!" Tomura yells, and if it had been you, you would have stopped immediately. Tomuras voice never raised volume, it was nearly always a quiet anger if he was angry. But Compress pays you both no mind as he hovers just shy of your heads, reaching out for the Yakuza member that had just killed Magne seconds before."Compress!" You yell. "Are you mad?!"The second his hand makes contact with the threat in the room, nothing happens. He doesn't turn into a marble like Compress had implied he was going to do. He simply seems to break out into a rash as he screams for Compress not to touch him.

You flinch as more blood hits your face, your eye immediately squinting as some of the metallic fluid leaks into your eye, making you rub at it furiously, your eye almost immediately beginning to weep.
Compress screams, and it sends a chill down your spine. You hadn't heard that noise for a long time. Pain was something Tomura was so nonchalant about, and you'd always been trained to suffer in silence. It had been a long time since you'd seen such bloodshed. 

Tomura flies away from you, his legs carrying him at an impossible speed as you collapse next to Compress on the floor, grimacing as you realise through blurry sight that the arm he'd gone to touch with was entirely gone. You'd never tried to heal a missing limb before.

You begin to lay a palm on him, moving your face away so he won't see the look of pain you were likely going to give the second your hand made contact with the open wound on his shoulder.You feel a tight hand wrap around your wrist, and you look back at the masked man below you as Tomura manages to make full contact with an entirely new stranger that jumped in front of the young leader.
"Don't be ridiculous." Compress hisses out.Tomura jumps back, and from what little you can see of his face, you can tell he's irked by the fact he'd not made contact with his intended target. His red eye rolls over to you.You can tell he wants to say something to you, but the appearance of several underlings bursting through the warehouse walls distracts him. Even you look up from where you crouch beside Compress.You cock your head as one of the other Yakuza members brandishes a gun and mentions the fact they missed a shot but the one they had landed had 'taken effect right away'. You don't remember hearing a gunshot."We weren't being followed!" You hear Twice insist to Tomura."It was probably someone's Quirk." Tomura offers, in a rare form of patience.You had to give it to him, he'd handled the entire situation so much better than he would have months ago. There wasn't one rage-fuelled attack during the entire escapade. He'd actually let it go on for a lot longer than anyone would have gotten away with back at the bar.
"It'll be hard to make objective decisions like this." The man they called Overhaul says, scratching a rash that had formed on his arm. "It's unproductive to cut down each others forces, anyway. We're even now, with one corpse on each side."You scowl at him, your eye still pouring a mixture of tears and blood as it tries to get it out of your system. You weren't sure about the loss on his side, but Magne was so much more than just a corpse.
"Lets cool our heads and talk again another day." He says, turning his back on you all. "We'll owe you an arm."
Your lips roll together, as if fighting back all the spiteful comments you wanted to spit out at his back. Luckily, Twice had the lack of filter that you wish you could break the habit of having.
"Bastard, I'll kill you!" He yells.
Toga moves for the first time since Magnes death, her body moving away from the metal crate it had been pressed against.
"Tomura. I can cut him. I'm going to, okay?"

"No." Tomura says after a small pause, and you look over to see his eyes are trained fully on the retreating men.
"Let me take responsibility!" Twice yells.
"No." Tomura repeats.
"It doesn't have to be right away, but the sooner the better." Overhaul calls, pausing to throw a business card into the room. "Think carefully, about your organization and stuff. Give me a call once you've calmed down a bit."

You fight the urge to spit at the retreating back, your pink eyes burning with fury even though he couldn't see the hatred sitting inside them as he departed, leaving you all in a room tainted with the smell of iron and blood stains on your clothes and faces.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now