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It's a weird feeling. You're surrounded by darkness, but only half aware of it. You lose concept of time, like you're asleep but not fully.
You're aware that you're moving around slightly, but unable to move or control your body to stop it from happening.
It's almost enough to make you a little scared, but a little voice in the back of your head reminds you that if you've passed out, you're surrounded by the people you trust the most. They wouldn't let any harm come to you.
Of course, it was typical for you to have fallen unconscious at the worst possible time for them all. If Tomura hadn't been pissed off before, he was probably at least a little irked now.
You try bringing yourself out of unconsciousness, but it's futile. Your body isn't responding to any of your attempts to move and you still can't seem to open your eyes. This feels strange compared to the other times you'd passed out.
You half hope to yourself that you haven't fallen onto your stomach.
You wonder how Tomura was feeling. He seemed oddly calm before you'd been taken in by the darkness. You certainly hadn't expected him to show any kind of concern for you, never mind the small amounts of physical affection given.

You could probably put that down to the fact he was extremely sleep deprived and physically exhausted from fighting Gigantomachia for three weeks solid. He wasn't himself right now and you knew it. Once he caught up on sleep, his softer side would likely disappear and you'd be left to face his true feelings.
It was better not to think of it. Even before the lack of sleep his temperament had been better. The others felt more comfortable to make their own opinions known to him, and they had known him for a lot less time than you. Maybe he truly had outgrown his petulant ways. Maybe he really had embraced change and grown as a leader, and a person, without you even really noticing. Maybe you really were just worrying about nothing.
You really hoped so.
Suddenly, you're ripped from the darkness, it happening so quickly that it's almost as though you blinked and suddenly you're sat on the floor, extremely dusty but in the exact same position you'd been in when you'd been thrown into the abyss of darkness.
You take in far too much far too quickly, confused by the sudden change in scenery, as well as overwhelmed by the sudden amount of noises you were hearing, never mind your oversensitive nose picking up on the intense metallic smell of blood and decay.

You're sitting amongst a whole lot of rubble, blinking as you take in the sheer destruction around you. Pieces of brick, metal bars and shards of glass are scattered everywhere. Somewhere nearby, someone's laughing maniacally. It sounds strangely familiar.
There's splatters of blood over the bricks as well as pools of it scattered around you. You scrunch your nose up a little at the smell of it, silently thankful that it didn't seem to trigger any kind of nausea spell.
"Y/N, dear?" A familiar voice says from behind you.
You turn, looking up at Compress, completely dazed and confused.
"Huh...?" You murmur, lifting your hand and seeing it covered in a mixture white and grey dust.
"Sorry about that, my love. Shigaraki's orders." He says, reaching out his hand towards you, silently offering to help you up.
You wince a little in confusion, taking his hand to help you up. He pulls you up gently and slowly, your elbow and shoulder complaining as he does so regardless of how gentle he was.

"What... happened...?" You ask slowly, brushing the dust you were covered in off your clothes.
"You had to live in my pocket for a little while, just until we sorted all this out." He says, patting your shoulder gently with a kind smile.
"You marbleised me?!" You ask, your hand flying to your stomach subconsciously.
"Shigaraki's orders." Dabi repeats, appearing from behind Compress, brushing himself down too.
"Toga! Toga!" You hear Jin calling in the background, although his voice is faint, practically drowned out by the laughing that sounds eerily close.
You look around again now you're standing, able to see a little more of your surroundings.
It was pure chaos. You seemed to be within the rubble of a destroyed building, dead bodies laying everywhere within sight. Some of the bodies and buildings were still alight or at least smoking from Dabi's fire, and some victims were still slowly leaking blood onto the floor below them.
The laughing was coming from a white haired  man within the rubble, Gigantomachia gazing at him from afar. You don't realise who it is until he drags himself up from the ground, dragging his broken leg as he approaches a older, balding man who had clearly lost his legs within the chaos.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now