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You wake up to the oh-so familiar sound of Tomo crying. You groan as you turn your head slightly, your bones acting up because you'd fallen asleep sitting up against something hard. You roll your shoulders before you open your eyes to see what's wrong with Tomo.
When you sleepily blink fully awake, you're met with the sight of shiny black shoes, Tomo missing from your arms and when your head snaps up, you see your son squirming and crying out in Garaki's arms as he tries to hush him.
"Give him back." You snap, trying to stand as quickly as your damaged bones would allow.

"You're not meant to sleep with a child in your arms." Garaki says smugly. "Especially where there's such hard floors."
"Don't fucking talk to me about parenting." You reply snappily, trying to take Tomo from him quickly as well as gently.
"Charming." Garaki says sarcastically. "I'm simply trying to ensure the safety of All For One's second heir."
"I didn't realise that he'd had a part to play in Tomo being made." You sneer. "Don't touch him. Ever."
"Don't fall asleep in my lab so carelessly then." Garaki shrugs. "Seeing as you're awake now, get out, I have matters to attend to."

Tomo slowly stops crying as you hold him upright so he can see Tomura floating in the tank behind you, while you rub his back and hush him as you glower at the back of Garaki's head.
Your anger is probably misplaced. It was hugely irresponsible to have fallen asleep against the giant glass tube that Tomura was being held in, but Tomo had been fussing no matter what you did again, and it was the only way that you could think to make it stop.
And when you crane your neck to peek at Tomo's face as best you can, his pink eyes are trained on his dad, his little mouth agape and his hands flexing on your clothing.

"Come on, Tomo. He'll be back soon." You sigh, kissing his little, baby-acne ridden cheek. "Sorry the mean man woke you up."
Tomo begins to babble when you start to walk away from Tomura, unconscious in his experiment tube. Tomo even lets go of you to try and reach for his dad.
"You're going to break my heart, Tomo. Is being with me really that bad?" You ask him quietly, holding his head to your shoulder.
Garaki thankfully doesn't make a peep as you leave, getting into the car you borrowed and making sure Tomo's as safe as he can be in his car seat, a little mobile hanging over him to make sure he has some form of entertainment while your attention is elsewhere for a while.


You'd basically only just pulled up when Hawks suddenly comes over and starts bugging you relentlessly. You're tired and overwhelmed already without having to deal with a man you absolutely did not trust, even if Dabi and Bubaigawara insisted on treating him like he was equal with the rest of you.
"C'mon, he's such a little cutie. Let me hold him! I'm real good with kids." He tries to encourage as you speed walk towards the PLF building with Tomo in your arms, your son betraying you by trying to reach for the red feathers that are probably like a giant moving toy for him.
"See? He wants me to!" Hawks insists.
"All due respect, I'd rather hand him to a wild bear than you." You say as emotionlessly as possible.
Hawks' wings sag pathetically, and he slows his attempts to keep up with you. Thankfully Bubaigawara tries to catch his attention by calling his name and waving him over, which works a treat for getting the winged hero off your back.

"Traitor." You whisper to Tomo, nuzzling your cheek against his thin black hair.
You're making a beeline through the busy hallways to your room when you spot Dabi, who's expression changes from pissed off as Geten talks to him, to what could pass as relieved as you appear in his line of vision.
He slams some files against Getens chest wordlessly and heads straight for you.
"There you are." He says, sounding a little irked. "Where'd you go?"
"Tomo wanted to see his dad." You reply, shifting the cooing baby in your arms slightly.
"Well, Tomo, could ya remember to tell your mom to tell someone when she goes to see your dad, please?" Dabi asks, narrowing his eyes at you. "Had people looking all over for you. You're important, yaknow?"

You smile softly at him. "Sorry. Just needed some quiet."
Dabi nods curtly, reaching to take Tomo from you. Tomo is more than happy to be peeled away from you and held against the warmth of Dabi's chest instead.
"How's he looking?" Dabi asks, ignoring the tiny hands grabbing at his clothing.
"Same as last time." You reply, stroking Tomo's cheek with the back of your index finger. "I'm not convinced that Garaki's even doing anything with him. Just wants him away from me."
"Sounds like mad baby talk to me." Dabi replies, bumping your shoulder with his softly.
"Jerk." You reply with a small smile.

A loud crash echoes out around the building, followed by the sounds of shouting from men and women alike. You and Dabi pause in your steps, frowning as you look towards the sounds.
"What was that?" You ask. "That sounded loud."
Dabi stands frozen in place, actually holding a finger to his lips when Tomo tries to make noises at him. You roll your eyes, Tomo wasn't going to know what that meant.
Another loud crash rings out, followed by more shouting.
"Someone kicking off?" You ask, still unperturbed.
Dabi, however, looks like he's straining to hear what's being said despite Tomo beginning to fuss at all the noise in his arms.
It's when you see people running through the halls that you begin to realise that maybe it wasn't something as simple as someone's training season getting too enthusiastic, or infighting.
"Dabi! Y/N! Heroes." Spinner yells from the end of the hallway among all the ruckus.

You almost scoff in disbelief. Everything had been kept under wraps for the most part. Tomura has the entire of Detnerat and Re-Destros followers swarming the place. There should be no worries about heroes getting in.
And sure, Hawks was untrustworthy, but he'd been begging to hold Tomo not even twenty minutes before now.
But Dabi's shoving Tomo back into your arms, and your stomach sinks when you consider the fact that Hawks could have been badgering to hold Tomo so insistently because he wanted to take him from you. Maybe even kill him.
You hold Tomo a little closer at the thought of it, looking at Dabi fearfully for instructions.

This was new. You hadn't experienced having to deal with something like this without Tomura around to lead everyone since being taken by Kenji.
Tomo gets more and more distressed the louder everyone gets and the more people rush past and jostle you.
"Leave." Dabi instructs firmly. "I'll try to find Geten and the others under me to buy you some time to pack shit for Tomo."
"But-" You begin to argue.
Leave? You couldn't leave. You had nowhere to go.
"Find Giran, or..." He pauses, looking at the crowds of people that were now beginning to appear. "Fuck, go to Nezumi's if worst comes to the worst. Tell her I'll just owe her one."
"Nezumi? But I barely-"
"Just go!" Dabi snaps, and is manifesting blue flames on the arm furthest from Tomo before rushing in the opposite direction to everyone else.
Towards the heroes.

"Shit." You hiss, holding Tomo's head close to your shoulder. "Shit, shit, shit."
He's bawling again now, but you don't know how much time you have to sort it. With as much care as you can, you move as quickly as possible to your room within the building, trying your best to soothe Tomo as you do so.
When you get to your room, you place him in his basket, grabbing a duffel bag kept under your bed and packing in a rush while listening to all the thumps and yelling from outside, trying to gauge how much time you had before being in danger yourself from how close everything sounds.
Most of what you pack is for Tomo. Clothes, toys, a couple of the books Dabi bought as a baby shower present. By the time you want to just leave, you only have one change of clothes and a handful of underwear and socks.

As you flee for the car amidst all the panicking members of the Paranormal Liberation Front, hoping that no-one stops you or recognises you, you wonder how things could get so good only to turn so bad.
The only thing you could hope for now is that everyone walks away unharmed, and only dejected at the prospect of having to find another new home.
After all, Tomura would sort everything out and come to collect you again when he was done with Garaki, and Dabi would handle things until then.
You trusted in that, at least.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now