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Granted, Tomura hadn't had to deal with many injuries during your time together, but to be fair to him, before you were even able to take the injury for him, he always handled the initial pain and discomfort incredibly well.
He wouldn't often show pain in any way, not even the gritting of his teeth. On the other hand, before Sensei had trained you to 'grin and bear it', even you would yelp a little, and in your younger days maybe let a tear or two fall, before getting rid of the injury.
So when you see how heavy his footsteps are walking out of the cafeteria area, and how tense his body is, how his head lolls slightly, you are a little taken aback.

Just what had Garaki done to him?

You had waited until you'd made it to your shared room, Tomura sitting on the edge of your bed, his hands running through his lengthy white hair.
"What did you do?" You ask him, your voice somewhere between confused and pissed off.
He lifts his shoulders and drops them quickly, gazing up at you through his hair.
"Don't remember."
You scoff.
"So you disappear without even a goodbye, and you can't even tell me what you did."

He makes no secret of how your comment makes him feel, rolling his eyes and slumping back against the wall.
"Nice." You sneer. "Real nice, Tomura."
It's frustrating to put it lightly. You felt like you'd been getting along. He'd been more understanding, or so you'd thought. You had felt like you had finally finally breached those iron clad walls he'd put up so many years ago, and begun getting that sweet person you knew he was capable of being back.
Only for it all to come crashing straight back down again.

"I'm hurt and I want to relax." He says simply.
"So am I!" You snap. "You left without a word!"
"You said you understood." He argues, his own voice beginning to raise now.
"You still could have told me!" You emphasise. "Instead you just snuck off like some kind of teenager! And you even told the others and not me!"
He rolls his head back in a show of exasperation. Something that does nothing to quell the anger inside you.
"What is wrong with you?" You continue ranting. "We're meant to be a team! We always have been!"

He glances at you, annoyingly just as your anger manifests into tears, as it had been doing so often within your pregnancy. It didn't help make it look serious, or like you were as angry with him as you truly were.
"Calm down." He shrugs.
You roll your jaw, blinking tears free.
"Calm down." You repeat coldly.
He mutters something under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut tiredly, making the damaged skin around them wrinkle even further.
"What was that?" You ask coldly.
"That thing's turning you into a bitch." He repeats, louder.
You pause in place, soaking in what he just said.


He rolls his eyes to the side, unwilling to repeat the sentence he just said so coldly.
You want to lunge at him, but know your body had never been the same since Kenji had abducted you, and that the extra weight you were now carrying wasn't doing your already weakened joints any more favours.
"That thing, is your child." You say, as calmly as you can. "Our child."
He groans in exasperation.
You just stare at him in anger and shock.
"Have you considered the fact your behaviour may be the reason I'm being a bitch?"

"I've been being nice." He says simply.
And you can tell from his demeanour and attitude that he genuinely believes he's done nothing wrong.
"You left! Without a word!" You finally snap, yelling at him for the first time in months. "What if your body gave out and you died? You fucking..."
You tear up again, growling in irritation at yourself as you rub your eyes angrily.
"You're such a fucking asshole Tomura." You finally manage to say, although your voice is lacking the venom you wanted to spit in his direction.

You just felt entirely defeated.

"Every time I think you're changing you just slip right back." You sob. "I just want you to actually care about me for once."
Tomura doesn't speak, thankfully.
"I just want you to act like you love me." You continue, the words leaving you like a fountain now. "That's what you said right? That you loved me?"
Tomura looks a little sheepish, but he does nod.
"So act like it. Love me for me. Not for the Quirk, not for the sex. Love me for me, you fucking prick." You sob. "We've lived with each other for years and every day I feel like I know you less and less."

He reaches for you hesitantly, something that you wish you could say 'shove it' to, but instead you find yourself crawling onto his lap, your thighs either side of his, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, even though he flinches at it.
Good. You wanted this to be uncomfortable for him as much as you wanted to be mad at him pas well as your need to be comforted by him.
His metal-clad hand goes to your head, holding your face against his shoulder.
He holds you there for a while in silence, letting you ride out your angry tears.

It's only when your sniffles lessen that he finally speaks.
"Sorry." He says, his voice low.
"Do you even mean it?" You reply distrustfully.
"Mean it or die." He replies with a tinge of amusement in his voice, quoting you from way back when you'd had to heal that kid Bakugo from the beating he'd taken.
You're surprised he even remembers that. It sparks a little hope in you that he does remember every time you'd been displeased by something he'd done, but you try not to hold too much faith in it.
You'd believe it when you see it.

You don't reply, or move, but your hands move from around his neck to slightly holding onto his shoulders, you adjusting your head so that your cheek is pressed against his shoulder, looking away from him, staring at one of the walls opposite.
"I'll tell you next time." He adds eventually.
"You better." You murmur, trying to sound angry still.
"I didn't want to stress you out. Toga said it's bad for..."
"So you thought not telling me was a better alternative?" You reply dryly, cutting off the end of the sentence.
He falls silent.

"You know, Tomu. For someone so smart, you're such a dumbass sometimes." You scoff.
Tomura says something a little too quietly for you to pick up on, you irritably replying 'huh?'
"Yeah. Dabi said." He mutters again.
"And you still did it." You sigh.
"...Sorry." He mumbles once more, his hands going to your waist, thumbs coursing over your hips.
He grunts a little at you in response.
"Don't ever call our kid 'that thing' again." You pause. "Or call me a bitch."
He's silent for a moment. "Sorry."
You give a little judgemental 'hm' in response, trying to sound cold and unforgiving in comparison to the embrace you were currently in.

There's a long silence between you both for a while, and for a second you actually wonder if Tomura had fallen asleep. After all, he was clearly still struggling from whatever experiments he and Garaki had been doing.
But he eventually shifts a little, straightening his back, opening an opportunity for you to wrap your arms around his torso.
"Did you know Hawks is wandering around here?" You ask, thinking about the stupid blonde that seemed to hang around Dabi like some kind of golden retriever.
Tomura 'hmph's' an affirmative at you.

"I don't trust him." You say simply.
Tomura doesn't respond, wrapping his own arms around your lower back.
Another silence, the argument between you both still hanging heavy in the air.
"Hey... Tomu?" You ask, quietly.
"What?" He replies, his voice sounding as though it was rumbling through his entire body.
"Have you thought about names?" You ask, recalling the conversation with his clone.
He stiffens slightly against you. You get it. Giving it a name, or even discussing names made it feel real.
"No." He replies bluntly.
You frown at the wall you'd been staring at. Clearly you'd have to work for it. Twice's clones were usually pretty accurate after all.

"I was thinking maybe Hana for a girl?" You question.
Tomura shrugs. "Okay."
You're not sure why you expected any different from him. Maybe the slight enthusiasm from his clone had got you thinking that he'd give more of a reaction.

But when he leans his head against yours, you swear you can feel the slightest of smirks.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now